
Tyro Swingers in Kansas

Tyro Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Tyro, KS, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Tyro looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Tyro, KS. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Tyro, Kansas Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Tyro, Kansas so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Tyro Swingers right away!

Another Swingers Show on TV - - [quote=PARTNERZNCRIME]did anyone catch this show?....we thought it was a decent representation of some of the issues that arise in the lifestyle.However,we did think it was humorous at times as a few of the couples seemed to be concerned with privacy in not letting family and friends know they are swingers (we dont either) but they are on TV in a swinger show..lol..it will be interesting to see how they progress in upcoming episodes.[/quote] We'd DVR'd it. Pretty interesting. Of course you can bet there was some editing for shock value on some issues. Not sure how many episodes, but we'll definitely be recording them all.

Why are people not answering? - - we to wonder why alot on here doesnt reply,I myself knwo we aren\'t a dog ugly couple. and what really burns us up is,,the ones who send you a e-mail saying they are interested and when you reply back with contact info,,,you never hear back from then. Santa -All i want for x-mas is a want-a-be zapper so i can do some serious ZAPPING! MERRY X-MAS TO ALL YOU REAL SWINGERS :z :h :l

Swingers cars??? - What ya driving?? - 78 MG midget

How did you pick your screen name? - Screen names are funny..... - Ours is a holdover from the "Dubya" years. He frequently talked about certain people and groups as "evildoers" and we were talking about it one night in bed after a swing party and decided that he would probably think that we, as swingers, were also evildoers. Right then and there we decided to change our screen name. The REALLY funny thing is that a number of years ago there was a thread started by someone who claimed that if you put your Swingular screen name into Google it would, like, bring up your profile or pics from your profile or whatever. When we decided to try it, the very first pic it brought up was a pic of Dubya and his cabinet. [em]Emo_49[/em]

Las Vegas looking for swingers info. - - We recently joined http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Green_Valley_Lifestyles (a Vegas based swingers group) to get to know more about the Las Vegas scene. We can't tell how productive this will be but it is worth looking into. Good hunting, Lauri and Charles

Alaska Swingers - - Does anyone know what website or local hang out there is for the lifestyle in Anchorage Ak? We're new here and would appreciate any help.. Thanks

Swing Color Bands - Swing Color Bands - [quote=MR_TRIXIEE][quote=MASSMN]I agree the wristbands are a good idea but Having so many colors is ridiculous and confusing as this site is proving. What is everyone going to have to carry a cheat card in their pockets to remind them of what colors what. Why not stay to the basic's: One color which just signifies you are swingers and can be worn outside the club these also can have a universal Logo of choice. Have Two clors which shows Female is BI, multicolored, and Third, tri-colored, which shows Both are Bi. That's One band with NO more then 3 colors which u can wear anywear and maybe meet new people u wouldn't have been able to do before. Again, keep it simple and less confusing. [/quote] I think the color chart is great... all you have to do is remember what your color is about and then when you run into someone that has a band on and you don't know what the color stands for you will be impaled to actually go up to that person and ask them what it stands for...[size=200] [color=#56121d"]this is what is called a great conversation starter...[/color][/size] this is what we are trying to get across to people.. you don't need to remember all the colors just the number that is on the bracelet... Last night we sold over 47 of them at the meet and greet so people are going to be wearing this out there so be looking for them!!! If you didn't get yours last night contact us and we will get the ball rolling to get you one.... Mr Trixiee[/quote] Exactly! What a great ice breaker. I'm hoping they work when we're out and about.

Now a single male looking for a rebound play - - That or rabid Ferrets. [quote=PALS4FUN]Yeah, swinging can cause huge pressure on a marriage and totally screw it up. I'm sure that's why most swingers, myself included, would never recommend swinging as a way to "spice-up" a marriage that is having some difficulty. You definitely have to be on the same page as your partner in order to give swinging a go -- and then be pretty damn quick on your feet and adaptable as things get going -- perhaps in a direction that you didn't expect. I don't get though, why the OP is back here if he's not interested in swinging for the long term or looking for a woman who is interested in it? Seems this OP is more suited for a singles-type site. And Evil, yes I'd like to see your listing 'cause I'm guessing that at least one of the items involves a douche-canoe going over a large peefall before crashing into a turd log. Or other such silliness, much funnier than what I've just described! ;) Yes ... I know your personality here![/quote]

Secret Swingers Club Ogden, UT - Clubs - Does anyone know the password for tonight?

find a girl to join us - - [quote=BEARZYKINS]You guys think you're the only ones looking for a single girl? Welcome to the club. You have to aak yourself what you bring to the table, that sets you apart from the literally thousands of couples here looking for the same thing! My advice is to be patient, respectful, social and realize that YES this is a couples site!! Also a more flattering pic of the hubby wouldn't hurt. (Just opinion, no offense intended!!)[/quote] Oh Oh!!!! guess I better not use this site and tell my friends and swing partners that I can't play here..... Didn't know it was a "Couples Site" ONLY, WTF? This is not a couples site.............. How lame......... There are pleanty opportunities for real swingers here be it M, F or couples.... I have had plenty of contacts and playing on this site. Yes Unicorns are real and very hard to find, but once you have found one, you will love it. Question: Why are the single women called unicorns, they don't have a big protrusion sticking out like a single guy does, why isn't he a unicorn???? Maybe you aren't finding one cause you are all the way out in Hyrum......... Deet-da-Deet, Deet.....

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