
Dover Swingers in Kentucky

Dover Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Dover, KY, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Dover looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Dover, KY. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Dover, Kentucky Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Dover, Kentucky so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Dover Swingers right away!

Ways to point out Swingers in public - - Well ok then I guess that’s not the best idea lol.

Hall passes - - In this community, there's room for every type of swinging from same room soft swap couples to orgie loving fuck the whole room hanging from the light fixture swingers. Only 2 rules. 1. Don't take what you can't give. 2. Stop if it doesn't feel good.

question about kinks/fetishes - terminology question - I know this may be self explanatory.but I(male) am JUST a guy and i dont get it. the term s anal sex "giving" and anal sex "recieving" anal sex "giving" means BEING penetrated? or does it mean DOING the penetrating? anal sex "receiving " would then mean the opposite. EX: Female likes be penetrated anally so she is giving or is she receiving? She would "giving" her anal opening to her partner but then again she would be "receiving" her partners organ into her anal opening. I looked in the swingers glossary and found nothing that differentiates between the two. Call me dumb,ignorant or whatever I dont care. As long as i get an honest answer . my wife likes to be penetrated anally and i like penetrating her anally but i am just not quite sure which is the correct way to mark the boxes in the kink/fetish section of the profile. Thanks and Happy Swinging M&L

Curious Devil - Political Science Project - Jared, I'm only arguing because his post was directed at me. I am obliging them. LOL! It passes the time. LOL! The spokesman for Florida Swingers is saying swingular doesn't put out in Florida, even though the forum participation from the area doesn't agree. Just calling bullshit. LOL! -D- http://www.swingular.com/post.php?action=view&PID=2060&TID=4

What really defines a TRUE swinger? - - I think we are what we wish to be so I had better explain this. Swingers are strictly defined as a couple that trade partners in sex. Couples that invite singles into their play are not swinging by a normal

Monogamish - - Seems like a day doesn't go by without a new article on the high failure rate of traditional monogamous relationships and the "new" trend toward open relationships. Are swingers ahead of the curve or is this all just new age hooey? [url=https://www.yahoo.com/health/should-we-all-be-in-monogamish-relationships-109895587302.html]Monogamish[/url]

Hotel Check In - - [quote=THE_RED_REVIEW]Anyone who works in a hotel for more than a few months will see some pretty freaky shit. Swingers are probably kind of mild compared to some of the things that they encounter.[/quote] I was the night time financial auditor at the U of U hotel for a few years and saw some interesting things. If it were at the Motel 6 instead of at the U, I'm sure it would be even more interesting. The security guard was some old guy that couldn't do shit so often the desk staff would ask me and the janitor to assist. I didn't mind the people coming in for a quick fuck as they were hardly ever a problem. It was the drunken party frat kids or convention attendees that caused the problems. [quote=SUGARSANDSPICE] ... Hell, I would ask for a quantity discount and have them get to know me by name. [/quote] Haha! I did do that for a few people I got to know well. Often I would charge them for a small room but give them a suite. [quote=INVITESOME]Tip the front desk person $20 and they will give you late check out and tell the other guests to deal with the noise. Money talks. [/quote] Agreed. Treat them and the hotel right and they won't care. If someone complains, I would just say we will ask them to be quiet but I hardly ever would. Only a couple of times I would have to do it. I even had a 'system' with the regulars I mentioned. If they were making noise, I would just call their room and let the phone ring once and hang up. They knew what was up. [quote=INVITESOME]Fuck the hotel staff.[/quote] That is always a good option. It always made might night better to be invited.

Looking to establish a group of safe swingers - - We are in if that is what it takes to get back together with you, (UTHOTCPLEXTREME). We love the idea and hope it comes together.

swingin - thought this site was a swingers site - Flipped me out...I am in my living room and all of a sudden someone is crying...HA HA HA HA

BUSTED! Your Kids Found Out Your Swingers. Now What? - - I would have to agree with TR, you arent poking your nose into their private life and they need to stay out of yours. Then again we havent been busted. mtman

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