
Krypton Swingers in Kentucky

Krypton Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Krypton, KY, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Krypton looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Krypton, KY. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Krypton, Kentucky Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Krypton, Kentucky so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Krypton Swingers right away!

How did you start the lifestyle? - - I started in college ... with a swinger couple who generously invited me into their relationship. It went off and on over the period of about a year. Then, I fell in love with a woman who was NOT into swinging ... and then another one after that. A family later, I am divorced and still long for the sexual freedom and excitement I had been introduced to WAY back when by those very warm swingers. (:-)

Hanging out this weekend - Habits tonight?? - We are going tonight. we keep hearing about the club Habits and we want to go there and meet new people. When are the nights that swingers go? How will we know if someone there is a swinger? And just any advice for a new couple?

Bare Necessities Cruise out of Ft. Lauderdale - Anyone going - Well, it is a nudist cruise out of Ft. Lauderdale that goes to the Bahamas, Half Moon Cay, Key West (two days during Fantasy Fest), and then to Cozumel. While it isn't a swingers cruise, there are a pretty good number of swingers going and should be fun. Here is a link for it: http://www.bare-necessities.com/fantasea.html

Respect...Needed? or just forgotten. - - The various points that have been made are well taken. We have been approached by people who are rude or crass. Typically it is a single male, often married pretending to be single or the de facto single male -- half of a vanilla couple pretending to be a swinging couple. I have several observations: This single male is far more likely to be a trial member. They have little or no real knowledge of swinging and it shows. They don\'t expect to be invited to join the couple or single female they approach. They simply find a cheap thrill in the crass sexaulity of the rude note they send. (I suspect they type them with one hand.) If given the oportunity (which their approach itself precludes) they would not play. Don\'t confuse them with the polite & respectful single males that are a part of swinging. We jokingly refer to them as hard-ons. They think because they once had a hard on -- they are qualified to swing. My FAVORITES are the ones that will \"let you watch\" or \"don\'t mind if you joins in\" as if somehow by their offer alone -- Belinda becomes theirs. You will see them at the clubs. Somehow they come up with the courage to go to a swingers club that allows single males. They are the males that hide in a corner too afraid to approach anyone or they are the males that come into the room with attitude written all over them -- as if saying \"I paid my fees -- who do I get to fuck\". If he is found out, the male half of the vanilla couple will stamp and stammer and claim that either he has his wife\'s permission or that she is cold and he is not getting any at home. Given their approach to sex. I have figured out, at least in part, why they are not getting any at home. I was raised by a very southern, very polite, Daughters of the Confederacy -- mother. Thus I had to endure the suffering born of numerous catillions or formal dances. Everyone knew everyone at the dances. Everyone knew that everyone was there to dance. But you went through the rituals of an introduction and small talk -- prior to dancing. While this analogy ignores the aspects of friendship that are a part of swinging. I have found that the manners I learned at my mothers knee have served me well in swinging. (Don\'t ya know that would shock the hell out of her!)

KUTV News Story on Swingers - News - [quote=EVILDOERS]Just watched the story on the news and was EXTREMELY relieved it wasn't aired on a Get Gephardt segment. LOL Yeah, so the lady in question said she decided to swing with her husband to save her marriage after she gained a lot of weight (guess swinging is easier than a diet or taking up jogging) and that they went to "orgies" all over Utah...naming several cities and "even Bountiful" (the story showed the Bountiful temple a few times during the piece- she said being a Mormon she felt very uncomfortable swinging in a home within view of the temple). She also claimed that she was a a house party and the hosts young kids walked in. She says she started drinking because going to parties she felt like she was in the 5th grade where you wouldn't be chosen for a team...her husband was chosen to play but she wasn't. She has to go to rehab for her drinking. Eventually she wanted to quit but her husband supposedly refused and started going out solo and gave her gonorrhea. They are now divorced. Heidi Hatch was the reporter and apparently she started a profile and was communicating with couples here on Singular (yes, they identified Swingular by name and showed numerous screen shots and even some profile names) who wanted to make sure swinging wasn't portrayed in a purely negative manner. They alos had a marriage and family therapist who talked frequently throughout the story. Here is the link to the story on the KUTV website. Oh, and they mention Habits and Club 90. [url=http://kutv.com/news/local/dangerous-liaisons-the-popular-state-of-swinging-in-utah]Swinging Story[/url][/quote] Admit it, you'd love to see a Get Gephardt story on Swingular. {Serious consumer protection music fades in and then out again.} Man in silhouette - "I was promised loads of free and easy nookie, a lifetime of it! And at a low, low price. All I got was pictures of dicks even uglier and wrinklier than my own. And this Heidi lady who never even showed up!" {Gephardt nods w/ an empathetic brow furrow.} "We reached out to the owners of the website for their side of the story; we'll update you when they reply." {Gephardt grows old over the following decades and eventually dies of old age before owners reply.}

