
Pawnee Rock Swingers in Kansas

Pawnee Rock Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Pawnee Rock, KS, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Pawnee Rock looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Pawnee Rock, KS. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Pawnee Rock, Kansas Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Pawnee Rock, Kansas so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Pawnee Rock Swingers right away!

Donte and bre - Hot swingers - The lack of punctuation in that story made my private parts ache.

Another Swingers Show on TV - - [quote=PARTNERZNCRIME]did anyone catch this show?....we thought it was a decent representation of some of the issues that arise in the lifestyle.However,we did think it was humorous at times as a few of the couples seemed to be concerned with privacy in not letting family and friends know they are swingers (we dont either) but they are on TV in a swinger show..lol..it will be interesting to see how they progress in upcoming episodes.[/quote] We'd DVR'd it. Pretty interesting. Of course you can bet there was some editing for shock value on some issues. Not sure how many episodes, but we'll definitely be recording them all.

Ginger or Maryanne - - Why not both? Both and then bring Jeannie in as well!!! Maryanne for sure, although stuck on the Island would have even give Mrs. Howell a run. I love the way swingers think!

Partners with hall Passes - - Bummer you haven't found single guys worthwhile. (This is the Mrs. by the way.) I guess we have just been lucky in that department. So many people bash single guys and I just don't understand why. We play separate more and more often. We have a harder time finding single women or women with hall passes. Maybe because I am the picky one :) I mean if I am going to share my incredibly sexy and amazing man she better be worth my night alone watching the kids! So ladies, please let me know if you're game to play. All you need to do is read our profile to see what "worth it" would mean to us. I also find it amusing how so many swingers claim to be open minded then are incredibly judgmental of people who choose to play separate. What is up with that? It isn't always easy finding couples where all sides are attracted and ready to get naked.

Seems Pointless - Seems Pointless - “Because it’s a swinger site” - doesn’t explain the WHY the site would have any user (single male, or otherwise), be able to view users that they could not contact. Wouldn’t it make more sense to have your profile NOT pop up on searches from singles males or any other demographic that does not interest you? “not designed for single males” As you said earlier, it’s a swinger site…. It can be assumed that is “designed” for all types of swingers… couples, single males, single females, all types. The category’s are pretty clear in its stated format. I do agree however that many seemingly just troll.

Lifestyle after Death - What would you do? - If there were "TRUE" friends you damn right they would accept you if god forbid something happened to your wife/husband. We have a friend his wife died after having gastric bypass surgery. We all went to the funeral talk about solidarty but it was there for him,her family and their children. They were very strongly in the lifestyle and he is totally accepted by all us even if we don't chose to take a single man into our bedroom he was our friend when Christine was alive and he still is. We all get together about once a month have dinner go to a club just generally enjoy the company,and when I say we I speak about 2/3 of a yahoo group. I have come to find that friends within the lifestyle stick by you no matter what more so then friends who have known you long term. I believe its something about common ground we all share and the support network with the swingers lifestyle. Just my 2 cents *smile* Becky and Jimmy

LDS Swingers Survey - Will any former/active LDS swingers take my survey? - Completed

Florida swinging - Swinging in Florida - we have been swingers fo about 10 yrs now and every time we write some one thay don't answer back or we are not there type

Where are all the MEN - looking for men that arent afraid of furthering the aspect of sex - Where are all the couples with men that are looking to further SEX. Most women would agree that they would love to give a man the sensations that they (if they do) enjoy of anal sex and dont be fooled women all know that the male prostate is basically the same as a womans G-spot and you know how they are about that lil goody HIT IT RUB IT ABBBBUUUSE IT PLEEAAASE!. I do not believe that women enjoy watching men kiss however. You want your lady friend to enjoy anal dont you. And if she does I am sure that she would want to give you the same pleasure. If nothing else I am sure it is one of her dirty lil fantasies. Women have more and dirtier fantasies than we have ever tried to cum up with guys. I was told about 9 yrs ago by a regular swinger in the lifestyle for yrs. that all swingers are bisexual. Which made sense, swingers are people that enjoy the fullness of sex and wants to share the diversity of it with others. So where are all the men that are comfortable enough with their sexuality to at least be interested in what women are enjoying about sex. We cannot be the only couple in SE Mi that feel this way. Do we need to move to UT there seems to be lots of nice profiles there! Congratulations Utah!

What makes you ignore vs. view a particular profile? - - Did you see our attachment, you go on a date without seeing pics first, this is what you will have knocking at your door.. LOL. Ok, there seems to be an underlying theme here.... PICS!!! Holy crap people everytime I see an email or think someone is cool in the chat room and click on their profile and it has "0" pictures, it really pisses me off. How many people out there do you think would honestly meet someone or a couple without seeing them? I've even asked the question and have had people tell me honestly that they have met people without seeing them!! No Freakin Way! Look, we aren't pretensious, and are the first people to hang with and find friendship and great qualities in everyone we meet. BUT, and that's a big but (no pun intended lol), we aren't sleeping with everyone on here. There is a thing called "chemistry" and "attraction". Unfortunately for us, we aren't out to get banged by every willing couple. If we click, and there is great chemsitry, chances are HIGH that we will hook up. But I'm here to tell you, if we can't see you and you don't post your pictures, you're wasting your time. And DONT try and IM us at yahoo wanting to chat if you don't identify yourself. If we could design and develop a swingers website, pictures would be a prerequisite. No Pics, No Profile, period!! Am I sounding harsh? I hope not, but it's the truth damn it! So PUT YOUR PICS ON YOUR PROFILE!! Thank you. Uthotcplextreme.

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