
Cave City Swingers in Kentucky

Cave City Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Cave City, KY, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Cave City looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Cave City, KY. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Cave City, Kentucky Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Cave City, Kentucky so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Cave City Swingers right away!

Does that couple swing? - - We often see couples in public that are very attractive and flirtatious and always wonder, “do you think they are swingers/would be open to swinging?” We don’t think it would be very tactful to just walk up randomly and ask “hey do you fuck other people too?” but are always curious how they would react if approached and asked about it. The adventurous side of us would love to have something organic like that lead to some fun experiences. Has anyone had an experience like that or actually started swinging because another couple approached you with the idea of swinging?

Latest Tiger Woods Family Portrait - - One thing I love about a forum it does expose those folks with NO SENSE of humor. All the late night shows are having fun with this story, I can't wait to see what SNL has to offer, should be a hoot. If we can make fun photos and jokes about "Presidents" (and we have for as long as I can remember) I don't think a "golfer" should be off limits, which of course [u]he's not[/u]. Here's some jokes posted in another swingers forum here in Florida, so far I haven't seen anyone there start [b]whining and crying [/b]about the jokes. Perhaps our over exposure to sunshine has caused our [b]HUMOR ORGAN [/b]to become [b]ENLARGED[/b]. Apparently the police asked Tiger's wife how many times she hit him. She said "I don't know exactly

Mormons - - [quote=SKICOUPLE]See what I mean...who wants to question others religious motivations on a swinger site? I find it hard to believe others would fall for this question from the original post. So being in the LDS church sucks for you...move on and find some folks to get naked with.[/quote] Right on! This is a pointless, unsexy, and stupid topic to discuss on a site like this! It comes up every once in a while...super “accepting and open minded people” often are the most closed minded of them all. Right on Mormons who explore! ExMo’s, we get your bad feels... but save it for other forums. Who cares what someone’s religion is or was? Protestant, Catholic, Judaism, Muslim, Buddhists, Hindus, JW, Wiccan, agnostic or whatever; don’t knock any of them. Open mind and positive vibes peeps. We feel the same way about political discussions among swingers. Freak, this isn’t a dating website. Honestly if you’re a hater of any religion or political persuasion...save it for other places. I mean we cant stand communists but seriously we’d tap a super hot communist chick...c’mon. As if the LS isn’t lame enough in UT mixing in hate or bad vibes about any religion or lack of is SO narrow minded and UNSEXY. Live and let live. Keep it sexy people. #openmind #nojudgement

Public or Private party venues - What's the definition - We agree completely! One thing we remind our self is that these are public events. They are advertised not solely to swingers or lifestyle groups. They can be found on facebook and other public sites. We love these big events and will still attend some of them, however if you are looking for private we would suggest you stick to house parties.

Help us out.. Take this Survey - For Utah Swingers - Done

Question about Spice Party tonight - - Okay, this probably sounds stupid, but we haven't ever been to a party yet! On the RSVP, do we put our screen name, or our real names on the guest list? TIA from some clueless swingers. Hehehe

Christain Swingers? - - Umm are Mormons Christians? I do not pretend to know, but have personally met MANY, MANY a Mormon couple (online in chat anyway) in the "lifestyle".....We have wondered how this relates to them religiously and personally.....Of course, we do not judge and will never judge someone's motives for swinging, just were curious how they justify swinging with their religion. I will watch this thread for more input :) No judgement intended, J&A

Swingers - a couples only lifestyle? - Are singles considered to be swingers? - well, I think it depends on the person. I've met many a single guy who thought joining a swingers group was an easy way to get laid. And I met one last night who has been a member of swingers groups for 13 years, and has been a swinger with many of his girlfriends, even though he is single now. So is the single guy who wants to get laid a swinger? No. But the single guy who has been a member of swingers groups for 13 years and had previous been a swinger with several girlfriends.....yes I consider him a swinger. mrs. garnet

Kink Community and Fetlife.com - What do you guys think? - It's a whole different world! We haven't found a whole lot of swingers in the BDSM community but have met some very awesome and open people. We found the "play parties" to be a bit awkward but enjoyed fetish night at area 51 and have also enjoyed some of the educational classes and munches. Overall we found its less about the sex and partying and more about community and education.

Poly-Swingers - Moving beyond FWB relationship - [quote=PRIDEJOY]We were in a poly relationship for over 7 years and was the greatest experience we have ever had. Unfortuately the male of the couple passed away a couple of years ago. We had a great relationship we went everywhere together and done everything together. We was actually very much in love with them and they with us. It is hard to find the right couple that you can get that close with but is possible. So now we are looking again. But the part of the ploy relationship was that we still love one another very much also.[/quote] PRIDEJOY, thank you so much for sharing. Sorry for your loss and your loved ones' loss. We are hoping for a long term relationship with our couple as well. Best of luck to you in your search for another couple.

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