Kik group for UT swingers. - Contact me if your interested in joining a KIK group for Swingers - [quote=Sl1ckdick]Kik: sl1ckity and out in the 84108 for the week/weekend if anyone has recommendations for a good bar/hiking/etc[/quote] lol. BBBBBBBBC bro. Lol

Swingers dying out? - Is the utah swinger community dying or becoming to needy? - [quote=TIFFND]I don't think it is dying out, by any means. My opinion is a few things are happening. The Swingular community is actually growing...bigtime. Hence the increasing number of events being posted. And yes..most are paid events...for a couple of reasons..to actually pay for the cost of an event..and plain old capitolism. Welcome to America. No real problem. House parties...are alive and well. But...because of the increased number of folks here, things have changed from before. Now, if you post one here..you have a bunch of people respond..most likely too many...some must be told no....hard for most of us to do. Consequently..hosts have become a bit more selective.. and send personal invites..rather than general announcements. Basically...house parties have moved underground. And hosts have become more selective about just inviting particulair age groups, or body types. That leaves many of us out. I know our email box is empty most of the time, unless it is us hosting the party. Just my opinion of course..yours maybe different! I think you are right on...we have learned to be very comfortable with the friends we have, and really don't worry about parties that we are or are not invited to...or none at all...I mean the hottest chick on the planet is Ms Karma so...why worry! [/quote]

Are we doing something wrong? - - Southernfox, Did you expect to put up a profile and then have couples knocking down your door? Swingers are people, just like everyone else, we have personal tastes, likes, dislikes, preferences, or desires. You are not going to be a perfect match to everybody, Do you remember what it was like to be a single guy looking? thats alot like swinging. You go out, meet people, put up the best fight you can, put your hook in the water and hope. Then go home alone 98% of the time. Lick your wounds, learn from your mistakes and get over it Your profile says you want to get out of the house, why not meet and greets? We have driven 4 hours from where we live to meet some cool new people at some of the secret desire parties. You are less than and hour away...if it doesn't work out, or it isn't fun..split, go get a movie and muchies and chalk it up. What do you have to lose? As for the women wanting your wife and not you...come on man, 98% of the women on this site are Bi or Bi-curious, if your looking for a girl for yourself look for the 2% of us that are straight. Or get a hooker, no strings there! Basically my advice to you is to put up or shut up, you will only get something out of this if you put effort into it. Nobody is going to chase you. P.S. To the ones who have said swingular doesnt work for them....we have tried other sites that didn't do it for us, for the same reason I imagine you don't have luck on this one. Most of the people on this site are from Ut, others are Nevada based, or New York, or wherever. Stick to one closer to home or do a google search and find one closer to home. Its not the site, its the people on it.

Bubulaplease - Confidentiality - [quote=BUBULAPLEASE]Something that has bothered me a little bit...when we went to Lumpys the doorman asked if we were there for the Sinful event. We says yes and as we were walking down the stairs some people upstairs asked him what was going on and he said it was a swingers party. I mentioned it to a few people that night and it seemed that it was a normal occurrence. We realize that going to the events we may run into someone we know, however, people who don't know about our lifestyle also go to lumpys. I would hate for them to know there was a swingers party going on and then see us leaving or something. My question..is this normal? Is it this way at, say, Sandy Station? Do the group organizers ask for confidentiality?[/quote] Unfortunately its naive to think a doorman would actually be told how to respond or give it much thought otherwise. Its unlikely they care unless they know it would jeopardize the business these events bring in. We realize the risk of being found out but we also realize that deniability is just using the right words should you ever fall into the circumstance of being asked if you where there for the swinger event at Lumpys. So our response for someone vanilla that we know would be OMG can you believe we wondered into to that event...wow what a funny mistake(as we laugh both inside and out). Many people would prefer to not put themselves in the situation but its always best just to have a game plan on how to react for judgmental vanillas.

Swingers gone bad?? - - TR, concise, astute and very well said. I don't believe any of us living in glass houses are chucking rocks. I'd like to think that the majority of us would want our 14-15 year old kids to discover their sexuality in a healthy, natural way. Remember playing doctor in gradeschool w/other gradeschoolers (not their parents!)? Love me, not my kids (or I'll kill ya!).

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