
Livingston Swingers in Kentucky

Livingston Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Livingston, KY, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Livingston looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Livingston, KY. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Livingston, Kentucky Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Livingston, Kentucky so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Livingston Swingers right away!

Meeting new swingers? - Where to meet them? - We bought the magazines, read the ads, and ... Fantasied about who, and what we do if we did...then we got our computer, and like most, started out with AOHELL .. and what to my wondering eyes did appear, but Chat rooms full of folks, that we could carry on conversations with thru the IMs... And the next thing you know.. it wasnt the ads, but real people carrying on real conversations about getting together... And we decided to try it... And we found we liked it... and the areas we were living in, had litterly 100s of people looking for playmates Then we jump ahead 5 yrs, and we move south to the sunshine state... The lifestyle is different here, More Party people, Club folks.. and Real Clubs Open for business.. We join a Yahoo group for locals and a group meet and greet is set up. We go to a quiet little bar with a deck over the water, and what do we findout.. The waitress and her boyfriend are into swapping... we find out there are people here, meeting in bars with out the net.. when we meet, folks we are interested in a public setting, and we tell all potential playmates we would prefer to meet and see how things go.. We try to stress we make no plans to play that night... But we dont rule it out either.. Depends on everyones comfort level.. Plan for anything expect nothing the first date... Ya never can tell...

In response to GSC posts and Swingular. - - This is something I just received from an anonymous source. This email was forwarded to me. The original was sent by GSC to this source. Here it is:

On 10/30/07, NTAKTAGF wrote: Evening swingers. The new site location is: http://www.ntaktagf.info We have busy jobs like the rest of you, so we are sorry that the site is moving slowly. We have to be a bit careful with the login sign for obvious reasons. We don't know a thing about web design and we aren't really that interested in learning either LOL! But, we know we are stuck with it for now. Swingular has run amuck and is effectively being controlled from the inside by a few select members. Be careful out there. Legal counsel IS monitoring the forums. Computer security is POOR at best. The more venomous Forum posters are trying to Google, search, find, or create any dirt they can to muddy the water here. We've taken a pretty good bashing, but we're OK so far. It looks like TR and his "Free Thinkers" have really roughed up some swingers on this site. Since we've opened up for donations to help pay the bills for this cause, we have received $1,340 in cash in envelopes sent to the POB. Not a single one of these letters has a return address, which is smart. If you know who goes down, he will fight dirty. Do not leave any sensitive information out there in your accounts. We are positive that certain members at Swingular have cracked other members passwords (including ours). 1. Change your password to at least ten characters, including special characters. Currently free software on the internet can crack a 8 character password in 60 minutes. Adding 2 or more characters makes cracking much more difficult. 2. If Swingular is hosting your personal web page

Does size really matter? - - Holy Hell, OMG. Is the fugging horse dead yet? This is a swingers site. If I prefer larger than what's available, I can always add another guy to the mix, there's a little more to sex than a dick and 2 are better than one anyway(hee hee, at least 2 me!). If I prefer smaller than what's available, I can always add another guy to the mix. If I'd like something in between ... well you get the idea. So the big question is whether, as a man, you're willing to share your gal with someone else versus the one guy with 2 girls as seems to be the standard pattern here. :)

wanting to play - 3 some or more? - It's your zip code. Everyone knows there are no swingers in Rigby. The hotbed of swinging in Southeast Idaho is Rexburg and St. Anthony...and possibly the greater Malad/Preston metro area. If it were me I'd put a personals ad in the BYU-Idaho student paper or the jobs board in the student resources center. Something along the lines of "Hot sexy couple seeks young nasty co-ed as live in love slave and sex toy. References required. Please sext a naked pic and a list of your fav postions and kinks to TATTOOCOUPLE11."

Swinging/Polyamory - I just wanted to hear other people thoughs on this....... - That would be a general definition. However, sometimes the devil is in the details. With that definition, poly couples would be termed in the same group as swingers under the banner of libertine. So would soft swingers, etc, etc. We feel the definitions are kinda important because it causes awkwardness and waste of time if we don't know what we are getting into. For instance, if we talk and you are soft swingers, we now know we won't get anywhere fast because we are not into soft swinging. You, OTOH, will not have the awkward moment where we get together and at the last minute, we do something you don't like. IMO the labels help us filter out what we want from what we don't want.

geting in LOVE while swinging - - Obviously this guy got burned in his marraige, doesn't understand the concept of swinging... and is just an ass trying to get laid and thinks maybe swingers are the easy way to do it. But hey, what do I know? After all, he's gonna be the next President of the U.S.A. LMFAO! Oh man! It's just to much! THIS is the guy that gives single guys a bad rap with some people...but Ihey I generally really like the singles! ;) Mrs. Hottie

ha just horny...How bout you? - yep horny still haha - i think we are all always horny maybe that is why we are swingers. plus i love loads on my boobs

Help us out.. Take this Survey - For Utah Swingers - Done. Would like to see the final tally.

March Madness at Hedo III March 16-23 - March Madness with SunCoast Swingers - Come join us at the all inclusive Hedonism III Resort in Jamaica, March 16-23 for a fun filled week week of themes, games and activities. For more information contact us here or visit the website www.marchmadness.suncoastswingers.net or at 727 457 5836 See you in Jamaica Bob and Patty

swingtown - a new show on cbs - We loved it as well. We assume, as of after "Dancing with a stars" dancing school were packed, after a few episodes of SWINGTOWN, Swingers clubs will be getting a new crowd. :) Just wish HBO came up with this idea. Then we would get to see real sex. :)

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