
Windsor Swingers in Kentucky

Windsor Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Windsor, KY, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Windsor looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Windsor, KY. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Windsor, Kentucky Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Windsor, Kentucky so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Windsor Swingers right away!

Swinging and LDS... - Are the two compatible? I know this is a huge can of worms... - We were talking to someone we thought was a "vanilla" friend last night. She has told us in the past how she is a total LDS member and "very religious", yet we just found out that she is and has been in the lifestyle for quite a while. We are a bit perplexed. While we are not LDS, we assume the church would frown on the lifestyle. Is this not the case? Or are LDS'rs living a "double life"? We all do to a certain extent, we don't advertise that we are swingers. But, to you who are active LDS members, how hard is to maintain while attending church? To those who are not and have dated LDS members, is it difficult to have poly relationships with members? What are some of the obstacles? We do like her very much.

Do your friends and family know about your lifestyle? - - I found this thread timely, as I just had my first "scare" with being found out by my snooping sister. Instead of typing in Myspace.com she decided to go to the history of our computer and came across Swingular. Curiousity won and she went there, where the opening page shouts "Swingers". She promptly came into the family room where the rest of the family was engaged in prebirthday celebrating and said "anything new?" staring right at me. I of course had NO clue what she meant, to which she proceeded to ask if we were swingers. The only thing that made everyone else in the room tune out is that she started ranting about how 'ever since she's moved she's out of the loop and all hell's broken loose... I sell sex toys, my brother drinks, my sister's stopped going to church (can I call her a self righteous bitch?) Probably good to note here that we all grew up Mormon and now four of the five kids have shaken off the brainwashing in adulthood... thankfully we all just ignored her and I made up some line about my girlfriend having me look up some guy she was dating and dropped it. I spent the rest of the day with my insides in a knot wondering just how much she saw... the saved usernames, did she enter the site and look around? Needless to say that night we removed our public photos and I was in a panic. By morning my panic had turned to rage. Why did I feel the need to run and hide, why should I need to defend myself?! My hubby and I have been married for going on 16 years, 7 of which have been spent in the lifestyle. We are the happiest we've ever been. Our vanilla friends, who have no clue that we practice sex as a team sport, all ask us what our secret to such a happy marriage is. They can see that we have something special. Needless to say, I put the pics back up on the profile the next day. Let 'em look for us. I love my life, I love the sex that is a big part of it, and I wouldn't change a thing. I'm still not standing up at family parties to announce my choices, but I wouldn't stand up and talk about my marital bed anyway. What I do naked is my business and my husbands, that's what counts. I'm proud to be in such a committed and honest relationship. They should all try it! Maybe they'd use less prozac and smile more often! Tricia btw, I feel grateful that I have 2 friends outside of the lifestyle that know what we do. They are valuable to me and prove that they are true friends leaving the rest as just 'people we know' Besides, having a wingman now and then is helpful! Thanks for sharing in my babble...

real members? - - I think you need to grow a new sense about people. Do you feel confortable with them over the net before you do anything. Do they seem to be real.. Can they spell simple words, is their grammer adult, how do they phrase things. Many times one can ascertain quite a lot by how and what someone says. Then we have kind of an unwritten rules: 1. Talk with people via the medium .. IM... the site we're on email and give no personal info until you feel that the people are at least stable. 2. Don't meet people or find people over an hour or so driving time 3 Meet very informally... We've found that a mall with a food court is a great place to meet. If the other couple fail to show take the misses shopping... 4. Once you meet you can exchange phone numbers or addresses as you feel comfortable doing. Maybe after the informal meeting meet at a local swingers club or dinner or bowling...what ever works to make sure they are a good match....and trustworthy. 5. The fun is open and go for the gold... As for certifying couples... what does it mean other than there are really 2 people on the other end of that computer unless it is done by your peers who have met and or played with you. Certification is about as valued as is the pictures on a web-site. They could be the people or maybe they aren't who they say they are... Ray

Thailand swingers - Any suggestions for swinging in Thailand - Try joining an international site such as AFF (yea, they are disgusting but they have broad geographic reach). Good luck.

Kik group for UT swingers. - Contact me if your interested in joining a KIK group for Swingers - [quote=Sl1ckdick]Kik: sl1ckity and out in the 84108 for the week/weekend if anyone has recommendations for a good bar/hiking/etc[/quote] lol. BBBBBBBBC bro. Lol

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - Calling someone a "nigger" is the texbook racism.

UTAHFUNFRIENDS - - [quote=EVILDOERS][quote=DANDTCURIOUS][quote=utahfunfriends]A female friend and I will be hitting up Park City and looking to meet open minded singles for fun.... I’m new to the area, and wondering if there are any recommended Lifestyle bars or clubs?[/quote] Hmmm, you’re on a swingers site asking about where to meet single people 🤔[/quote] Shhhh! He's gonna realize that very fact in about three...two...one...actually he probably won't. Nevermind. [/quote] 🤣😂🤣

Required info for swingers - - Very educational for sure lmao

Oprah show on Swingers - - Found the schedule... i.e., June 30 and I found a video clip, trailers, but not the time.. East coast here.. Does anyone know what time it will air on the 30th? Thank you, in advance.. Ray

Cruise - pricing - You guys are really bitching about paying $2000 for two people for a 7 day lifestyle takeover cruise? I heard Utah people were cheap but come on. Let's break that down per day... $285... per couple... per day... We've been many places that aren't nearly as nice as being on a cruise with 2100 swingers and paid a lot more than that for just hotel rooms. Throw in car rental and food and you're out even more. So what if you're paying $600 more than what they charge for a regular cruise... you don't have to worry about children and you're around people you can actually have fun with. Sounds like the extra money is worth it to me. And have you ever been on ANY vacation when you fly? Add in airfare, liquor, tips and gratuities as well. You're not getting those things free on most other vacations anyways. Did you go to SwingFest? The rooms there were $300 a night! So if you can't afford this cruise, don't knock the people who put it together, we've been waiting for something like this for a long time and they deserve to make a bit of money off this because I'm sure it wasn't easy. And you're probably the ones who bitch about there never being any events or parties for lifestylers, then when someone puts one together, you bitch about it because they make a dollar for their efforts. We'll be on the cruise and we'll be glad to see those who aren't cheap on there with us.

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