
Carlisle Swingers in Kentucky

Carlisle Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Carlisle, KY, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Carlisle looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Carlisle, KY. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Carlisle, Kentucky Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Carlisle, Kentucky so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Carlisle Swingers right away!

Swingers cars??? - What ya driving?? - I am a Pony Man! 1969 Mach 1, 428 Cobra Jet, shaker. 1972 Mach 1, 351 Ram Air 4V. Would send Pics if I could figure out how to attach!

Age differences - How do you handle it - I don't want to start a controversy, and then it cums, Why would age be an issue at all. Isn't the idea of swinging, first of all, about having fun with fantasy, and then there is the idea that swinging is not a mainstream activity; i.e., Not along the idea of "Normal" relationships or sex. Age is one of the norms in society and thus, I would think, one of those things that would go out the window if one is involved in swinging. I bring this point up simply to hear why age would be an issue... I'm sure that there are people who are old and wrinkled and have bad breath and their plates are falling out and even the queen sized outfits or the XS lingerie would not fit....I mean if the lady is leaving 2 trails behind her, in the sand and she is getting her nipples scraped by that sand AND her plates are dirty and falling out and she had halatosis... Maybe she would not meet criteria to play with... unless one is in the same home with her and she snuck into your room and gave you oral sex while you were asleep. Or maybe it's the guy with the shriveled member, and that's after viagra and Enzyte and 2 other products, and he has slipped into your room and given you oral, and of course you are a lady....But Age should not be a single defining factor as to weather to play or not.... On the other end of that when people are "too young" . Are they out of diapers, eat solid food, over the legal age in your neck of the woods, and know what sex is and they have not stopped any clocks or watches in their immediate vacinity... They should be fair GAME.... I use the word game because it also denotes play which is what swingers call sex with others, other than their spouse.... So, how is age an issue or how does it become an issue...????? Of course there is preference but why close down oportunities.....????? Seems kind of counter productive to lose oportunities. Just a nickle's worth of my thoughts on 2 hrs sleep in the last 48... Ray

Poly-Swingers - Moving beyond FWB relationship - No experience. But every relationship is a throw of the dice. If every one is happy with the arrangement, what is the problem. Don't ask the legal aspects.

St. Pete FL... Anyone out there!?!?!? - - Everyone here KNOWS that all the best swingers are here in Utah. Yeah the rest of the world THINKS it's all like very staunch and staid and conservative here...you can't get a drink and people wear Amish style clothing. It's all a ruse. Actually there are TONS people are running around naked here fucking each other right and left. It's AWESOOOOME!!! But don't tell anyone cause we want to keep all the naked debauchery to ourselves. Shhhhhhhh

fantasy football league free trying to get only swingers in leag - free autodraft fantasy football league - actually having 20 teams, makes it more interesting because it is harder for anyone to load a team. Keeps things more even, you can still do trades pick up players off waivers all that to better your team. just makes you look at say the number 2 receiver of a team not just the star.

Then there's this. - Enjoy! - [quote=Sm435]OMG. A bunch of ACTIVE swingers had an Orgy. Scientific FACT covid has been around more than a year now. Do you know how many ACTIVE swingers have had it that use this forum? They likely all already had it. Sooner or later society is gonna have to realize there are people on the other side. Either that or we live the rest of our lives at home, behind a mask, worried about “germs”.[/quote] Right? Who gives a fuck about "germs"? I say we all go down to Pioneer Park and have a condom-free orgy (with plenty of anal!) with a bunch of homeless drug addicts! We won't live our lives in fear anymore! [em]Emo_100[/em]

KUTV News Story on Swingers - News - Anyone else noticed they used Swingular in the video spot? dum dum duuuuuummm!

Is HABITS still the place to go? - - however if some of us pitched in on making club Edge an AWESOME swingers club that would be great!!! The sound system is soooo high tech and sounds great. They have some of the top dj's in the area. completely awesome!!! There is private area for conversation or VIP reasons and private booths. It has a huge dance floor with lots of extra room to socialize. Huge back area for smoking and socializing too.Every party thrown there has been off the roof and sooooo much fun for everyone including all of the single people out there too. The staff is soooooo nice and great with their customers. The drink prices are not to pricey and drinks taste very good with full flavor not watered down like some of the other bars. May be worth looking into for more parties in the future?!!

How Often Is To Often ? - how often should a couple have sex with each other ? - Most of the time no one could accuse us of being swingers, but maybe one a year the play time desire gets overwhelming and have at it. Otherwise it's a matter of convenient timing. I hope we're not the only ones.

Where to go, what to do. - Non club activities - Will definitely do the bowling thing but being December I wonder if meeting at Temple square for the lights would be fun and funny or if it would be too offensive to the Mormon swingers on here.

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