
Ingram Swingers in Kentucky

Ingram Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Ingram, KY, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Ingram looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Ingram, KY. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Ingram, Kentucky Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Ingram, Kentucky so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Ingram Swingers right away!

Couples erotic massage? - - I've tried to schedule one as well. Lots of flakey "massage people". I like the idea of two couples just swapping partners and giving each others other a massage. Same room could make it even more fun. I'm up for that I even have 2 masssge tables if anyone is interested. Massage with a swingers couple sounds fun.

Utahns, Do you think that you will see... - - [quote=FREANCY69]why not if a man can have two or three wives then a woman could have multiple husbands make it fair unfortunately polygamy is more about control than pleasure and love [/quote] Sorry, I can't just let that that one pass without shouting WRONG!!! to everything after "unfortunately." Saying something like that is a lot like saying all swingers are completely immoral and irresponsible. Just like anything else in life, including swinging, it depends on the people doing it. And, again like everything else, the bad ones, like the FLDS, get all the publicity, so a lot of people who don't know better, through knowing poly families, think it's all like that. ~ Terry

Just looking for other couples happy with super soft and no swap - There must be more of us out there? - [quote=TATERTOT1982]Im very glad Im in the vegas swingers scene and not utah anymore.....[/quote] Interesting statement, we've often wondered about our perception that Utah lifestylers are a little more "odd", for lack of a better word??? Due to the heightened possibility of "social engineering" (AKA LDS). As for doing it alone w/doors closed and no one watching in a club - we can understand that "thrill" level. I think the most important thing is that they dont lead people on to thinking there's going to be more before doing that. THAT would be rude, self centered and dis-respectful. I think this is the fine line where people get a little "ruffled" at the many levels of "comfort" in this lifestyle - its tough to get all turned on and revved up then shut out (usually what guys are used to getting from women - lol)...

Burnt out from searching - - [quote=EVILDOERS][quote=ThroughTheVeil]Maybe the problem is that you're shooting too high? I mean, don't get me wrong, everyone has their preferences, and at the end of the day, you shouldn't do anything (or anyone) you don't want to, but were in a similar boat of having to reach out a lot and getting rejected, a lot... even after making quick contact (or even longer contact) with a couple. Now if we didn't care who we met up with, we'r would have a different couple every night we had free time and some to spare, so having standards is important for time management also. What I'm saying is, if you're frustrated with how little (quality) contact, maybe you should give more people the benefit of the doubt. I can think of couples that we initiated contact, 4 or 5 times before meeting, and then when we finally did, had a great time and became good friends, but that also meant reaching out to couples 6 or 7 times before realizing we were wasting our time swallowing our pride over them.[/quote] The Lord and Lady of the Veil (Vale?) make a very good point. We've found that MANY swingers (Ourselves included.) are somewhat predispositioned (Yes, I know that's not really a word.) to constantly be on the lookout for what we might consider the perfect or ideal couple/connection and thus ignore people we might actually end up having a fairly great connection with because they didn't check one of our boxes for things thought we were looking for. Far too often it's too easy to overlook a good or even great couple when searching for the perfect one (That might not actually exist!). How much great or even just good sex might we be passing up in the pursuit of perfect sex? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯[/quote] Very well said and obvious to many and acknowledged by few. We decided after the 1st couple of years the perfect couple may not look like the perfect couple but if we had a great connection it did not matter. Wildcouple88 we live in Houston and have never had a response from anyone in our area. We have met many great couples in SLC area when we cum in for about 8 weeks a year in the winter to ski.

Help us out.. Take this Survey - For Utah Swingers - Finished and Thanks.

KUTV News Story on Swingers - News - And just how many couples converting into the Mormon church has caused a divorce? Just sayin'

Too Young? - Are we just too young... - I would love to swing with an older couple or younger couple. There are just a lack of swingers in my immediate area.

Certified Single Male Program - What do you think? - I personally see this life style as a community. The Good, the Bad; and the Ugly are all here in microcosm. I think we can all use a little education and improvement. That does not mean that anyone person that takes that instruction will change his or her ways. But it does not hurt to try it. I have read the information that is available here and think that everyone should do so. I believe that such a program will limit the population of single men by keeping some of those that are here only for trophy sex out. Those that really believe in the lifestyle as a community will be willing to put forth the effort to be part of it. I think this will actually increase the number of couples and swinging singles that are willing to join and pay money for the privilege. Swingular actually feels like a site for swingers where AFF has become nothing but a sex site for those that like to look and send emails. If you think that the number of single males is large here you should look there and I assume that most of you have. The majority of the women and couples there are non-paying. It does not appear that this is the case on Swingular. The admin here seem to care about this community and AFF could not care less. The fact that they are willing to put this out in open forum tells me that they do care about their customers. I have not seen the same from other sites. I would like admin to put something more solidly together and then let us pick at it. Most systems can and should be tweaked from time to time. Maybe we can make some good observations and maybe we won

Swingers Kickball Society - - We would love to join

Adulter or Swinger? - - Loving to dance at clubs and bars, Cyn and I frequently go out on weekends and are often met by a variety of friends. Over the years, we have accumulated a number of single females that enjoy dancing with us. One of these lovely gals enjoyed meeting attractive single men and would often end up spending the night with them. Not too long ago, somehow it was brought to her attention that Cyn and I were..... "swingers". She was furious with us and expressed her dissapproval in very clear terms. After she was through venting her feelings about how disguisting it was that we could possibley be involved in committing adultry, I took a moment to present to her a few select questions. First, she saw no wrong in spending an evening with another man in sex and carnal expressions of emotion? She responded that they were consenting adults and both single.. therefore committing no wrong to anyone. I asked if she felt it was wrong not to be monogamous with just one of these men rather than continually finding new friends to experience. Again, she responded she felt no wrong with what she was doing. Why then I asked, did she find fault with what Cyn and I were doing, as consenting adults and with full knowledge of what each was doing? She responded with the comment that "swinging" was just wrong and that as husband and wife we needed to be faithful to each other. So, I asked why it wasnt wrong for her to swing but it was for us. She retorted she WAS NOT a swinger. To that, I shared the following with her... according to every dictionary I can find, a swinger is defined as a person who engages in promiscuous sex, an adulter is a married person who has voluntary sex with another person to whom they are not lawfully married to. The realization of the fact that she was practicing swinging came as a shock. It took a few days to fully sink in, but when it finally did, she accepted us with open arms for what we are, (I guess adulters), and our friendship resumed. One very important item here to consider, too often the request to bring another single individual into our bedroom is presented with the excuse that the partner doesnt like sex anymore. The solution to their problem is to cheat... or in their mind... go swinging. In our book, these people are not swingers by definition, but cheaters. Its wrong and unfair to try to use the cloak of swinging to justify being unfaithful. Lifestyles and swinging is not a remedy to solve trouble at home. Often when we decline the request to involve people in our sexual activities for the reason their spouse is not aware or doesnt approve, we hear the rebuttle.."why not? you are swingers arent you?". What ever name we give it, people need to remember... this lifestyle is all based on a few key components. Trust, respect, and the terms YES and NO. Period. Cant we keep the labels, the slander, and the lies out of what we can find to be a productive, social, and even in many cases educational activity between honest, consenting, respectable adults?

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