
Randall Swingers in Kansas

Randall Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Randall, KS, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Randall looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Randall, KS. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Randall, Kansas Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Randall, Kansas so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Randall Swingers right away!

Facebook group - - I am an admin in a long-standing FB Swingers group for SouthEast Idaho and we're getting ready to close it down. It used to be there were privacy concerns where people who joined would risk exposing other members by sending friend requests to everybody but we were able to handle most of that by staying on top of things. Now, the FB rules and algorithm bots are going crazy. Posts from 2+ years ago are being randomly found and flagged. Posts from the admins are being flagged as well and we've been warned that if too many of these happen FB will shut the group down altogether. But this means two things; 1. the posts that make the page fun and free are all at risk of being auto flagged even though the group is private and 2. Even if a post is not flagged it's not truly private since the FB bots and possibly admins are scanning through everything that happens in every group. Really, the FB rule changes from 2 years ago make the group against their policy even by existing. The new rules read that a group cannot exist for the purpose of seeking or supporting the planning of any sexual activity. Because of all this, our group has been migrating to MeWe and all official posts/events/polls are now hosted there. We'll also be deleting FB content that is likely to be flagged and closing down the group.

Know any Mormon swingers in SoCal? - Single girl in SoCal wants to know! - Naw. check out more of my threads if ya wanna see some really schizo shit. :-)

Friend collectors or swingers - - We are DTF people not friend collectors.

KUTV News Story on Swingers - News - Come to the dark side of swinging! We have cookies!

Ankle bracelet = hot wife ? - - [quote=Relax][quote=EVILDOERS]If Ms. Evil wearing THIS necklace (and pulling on it repeatedly thru the evening) doesn't evoke visions of hotwifery to the vanillas then wearing a generic ankle bracelet sure the fuck isn't going to. [img]https://i.gifer.com/7J7X.gif[/img][/quote] That is hilarious. I think that works so much better than the ankle bracelet.[/quote] Right? And they aren't even that expensive unless you get them in sterling silver or gold. We gave them out as party favors once, back in the day. I vote that these necklaces (you can find them all over the internet) become THE official/unofficial sign for hotwives and/or swingers. Most vanillas wouldn't even know what they are unless you pulled on it to make it erect. LOL

couples gf? - has any couples thought of this or had/have a gf - [quote=ABCMAN][quote=ASSETS][quote=VIRANI]is it wrong of me to believe that no girlfriend of a couple should expect anything beyond sex?[/quote] nope. I think the same... if a girlfriend expects more, then she is just setting herself up for a broken heart and disappointment.[/quote] It's not that easy. What if the man falls for the girlfriend. It is possible to love more then one person romantically, it happens all the time. Even friends of mine who have cheated on their wives, still love their wives, it's not just sex to some of these men. Sometimes I wonder if "Swingers" or "lifestylers" get so paranoid about falling for someone that they miss some of the fun that comes with sexual play with those you care about or ...cough...love. Love isn't something that is always controllable or a feeling that always can be tamed. I've read these posts for years, and it happens all the time in the lifestyle. Couple "A" plays with single male or female, they play often, soon one of the couple is in love with the secondary, then all hell breaks loose. I just asked myself, why? That person you fell in love with originally is still the same person, they may love someone else as well, but they in most cases still love you as well. Shut down the social conditioning that tells you it's wrong! So is swinging by the way if you listen to those religious cultural voices. Talk it over with your spouse, let them know it's okay to feel what ever they want to feel. Keep those communication lines open, and often the "fallen" partner will realize they love two and they do not have to love only one person. Sorry for the sermon, but I just cringe when I read these replies where people attempt to deny what makes them fundamentally human. It's okay to love others, even if they are not your spouse. Just remember who you are going home with and who was by your side the last umpteen years.[/quote] I used to work for a MORMON sex therapist... his usual statement" Love is easy... for the most part it requires the right emotion and the right impetus.... It's the RELATIONSHIP that is hard." I love many of the bodies/minds that I've touched... but I've never found a satisfaction better than what I've discovered with a husband of 17 years and our two amazing kids. I don't need anything from outside sources but a chance to see "what's out there..." Perhaps that's the real difficulty... analyzing our motives and admitting our jealousies. For example, I consider myself flat chested... It's why I LOVE encounters with buxom women... but I am willing to admit that my interest comes from a place of jealousy ... I don't ignore jealousies...I use them to my advantage. I am not girlfriend material... Monogamy bores me. But I do fit in with the group of couples who want full honesty.

Girls that are into DP - How common is this activity among the swingers? - No kidding, I almost dropped my phone hahahaha

NEW RIDING CLUB - LOOKING FOR MEMBERS - We are starting a new riding club in north west ohio to be know as SRC ( swingers riding club) . Any one in the area that would like to join please let us know if you are interested.

Kik group for UT swingers. - Contact me if your interested in joining a KIK group for Swingers - How do I join?

Vegas: Swingers circle or couples oasis? - Which do I prefer - Never been to swinger circle. We were told about couples oasis when we lived in Vegas by other locals. WD have been to the green door , red rooster and couples oasis. And out of all three couples oasis was the one I liked the best. It is the only one that does not allow single guys. Nothing against them but in that kind of setting they tend to give off that creepy feeling. Anyways it kinda like the manor there is a cover and it would is BYOB. There's a bar with a dance floor. Pool tables with a snack area. A group play area and some private play areas also a outdoor pool. During the summer I think they have pool parties on Sunday. Out of the 3 it is the only one I would go back to.

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