
Albany Swingers in Louisiana

Albany Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Albany, LA, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Albany looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Albany, LA. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Albany, Louisiana Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Albany, Louisiana so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Albany Swingers right away!

Tired of Politics and Religion! - - Strange - was this forum not here when those that object to it joined? Having been on this site for a long time (first as MelbCpl and now as Swingtide) as far as I can remember it has always had one area that was open to discussion of things like religion and politics. Sometimes we read them and sometimes we ignore them - choice is good. At least to us Swingular is not just a "sex site" but a swinging lifestyle site and for some of us that is more than how many notches you put on your bed during the last party. If anyone wants the other topics to show up more in opening page than make more input into the other areas of the forum. Start new topics in other areas and work to keep them going. Everyone has their own view of what swinging is all about and that is good - I'd hate to think we had to pass some checklist of qualifications to consider ourselves swingers. The site has room for all types of discussion so enjoy the areas you like and avoid the ones you don't like - not too far off from how most of us deal with what couple we want to be with! Personal choice and allowing other the same freedom of choice seems to fit the idea of the lifestyle :-)

Weird sex laws. - Oral sex is bad but fucking a corpse not so much. - [quote=EVILDOERS]You have to admit, oral sex IS kinda creepy. But I'm willing to bet it's Obama's (or Holder's) fault. Or those damned libs. Or those damned conservatives. Or those damned swingers, they're RUINING the USofA! Or maybe it's rap music or gay marriage. Or possibly a direct result of Dancing With The Stars. [em]Emo_62[/em] [/quote] lol anti oral laws have been around since the 60's and before long before obama and even the devil bush clan

western slope colorado swingers - trying to find fellow swingers - 2013?

Funny Joke About Forums - How Many Forum Members Does It Take to Change A Lightbulb? - WOW!! After reading about BRADD, when swingers go bad, and controlling men I needed that laugh. Thanks BABES!

How to add an event? - Looking into adding an event. - A friend of ours is operating a local club and wants to promote a swingers night. We were asked if we could potentially help with this. We'd like to create an event on the events page. But I'm not sure how. I'm assuming there is some additional verification that has to take place first? Also i know many events seem to be restricted to couples and single females, is it a bad idea to open events up to everyone? This would be a semi public venue so it would be difficult to restrict attendees.

Poly-Swingers - Moving beyond FWB relationship - [quote=PRIDEJOY]We were in a poly relationship for over 7 years and was the greatest experience we have ever had. Unfortuately the male of the couple passed away a couple of years ago. We had a great relationship we went everywhere together and done everything together. We was actually very much in love with them and they with us. It is hard to find the right couple that you can get that close with but is possible. So now we are looking again. But the part of the ploy relationship was that we still love one another very much also.[/quote] PRIDEJOY, thank you so much for sharing. Sorry for your loss and your loved ones' loss. We are hoping for a long term relationship with our couple as well. Best of luck to you in your search for another couple.

Swinging signs at the gym - Swinging syns at the gym - Are there any Utah specific things we can wear at the gym to let others know we’re swingers?

YAHOO SCREEN NAMES - ADD UR SCREEN NAME TO BE CONTACTED - rlf1234us is our swingers email.

questions,thoughts, opinions, - Cousins, or family at parties together? - [quote=DDRIVER03]Lol so it sounds like we all need to have a swingers family reunion and instead of swapping wives we all swap, families. Lol[/quote]Now thats funny!!!

Girls that are into DP - How common is this activity among the swingers? - The Blue Toy is fun when there isn't another guy around.. Works for DP and DVP...

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