
Alpha Swingers in Kentucky

Alpha Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Alpha, KY, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Alpha looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Alpha, KY. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

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Girls that are into DP - How common is this activity among the swingers? - It is becoming more common now. Women are opening up to it. It took a long time for anal to become the next best thing but it did. It all depends on the woman. Good luck in finding the right one.

Hottest State - Who has the hottest people? - /*************************************************************************** Well I remember a forum thread on here where Florida was saying how hot all the Utah folks were. So sounds like to me Florida threw in the towel before they even tried. Ken ****************************************************************************/ I believe that thread was specific about UT Swingers on this site

Friend collectors or swingers - - I too am guilty but only because most people don't like my body size, type, etc.

Amusing Story about bad planning - Notice nobody asked the swinger\'s opinions - If I may interject something here with regard to the Orlando swingers\' New Year\'s Eve party. Several people have lambasted the \"parents\" of the children exposed to the swingers\' activities. I\'d like to take a different approach. Don\'t \"swingers\" have any common sense? For starters, the writer of the piece didn\'t make it clear whether the parents were or weren\'t with the children during the time of the exposure. Based on an \"adult\" reporting the incident(s) to hotel management though (Mr. Young, I believe), I\'ll take it that there might have been at least one situation where the parents were with the children. Besides, it doesn\'t say the the kids were out late at night. It doesn\'t make any specific statement about when the incident(s) took place. It does say that the swingers did their activities \"in front\" of the children. Didn\'t they have the common sense to notice youngens around and be discrete? Didn\'t the hotel management have enough sense to realize that swingers would probably be exposing themselves and therefore cover up the glass surrounding the ballroom where the majority of the event took place? And didn\'t the swingers\' group organizers have any sense to address those issues before, or even during, the event to make sure that anyone (child or adult) who doesn\'t want to \"participate\" in their enjoyment wouldn\'t have to be exposed to it (no pun intended, but hey!)? On the other hand, shouldn\'t a parent feel in a high level hotel like a Crowne Plaza that their kid could safely go down to the lobby vending machine (or whatever) without having to monitor their every movement? Doesn\'t that instill a sense of maturity in an age group (around 13 I think I recall from the story) that is virtually moments away from \"adulthood\"? From this perspective, there\'s plenty of blame to go around, except for the kids. Something else needs to be said here which is how people \"read into\" news coverage. It was quite interesting to see comments about the \"impression\" that the article made regardless of what it did or didn\'t actually say.

Swinging with Vanillas - Any success stories? - well first off we were all Vanilla at one time. We were the other couple being introduced to swing by good friends. We knew they were swingers, not because they told us but someone else "outed" them. it was just sexy flirting and a slow build, Not "hey we are swingers lets fuck". our suggestion, because they are friends take it slow, put it out there and read how they take it. if they are good friends either way they will still be friends. As for those looking for the Unicorns we have had better luck with Vanillas than we have in the lifestyle.

Political Forum - POLL: Should we bring it into the rotation? - I think its quite cool that a rather large group of people find relatively common interests about sexual openness, sexual play, sexual fantasy etc... it's really cool that we share such an uncommon attitude about sex and yet we have such diverse opinions about Politics (and Religion) etc. Fascinating. Years ago before I knew anything about or anyone involved in swinging I would have guessed that there would have been a more common social thread among swingers but as was mentioned before, its probably a pretty good cross section... So, it seems to me that if we are trying to connect at a fun playful sexual level the last thing we would want to do is find ways to disagree and reasons to disconnect from people by having a special "top five" forum category that is one of the 2 most divisive topics on the planet. It's tough enough to find couples that we connect with at enough levels to be play-friends. So, I'd say, there are plenty of other places to fight about politics (or religion), we don't need it here and since you are asking for opinions here's mine: If you leave it in there will be some well thought out points made but it will be a source of argument, anger, and name calling... we've seen it before, just like anywhere else, people get ugly here too. If you take it out only a few will miss it. There are other places, plenty of them, to debate the un-win-able debates. This is a play place, a fun safe place to escape the mundane and intolerant mainstreamers. We don't need to create ways to find intolerance and anger within this community too. I want to know how sexy and fun you are not what your politics are... (at least not till after breakfast in the morning! wink) As my sweetie loves to say "Be excellent to each other and party on dudes!" :) D

Girls that are into DP - How common is this activity among the swingers? - [quote=TOTO73]only done it once, but would love to try it again. any volunteers [/quote] I would love to volunteer to join you.

