
Russellville Swingers in Kentucky

Russellville Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Russellville, KY, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Russellville looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Russellville, KY. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Russellville, Kentucky Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Russellville, Kentucky so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Russellville Swingers right away!

Girls that are into DP - How common is this activity among the swingers? - I am new to the swinging party, however a fantasy not yet fullfilled and not finding many people that seem intrested in it, I was just wanting to know how many of the swinging ladies are actually intrested in double penetration by two guys at the same time.

We thought this was educational and should explain a lot about s - keep an open mind. Swingers are spiders. Each to their own unique ways! - [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHzdsFiBbFc]Your text to link here...[/url] So, how do you feel now? LOL

MSNBC Article on Swingers - actually a positive one :) - http://www.today.msnbc.com/id/25851876/

On a serious note... - A court case that could effect lifestylers with children - IMPORTANT COURT CASE MAY AFFECT SWINGERS WITH CHILDREN NATIONWIDE!!! URGENT NOTICE TO RESPONSIBLE PARTICIPANTS IN THE ADULT LIFESTYLE This Notice is directed to all swingers, exotic dancers, adult business owners and anyone involved in the adult industry. There is a very important legal case going on in the state of Florida which can affect everyone in the swinging and adult community nationwide who has children under the age of 18. Deltadawn who is a fairly well known member of the swinging community in the Tampa Florida area has lost her right to see her 2 1/2 year old baby girl simply due to being a swinger. Deltadawn had shared custody of her 2 1/2 year old baby girl with her "ex," who happens to be an attorney. He found out that she was in the swinging lifestyle and has filed a motion with the Hernando County Court of Florida to remove all of her parental rights, primarily on the basis of her swinger lifestyle. THE OUTCOME OF THIS CASE COULD HAVE VERY SERIOUS AND DETRIMENTAL REPERCUSSIONS FOR EVERYONE IN THE ADULT LIFESTYLE. The outcome of this case is critical and could set precedent for everyone involved in any form of the adult lifestyle nationwide. If the argument that participating in the adult lifestyle reflects adversely on parental rights, losing this case could open a Pandora's Box for lifestylers with children across the country. An adverse decision in this action could mean that anyone, gay or straight, with children could be at risk of losing their children and having their parental rights stripped away, simply because of the lifestyle that we all enjoy. Swingers and everyone in the adult entertainment industry would have to live in fear that they may be turned in and could lose their children simply because of our lifestyle choice. WINNING THIS CASE COULD HELP ESTABLISH CASE PRECEDENT AND HELP PROTECT OUR PARENTAL AND CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS Winning this case will mean loving parents do not have to live in fear that our legal system, some governmental agency, or some adversarial parent, will have the ability right to terminate your parental rights or take your children, simply because of a lifestyle choice that never involves well nurtured children. The rejection of private sexual lifestyle as a basis for terminating parental rights will set precedent that could serve to protect those in the lifestyle or in the adult entertainment business from unjustified intrusions into their personal lives. Under the U.S. Constitution we should have the right to our lifestyle choice without censure, condemnation and fear of losing our children. Deltadawn has retained Luke Lirot as her attorney in her fight to maintain her parental rights. Luke Lirot is one of the premier Constitutional and adult civil rights attorneys in the country (you can do an internet search of him to verify his credentials). He is constantly traveling all over the country defending peoples civil rights and is a true champion of justice. He is constantly in the newspaper and often appears on television nationwide. As any lawyer, he depends on his clients to provide him with a living, and Justice comes at a price. Deltadawn needs your help... We need all people involved in the swinging community and adult industry, nationwide, to reach into their pockets and contribute to her legal defense fund by donating what help they can to attorney Luke Lirot. THE OUTCOME OF THIS CASE COULD HELP US ALL Please make checks or money orders payable to: LUKE LIROT, P.A. (Please write in "Deltadawn Legal Defense Compensation" in the memo section of your check or money order) For further information, please contact: Luke Lirot Attorney and Counselor at Law 112 N. East Street, Suite B Tampa, FL 33602 (Tel) 866-387-8469 (TOLL FREE), OR 813-221-9533 (Fax) 813-221-9175 Email: [email protected] We sincerely appreciate your goodwill and support in this urgent and important matter! POST SCRIPT FROM LUKE LIROT: This legal battle is truly tough. Deltadawn's lifestyle experiences are being used as a weapon to try and take a loving child, much in need of her mother's love, away from her. To stop this effort, we must employ every possible tool at our disposal. We need the services of psychologists, social workers, and other professionals to show that Lifestyle characteristics, never revealed or foisted on any child, have no detrimental impact on children. Under Florida law, like virtually every other jurisdiction in the nation, the factors evaluated by the courts are whether parental contact "is in the best interests of the child." To do this, we need to show that participation in the Lifestyle, in and of itself, does not make anyone a bad parent. There are only a few formalities. Under Florida Law, Rule 4-1.8(f) of the Rules Regulating the Florida Bar governs "Compensation by Third Party," and allows for parties unrelated to the litigation to pay fees and costs on the clients behalf. The Rule states: Compensation by Third Party. A lawyer shall not accept compensation for representing a client from one other than the client unless: 1)The client consents after consultation; 2)There is no interference with the lawyer's independence or professional judgment or with the client/lawyer relationship; and information relating to representation of a client is protected as required by Rule 4-1.6 (confidentiality of information)." If these conditions are acceptable to you, and you care about this important case, we would welcome your help. These donations are not tax deductible, but they are evidence of true human kindness. Thank you! -Luke Lirot-

