
Monument Swingers in Kansas

Monument Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Monument, KS, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Monument looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Monument, KS. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Monument, Kansas Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Monument, Kansas so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Monument Swingers right away!

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - Mouthy prick or not Don, (which is exactly why I luv ya!) it's still a really nasty thing to say. Mother spirit? Hmmm... You have been rather naughty lately.. Maybe I should get out my belt and spank you! All in a "motherly spirit" of course! ;)

Swingers - a couples only lifestyle? - Are singles considered to be swingers? - I am a single guy, and in my opinioin I am not a swinger. I am just here to find a good time. I agree that swinging is between a couple, so I guess a couple that invites a third is swinging, the third is just getting some extra lovin. And about Hugh Hefner being single, he is not. He is officially still married to the mother of his two boys (I actually read this months articles, I swear).

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - Bunny, Pelvis gave it away eh? J&J, Let's hang soon. -D-

Spitroast - Mfm - [quote=COUPLE4_U]Single male swingers,,,, Really doesn’t make any sense to me[/quote] And your profile says looking for cpl and SINGLE FEMALES…

BDSM & group sex - - [quote=NIKITA]Just been exploring more of my fantasies. Been wanting to find out if anyone has had any luck on here getting their swinger fun with other fun. I like some light bondage, enjoy lots of sex, and lots of toys. But it seems that it's harder to find couples or women to have fantasies with on here. Years ago, it seemed a lot easier to meet and go from there. Maybe it's my age, size, or that I prefer to not host. Everyone has a type, I'm wondering if anyone finds them on here. [/quote] We have found this site, not surprisingly, quite vanilla. A blindfold and having read 50 shades is pretty damn kinky for Swingular lol. We far more relate to the kinksters on Fetlife. I would look at making a profile there, but it is not a “swingers” site 😉

Swingers In Uniform - Pay your memorial day respects here. - Dear Mr. Juan, While you certainly have every right in the world to express your misguided opinion on people, you might try to exercise some tact. I see that you are a single male.... Hmmm Go figure. It is our opinion that freedom (like the one you are exercising), was paid for with the lives of those people in uniform like those you are asking to pucker up and kiss your ass. Additionally the freedom that you are so lavishly using to spew your opinions is also protected by the Police, Fire and other emergency personnel. As far as your Tax money is concerned... How much of your, Mr. Quixote's, tax money is actually spent on these services??? Maybe $10 a year??? What's your fucking address? I'll send you a check. You fat, no good, leg humping, pogue, puke piece of shit. Sit on your ass like the slug you are and make your comments, but remember these people asshole. http://www.militarycity.com/valor/honor.html These Americans, that would go in your fucking stead to lay down their lives, so that you can eat cheetos and masturbate on your couch! Why don't you do us all a favor and gargle on broken glass. Sincerely, SGT and SPC Cole P.S. Tell one of their mothers you'd like your dumb ass kissed. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Don Juan Wrote: hey, Dickwad, Perhaps you are unfamiliar with this country called the U.S. You see, here, the cops work for the civilians, so you don't tell us what to do; rather it's the other way around. Ditto the military. We are your bosses, so if there's any ass-kissing to be done, pucker up.

real members? - - I have to disagree with you on your valadation process.. the ONLY thing that your photo or cam session proves is that it is a real person NOT a real swinger. In order for someone to prove that they are a REAL swinger.... There has to be some kind of reference referral from other swingers. Holding up a sign does NOT provide if they are swingers or not!!! BTW.... the couple that started this forum topic are REAL!!! We have never played with them but we have seen them at several parties. They are as real as they come. :) Carrie

Girls that are into DP - How common is this activity among the swingers? - Best way to have sex... ;)

Know any Mormon swingers in SoCal? - Single girl in SoCal wants to know! - Hey younghotfuncpl, I know of one who can probably direct you to others. Message me, and unblock messaging single males would you? Otherwise I won't be able to send you anything back. Or you can email me: [email protected]

Swingers In Uniform - Pay your memorial day respects here. - I joined the United States Air Force by my own will. I joined after I thought long and hard about spending years of my life dedicated to something other than myself. I decided that I do love the freedoms that have and I am willing to make sure they stay that way. Noone decided this for me, I am not mindless, I am educated,and I am a member of mensa. Not every war has to be fought on American soil to have a pure purpose. DJQ, you have the ability to not only work and pay your bills, feed yourself, acquire material posessions(including the computer you make your posts on), and you have the right to your opinion. All of these things are possible because of a country, however flawed, that stands up for what it feels is right. I'm willing to bet that ANY number foreign nationals would love to trade places with you right now. When you put your own self needs away for a short moment and realize, like so many post before mine have said, there are families without fathers and mothers because they fought for something bigger than themselves, we, you and I, are not that important in the grand scheme of things. Young men and women, some as young as 18 years of age, are sleeping in tents, eating food from plastic bags, and waiting for the next mortar round to hit nearby, because they were asked too. Many of whom probably do not agree with their situation, but realize that they are their, giving of themselves for a greater good. These people deserve at the very least a soft thank you once a year. DJQ, you are intitled to your opinion, no one will force you to believe something else like the days of inquisition. But please, for all those who have given of themselves, past and current, have just a shred of decency and gratitude that you are able to live the life you have. I'm not telling you to believe the same way I do, opposing sides is part of what makes this country great, just dont take for granted the things that were given to you without expectation of repayment. I am PROUD to have served in the United States Air Force. I served dilligantly during desert storm in support of all the marines and soldiers who were on the ground, my brothers. I thank all of those who have given of themselves to make sure our country continues helping the needy, and protecting those who need it. I salute all of you, commissioned or not. Mr2

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