
Walton Swingers in Kansas

Walton Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Walton, KS, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Walton looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Walton, KS. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Walton, Kansas Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Walton, Kansas so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Walton Swingers right away!

A Place to Play - I have a new hot topic to discuss - Here in Utah most AirBnB's have rules againts inviting guess and having parties, not to mention to be quite and no loud noice after 9:00 PM, so that might not be a realistic option... however we like from time to time rent a double room suite, but it only works when real swingers attend...

YOLO Cruise April 26 2009 - swingers cruise - We are a Jax couple....we already added you on our friends list but we would love to chat with others from the Jax area! Pete and Ashley

Our Family knows... Now what, any advice? - - Recently our family confronted us about swinging. All our family meaning both sets of parents, and siblings plus spouse confronted us. We didn't deny that we are swingers. They were concerned for our health and well being. They also gave us an ultimatum to quit because they said it

Can you be in love AND swing? If so, tell us how! - - I guess I will make a much stronger response. The lifecoach is full of shit! My wife and I are both on second marriage and the previous ones fell apart because of cheating. It wasn't the sex it was the lies, the betrayal of trust. My wife and I love each other like crazy. Swinging is a recreational activity we could do without if we no longer like it. Even during swinging I am only sharing my wife's body, her heart belongs only to me and vise versa. We didn't get into swinging to FIX anything. We got into it because we wanted to add to what is already great for us. It was not a replacement for something missing. our premise is making friends and if we have sex fine and if not we have a friend to do things with. Also if anything swinging made me love my wife even more. Her love and trust for me cannot be affected even by me having sex with others. We have a couple of times swung (if that is the word) separately and she came back to tell me about it and did so with my knowledge that is what she was doing. And of course vise versa. We still trust each other and love each other. Plus while swinging I can see other men, or women, pleasing her and get a view of what she looks like from a different point of view than I have when making love to her. As others have said, as long as you communicate, don't take things too personal, and maintain trust swinging will be fun and not hurt your relationship. When I say don't take it personal I mean like one poster said you should be able to say "she give good head" or she is talented. LOL we had been with a guy in a threesome and the guy did something that I have never done and made the wife Cum really fast and hard. When she had recovered she blurt out without thinking "You have GOT to learn how to do that!!!!!" It kind caught us both off guard but we laugh about it now. She didn't say "I love him more" She said "DAMN he has a technigue that send me through the roof!" I have learned from the guy how to do it and have used the technique several times. Even if I can't duplicate it so what? She still LOVES what I do to her too. More importantly we still LOVE each other totally. OK OK I willget off the soapbox. It just ticks me off that people who are supposed to be great at teaching relationships most of the time have relationships that suck yet they can tell you how to do it. BULL. Save the money for the LifeCoach and take a trip with a plane full of swingers and go to HEdonism III. It would be money better spent. LOL I will quit now.

Some Food For Thought - - I would venture to say not many folks in the Lifestyle have ever given a whole lot of conscious thought to the following topics, but it may be interesting to see what everyone has to say on them. In answering the questions, please don't let your own personal likes/dislikes be your sole reason for answering the way you do. Rather, look at it objectively as you feel it applies to others in general. In all cases, we're talking about adults only. #1. If 2 women play with and enjoy pleasuring each other in a group, couples or strictly 1 on 1 situation, does that NECESSARILY make them bi-sexual? #2. What about the same question as it pertains to men? #3. Where EXACTLY does bi-curious end and bi-sexual begin? #4. What EXACTLY is considered "kinky"? #5. Where and when EXACTLY does "kinky" become "perverted"? For example: Would Golden Showers (by mutual consent) be considered "kinky" or "perverted"? If something "just happens" during play, is it either? #6. Is playing alone, even with the knowledge and consent of your spouse, considered cheating? What about if you play with someone you and your spouse have played with together, only this time you're doing it without your spouse knowing you're doing it? Cheating? #7. If you or your spouse were to play with someone who is NOT in the Lifestyle, would you consider THAT cheating? #8. How many of us in the Lifestyle do you think have let our families know that we are Swingers? #9. How real is your fear of contracting an STD if you participate ONLY with others within the Lifestyle? #10. Do you feel there is a real possibility of us all going to hell for what we do?

Racist Cops In The South - Trooper uses racial slur and threatens to kill a fleeing man. - Umm...I do believe this thread was posted under the "Just Talk" category, instead of any other category that specifically refers to "Lifestyle" chat of any kind. Therefore, one would be led to believe that Swingular does indeed entertain a variety of forum topics that may not be specific to swingers. Hence, the category offered by Swingular: "Just Talk". :) J

Layton Hilton GB Saturday night. - - Sounds like a party! All swingers in the Layton area hit the Do Drop Inn at 9ish.

Las Vegas Swingers club - - We will be in Vegas for New Years

Know any Mormon swingers in SoCal? - Single girl in SoCal wants to know! - I live a bit north or San Diego and am Mormon.

Pineapples and black rings and flamingos, oh my! - - [quote=BIBILOVE11]Is it true about the pineapple, flamingo, black ring thing? Or is it a joke?[/quote] From what we have learned the pineapple is a sign of welcoming. If you turn it upside down its means swingers. We first started seeing upside down pineapples at Naughty in Nawlins a few years ago and certainly seems to be catching on. Not sure where black rings come from but we wear them as our wedding bands on the wrong hand.

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