Gangbang - Finding men to gangbang wife - [quote=SLOWHAND311]Ah the monumental task of setting up a Gang bang.. If you want 4-8 you better have RSVPs from 8-15 since many may sign up but most won't show, unless you find a bachelor party, or hand out open invitations at a strip club, it's not an east situation to set up, even with days or weeks to organize it. Luckily one I set up that only one guy out of 7 showed up, had some good folks (four couples),here that filled in, and ended up a great night, and the woman got her gang bang, and the rest had lots of fun too. So I wish you success, it's almost as difficult as finding the perfect unicorn, but it can be done, just be patient and screen the men well, and invite several more than you need. [/quote] Funny reading posts like these I 100% agree with you, and at the same time, 100% disagree. About a year or so ago we thought about doing this and found a guy on another forum that set them up. During that year he has talked to my wife about doing one for her. So this Friday everything aligned that we could attend. He set it up for my wife and one other girl. he had 8-10 coming possibly 12. We said we would stop by, which we did, and the 8-12 equaled 1 and for him wife said "not in a million years" so we ended up having a fun mff with her and went home. BUT, from our personal experience we have done a total of 5 of these parties and they have not only been successful, we have always had more guys than we planned. The first was not planned, we were in Germany and the wife was drunk texting 4 potential playmates and gave them all the hotel address and time. Thinking of the normal Utah flake rate (as posted above by many) we expected 1 or maybe another arriving later. Well in Germany they show up! and when you say sorry she is playing, they don't care and just want to join or have others join. So we had a fun night of my wife taking 4 different cocks, having to shower twice from cumshots (she says getting a dual facial is an unforgettable feeling) and she has loved multiple guys since. Since that night we have done 4 other successful ones here in Utah, through this Forum. I could write a novel on the do's and don'ts but I won't. First write down exactly what you want, and when you advertise for it, use what you wrote down. I mean think about it, posting up "I want a bunch of guys to come gangbang my wife" is going to net you an inbox full of undesirables, cheaters, fake couple profiles with a "hall pass" - basically a bunch of dudes that came here to try to get laid. They failed vanilla, stopped here for a go with swingers, and next is stop is Fet life. Is this who you want taking turns with your wife? With all the disappointing stories above, I see a trend of likely bad advertising and poor planning. It's no knock on anyone, swinger parties (drinking and grabbing ass till 2:00 a.m.), play parties/orgies (where you answer the "how many other couples are coming" question 200 times the night of)are completely different than a gangbang. You make a simple post with no rules or structure then wade through an inbox FULL or crap and red flags. What you don't see is your post also is full of red flags for the people you actually want. These guys have done this before, and find performing for your wife and everyone watching exhilarating and are always looking for the next amazing rush. But they see your post, like your wife on the profile, but then they think - am I going to make all the preparations, drive there, show up on time to a room full of undesirables, wait for my turn to give said performance, and while trying to put on a show, having clothed people showing up late, drunk dudes talking because - wife said no way, or they can't get it up? Why would guys like this, the ones you want, show up to this? They likely have 5 hot wives they could play with on a Friday night. They want a true gangbang with a non talkative group of their peers, having rules, and trying to WIN the best performance of the night. The kind the other ladies in the room see and say "me next! Please!" What happens is they look over your post, look who is posting in it and kindly pass. Maybe sometimes they contact you and ask questions first, to find out if it is going to be worth it, and kindly pass as it seems like a numbers "quantity" game. Sorry, just my 0.02. Maybe part of the problem is not the guys, but the planner and the original post.

Video Gallery - Do y'all know.... - There is too much pro porn. I think there should be a HOME or MEMBERS video category. It's way more interesting to see real swingers in action. :)

couples more [oft ] ask for couples or single females. why is th - - As a single male, I feel I must put my 2 cents in. I've personally heard some horror stories from some couples in dealing with single males. First, we are not all assholes. For instance, I always respond to all my emails with tact and class, even though sometimes you may not like what I have to say. I prefer to get to know a woman and perhaps seduce them. Sticking my dick in a woman, one minute after I meet her, doesn't appeal to me. Secondly, i'm reading about all kind of statistics being quoted. They all maybe true but there is only one statistic that I believe and practice. Apart from a monogomous relationship, the only effective way to decrease your chances of catching a std, is to wear a condom. Condoms aren't 100% effective, but I always use them. If you've met someone in your public life over the years that have lied to you, isn't it likely that some swingers will lie about thier health? Who hasn't met some online that sent a fake pic and lied about what they look like? Before couples were couples, they were single.

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