lifestyle camping - - Google Southwest Swingers Jamboree for pertinent information on an upcoming event.

Games - - I recommend any of the Sex is Fun line. They're very well made, many, if not most with swingers in mind. I've got most of them myself. I'm not familiar with the ones you mentioned, but if they're any good I'd love to hear about it.

Search abilities for international swingers. - Just a suggestion. - One of the things that we have noticed is that most swing sites do not have anything set up for swingers in other countries. If a site can be set up for each state in the US then why not for each country on each continent? There are many couples who travel to various locations around the world for vacations and it would be nice to know something of the local swinging scene. By broadening this web site to include international customers would that not also increase the profitability of the site? More customers means more cash flow. Postal codes work the world over for sending and receiving mail...these same (ZIP) codes could be used for country location. Just a thought from a happy clam :) happyclam469

Church Swingers, are they out there? - - Based on interaction with quite a few people at clubs and on the internet, I believe that people tend to keep their religious beliefs and their temporal lives separate, for the most part. Swinging is not part of their religion and religion is not part of their swinging lifestyle. The Japaneese say that they compartmentalize different things in their lives... I think to some extent we all do that as well. We don't bring our work lives into our homes. We don't bring our sex lives to the dinner table. So religion and swinging are no real difference... They may seem incompatable but if kept separate there might be no conflict. As for looking for a church where one can find swingers...... You probably are sitting next to a family who swings in your pew or the pew in front of you... Swingers are just people who have made a choice to enjoy sex with people who they are not married to or partnered with... So I would be interested as to how someone would introduce themselves to someone at church to find out if that couple swings.... I would think that meeting people who swing at other venues would be the ticket and then seeing if it is extended into their church.... Networking is the best way to meet people and ultimately finding those who are church goers...

TALKING TO YOUR KIDS ABOUT THE LIFESTYLE? - - OK, here's something just a bit off the subject - or is it? Let's say you had your kids when you were pretty young, which means you and your spouse are both STILL relatively young. You've been swinging since the kids were mere toddlers - and you're still active swingers. But, as far as you know, the kids have never known about your alternative Lifestyle. Now that the kids are grown and out on their own, one night, you're at a swingers club, a house party or a meet-and-greet - and one of your kids show up with their spouse/signigicant other/date - and they're already friends with several of the people there. What happens from here?

Does Penis Enlargement Exist? - Help us cut through some penis BS - I've wondered since my double hernia surgery in March of 2004, my size got smaller. What use to be 8x5.5 prior to surgery, is now 6x5.5 two inches less in length. Do I have grounds for a law suit? I use to be the hit of the few house parties I went to, and among the few couples who enjoyed their time with me. But now I'm just the average joe looking to get laid. Also in 2005 I suffered a groin injury lifting furniture while moving a friend. Between the hernia surgery and the groin injury I have also gotten to the point that an orgasm is delayed. I read a muscle magazine once, and it dicussed delayed (retarded) ejaculation, due to steroid use, and straining of the groin while body building. Enzyte claims to be giving out free one month samples. Who would be a better testing ground than a group of over sexed swingers? Iron

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