
Quenemo Swingers in Kansas

Quenemo Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Quenemo, KS, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Quenemo looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Quenemo, KS. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Quenemo, Kansas Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Quenemo, Kansas so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Quenemo Swingers right away!

Adulter or Swinger? - - Loving to dance at clubs and bars, Cyn and I frequently go out on weekends and are often met by a variety of friends. Over the years, we have accumulated a number of single females that enjoy dancing with us. One of these lovely gals enjoyed meeting attractive single men and would often end up spending the night with them. Not too long ago, somehow it was brought to her attention that Cyn and I were..... "swingers". She was furious with us and expressed her dissapproval in very clear terms. After she was through venting her feelings about how disguisting it was that we could possibley be involved in committing adultry, I took a moment to present to her a few select questions. First, she saw no wrong in spending an evening with another man in sex and carnal expressions of emotion? She responded that they were consenting adults and both single.. therefore committing no wrong to anyone. I asked if she felt it was wrong not to be monogamous with just one of these men rather than continually finding new friends to experience. Again, she responded she felt no wrong with what she was doing. Why then I asked, did she find fault with what Cyn and I were doing, as consenting adults and with full knowledge of what each was doing? She responded with the comment that "swinging" was just wrong and that as husband and wife we needed to be faithful to each other. So, I asked why it wasnt wrong for her to swing but it was for us. She retorted she WAS NOT a swinger. To that, I shared the following with her... according to every dictionary I can find, a swinger is defined as a person who engages in promiscuous sex, an adulter is a married person who has voluntary sex with another person to whom they are not lawfully married to. The realization of the fact that she was practicing swinging came as a shock. It took a few days to fully sink in, but when it finally did, she accepted us with open arms for what we are, (I guess adulters), and our friendship resumed. One very important item here to consider, too often the request to bring another single individual into our bedroom is presented with the excuse that the partner doesnt like sex anymore. The solution to their problem is to cheat... or in their mind... go swinging. In our book, these people are not swingers by definition, but cheaters. Its wrong and unfair to try to use the cloak of swinging to justify being unfaithful. Lifestyles and swinging is not a remedy to solve trouble at home. Often when we decline the request to involve people in our sexual activities for the reason their spouse is not aware or doesnt approve, we hear the rebuttle.."why not? you are swingers arent you?". What ever name we give it, people need to remember... this lifestyle is all based on a few key components. Trust, respect, and the terms YES and NO. Period. Cant we keep the labels, the slander, and the lies out of what we can find to be a productive, social, and even in many cases educational activity between honest, consenting, respectable adults?

First time flop rule - it happens - [quote=BLUEEYESINUTAH]Sometimes women have 'issues' too. At least I do. It doesn't matter how much mentally I'm into it, I can't get wet to save my life. I feel so stupid when that happens. I realize that age (gasp!), hormones, nervousness, alcohol, etc have a lot to do with it but it still sucks purple twinkies. I feel a bit defective. Granted, that's why lube was invented so I guess at least I have a lifeline. But still, you don't want your partner to think you aren't into it.....:([/quote] Don't feel bad, LJ always carries lube due to her allergy medication. Serious hassle even for sex at home dammit! [quote=SPYDER_MYKE]i have thought about this. we are newbies and havent even met up with a couple yet (there arent many swingers in our area apparently) we get the 'what if' thoughts. 'what if we dont click?' or 'what if we do click, everyone gets along great and we chicken out?' i mean were not shy, maybe were just nervous cuz were 'virgins'?[/quote] First, move to FL, we have plenty of swingers here. Second, as long as people know you are knew then they should understand that you may back out at the last second, it happens. As for not clicking, hell getting 2 people to click is hard, 4 is extremely difficult. But oh so much fun when it does happen.

Any Swingers out there? Golf swingers that is... - - Can I drive the cart...I tend to get distracted while playing games involving equipment long and hard. I don't play pool or baseball either. I will just be the ball girl. Wait. I'm not going all over chasing your balls. I will just hold onto the ones you're not using. xox Tammy

New Swingers Club in Utah - Gauging interest in new club - Put one of these in Southern utah and I'm there!

Explain why you like being a swinger - - Can't really answer as to the exact question posed, as I am a single guy and, therefore, I suppose I can't really be categorized as a swinger, per se. But as to why I like being part of this site with it's potential for associating with swingers: It's because I have never really fit the standard model of sexuality (if there really is one) and the opportunity to associate with people who have broken out of the "mold" and experience something new and bring something new to the scene is very interesting and exciting to me. Hopefully I will get to do a little more than theorize about it.

Super moon - - Jesus Whistle Blowing Christ! Were we the only ones out enjoying the super moon last night and noticing weird goings on? Just sitting in our yard enjoying a good bottle of cava when this huge freakishly bright moon rose over the mountain. We SWEAR we started to transform into wereswingers. We've always suspected a few of our neighbors of being closeted swingers and think that a couple of them also transformed and went out hunting some tender succulent vanillas. The way some people talk, they are constantly on the prowl for this elusive prey and often come home with MORE than their limit even when they aren't in season. So what did everyone else do during the super moon?

Swinger & 🦄 Bait - An experiment to attract swingers and unicorns. - Just put the gold pineapple on the rear window of the motorhome. Let you know how it goes. Lol

We don't always Swing..... - but when we do we goto Swingular!! - What about Chanukah? Happy holidays to the swingular group of swingers, clearly the place to be for Utah swingers.

Lifestyle parties - - Lish you want to throw aparty for gays, t-genders,bi's and all you can use the store after hrs, and you can dress up how you like try on lingerie,run naked, and play with the love machine, why well friends are friends good people are good people, and to discriminate is bull shit!!!!! and there should be no dicrimination at swingers party's or on swingular !!!!! love all walt smiles to all my friends straight gay bi and t-genders male or female luv walt

Random funny shit. - A place to post anything you think others might find amusing. - Have you heard Ronnie McDowells song "Older Women"? Here is my version: Older Couples (Chorus) Older couples are beautiful swingers. I say, older swingers they know the way. I

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