
Park Swingers in Kansas

Park Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Park, KS, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Park looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Park, KS. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Park, Kansas Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Park, Kansas so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Park Swingers right away!

can we swing and still not be in sin ? - - to all SWINGERS this is for people that want info. ONLY i don"t care if you want to go to hell..... read the thread again if you don"t know any rules or laws so let it be ...skip it ! we got on this site a large amount of singles male and female we got couples that ain't married we got men that play with out wifey and we all fuck with 'no sin at all'....this fourm is for people who got some knowledge to share with all of us who are seeking info. lets face it we can't talk to our freinds about this issue so this is a good fourm to get the info.::h

Looking to establish a group of safe swingers - - We would be interested.

Game ON....which sign is Hornier...(is that a word?) - zodiac signs of swingers? - We are both Gemini and very happy to meet you. What was your sign? Scorpios are just greedy.

Young swingers party - sold out, who still wants to party ? - [quote=EVILDOERS][quote=LOOKIN4FUN369][quote=RECON]It's funny how it says young swingers party for those under 45. Such a percentage of the peeps who RSVP'd are over that, or are lying. [/quote] They are wanting to creep up on the attractive 20's and 30's olds. [/quote] Well they ARE pretty easy to creep up on. Most of them have their noses buried in their phones 24/7. [img]http://sd.keepcalm-o-matic.co.uk/i/be-very-calm-because-i-m-creeping-up-behind-you.png[/img] [/quote] Welcome to modern society

western slope colorado swingers - trying to find fellow swingers - Hey there! Love Montrose....while we live in Utah...we visit there often. Love to ride in the San Juans! We haven't met anyone from that area, but have seen a few post...mostly from Junction. Good luck!

Secret Swingers Club Ogden, UT - Clubs - [quote=Ogden4fun]It must be hit or miss. We have only gone once but it was dead. No one really talked to anyone other than those they came with. We had high hopes.[/quote] Oh darn... maybe do a little meet n greet there in the future 🤔

Are you still interested! - Dynamics amoung swingers - I wouldnt say the dynamics of our friendships changes so we arent interested in swinging any longer with friends we have made, maybe just we go through stages where we dont want to share each other for awhile, or we dont feel as playful as we do other times. Like some of you, I am sure, life just gets busy and there are better things to do and worry about. We have had friends in this lifestyle that we have had for quite sometime and we havent lost interest in them in that sexual way at all......sometimes we just like to hang out with them and call it good. We think it is nice to have friends that we can play around with when everyone is in the mood for it, but that we can all just hang out without the pressure lerking behind that you need to play at the end of the night......that isnt what we want out of this.

couples more [oft ] ask for couples or single females. why is th - - We havent had a lot of experience with single males or single females....or 3somes all together, really......however, the one time that we did show interest in a single male for my pleasure (Mrs. Stitch typen) we had a really bad experience in finding one that was honest with why he was in this lifestyle all together. When we found a male we were interested in and we met up for some fun...the fun happened and after we found out the truth of his reality...and that was that his WIFE didnt put out at all, and he was really a married man with 3 small children looken for sex without strings. NOw the "sex without strings" thing is not what bothered me, however, the wife and 3 small children thing bothered me a great deal for very long time after that night. We (hubby and I) were both really upset by it, and wasnt looken for an experience that contributed to someone getting really hurt, and lied to. Sad thing is, we still see him lingering on the websites for swingers and being quite active in the lifestyle. I realize that just the bad actions of one single male doesnt mean that all single males are the same.....we also realize that there are probably some single women that are also cheating as well. After that bad experience we both decided that if we wanted a 3some experience it would have to be with ppl that we knew and trusted and really knew their life story. We decided that we wanted to just meet some fun couples and stick with married, stable couples that are looking for the same fun as we are. We dont ever want to contribute to breaking up a marriage and hurting someone else, we just want to have fun!!!

Pineapple Stickers - pineapple sticker = swingers? - We have friends with pineapple tattoos signifying they are in the lifestyle.

Identifying Swingers! - Lots of talk and now some action! :) - We like what you are doing and agree that it does not stand out like something we tried before. We are curious to see what the new items will look like. Is there a way to get on a mailing list for your site? We tried wearing a pin that was given to us from another site and forgot to take it off my jacket at the end of the night. The next time I wore the jacket we were with family and they wanted to know what the initials in bright colors stood for. In a pinch I replied it stands for the "safe drivers club ". Then my mother in law wanted to join but I further explained it was for us that drag raced and went a certain time with no accidents. So I invited her to drag race and earn her own pin but she declined. And that is why we would appreciate a more subtle way of letting others know about our lifestyle choices. Please keep us informed. Joe and Lori

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