
Gardner Swingers in Kansas

Gardner Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Gardner, KS, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Gardner looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Gardner, KS. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Gardner, Kansas Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Gardner, Kansas so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Gardner Swingers right away!

Why the male side of Couples are here...? - I will admit I am hoping to spark some heated debate on this.... - Shit I had to read thru that whole thing like almost twice. Okay fine, I skimmed it almost twice. Why am I (or we) still in swinging (it will be thirty years in the not too distant future!)? For us it's about the great friendships. Sex is great. It's fun to explore that not only with each other but with other people occasionally. But it's totally secondary for us. With swingers, more than any other group of people we've found, we can be ourselves, say pretty much what we want, and not have to filter anything. With most vanillas, especially here in Utah, we really have to tread lightly and watch what we say and do. With swingers we can laugh our asses off, totally make fun of the world and even flirt without anyone getting too bent out of shape. I'm sure I don't have to tell you what would happen if you did that with most of your vanilla friends. So yeah, friendships are why we stay. Any sex that happens is just the frosting on the Pop-Tart for us. As for when we're "70+...who will be taking care of you"...I would hope I can pretty much take care of myself, still control my bowels and bladder and occasionally still climb in the saddle and give Ms. Evil a jolly good geriatric rodgering. If I can't I would hope one of my good swinger friends will put me out of my misery by locking me in a room with an insatiable 22 year old redhead for a few hours and then scattering my ashes over the beach at Hedo II. ;-) Seriously, 70 AIN'T that old! I know a guy who still runs marathons (admittedly not very fast) in his 90's!

Swingers In Uniform - Pay your memorial day respects here. - Well Mr. Juan has shown his true colors. Not only is he a coward, he is a conspiracy theorist. The liberal propaganda has spoken to his inner being. It's told him that big brother is out to get him. Now he's a paranoid piece of shit trying to get fellated by my dead mother's corpse. Yeah dumbass she died in 1998. So, unless you dug her up in Oregon (i see you're in MD), I think you got the wrong corpse. As far as your liberal banter goes regarding the US and it's evil conspiracies, get a life douche bag!!! If you know of a better place to live, I'll send you bus, train, plane ticket or maybe you can swim there. Wait, isn't that what people are doing to GET HERE????? Let's take a pole.... Who Thinks Mr. Quixote's "The Legend in his own mind" has the right idea of what a hero is? It's easy for you to sit in your warm and cozy jack shack, you dickless single loser, and tell me what mindless bullet magnets we are, but all we see before us is the mindless rantings of a coward, lacking the fortitude, honor, integrity, and courage it take to protect what you take for granted. With that being said, you can take your rants, small dick and delusions of grandeur to Canada or France you dickless worm. D&T "Freedom is not FREE!"

Girls that are into DP - How common is this activity among the swingers? - [quote=CANDJ23]I can't wait to try DP! and I want to try having 3 guys at once, so I can have one in my mouth too...[/quote] This is my birthday wish! 3 Guys at once...:)

Oregon?? - Oregon?? NE1? South? Central? Western?NE1 at all? Jeeze - This site was founded in utah that is why so many peeps from utah. I am in idaho and not many active swingers on here from idaho.

swingers resort - - Sea Mountain landed in Desert Hot springs after Dewie lost his place in Malibu CA. He brought the Hollywood vibe with him when he took over the new place & he sunk a ton of money into it. He works hard to keep everything high end, from the Egyptian cotton linens to the mineral water hot tub. Its a nice place. It tends to be high energy & It's normally packed. I often stay at a German spa that is a few blocks away & just get day passes to sea mountain when they are full. The clientele is a little mixed, but it's mostly pretty people & there is normally a lot of action there. Food in the area is hit & miss. My favorite reasonably priced restaurant is a place called Fisherman's in Palm Springs. The area gets kind of sketchy at night. I've had some run ins with crack heads when I've gone for supplies late in the evening. Sea Mountain itself is completely safe, but I would plan to stock up on supplies during the day. Also, the AM/PM station on Gene Autry Trail doesn't take credit cards after dark, so plan your gas around that as well.

This one time at Swingers Camp - Discussion about N by N camp out - I wanna thank all of the camp host and staff that helped put this camp out together....Dre, Lang and, Sue and, so many more. I would really like to thank all those who came out to the event for making each moment count even when sleeping hehehe. We had a blast with everyone....Loved seeing you all!!! Love, Sara N Josh Pepsi is good....AMEN!!!

Young swingers party - sold out, who still wants to party ? - [quote=LOOKIN4FUN369][quote=RECON]It's funny how it says young swingers party for those under 45. Such a percentage of the peeps who RSVP'd are over that, or are lying. [/quote] They are wanting to creep up on the attractive 20's and 30's olds. [/quote] Well they ARE pretty easy to creep up on. Most of them have their noses buried in their phones 24/7. [img]http://sd.keepcalm-o-matic.co.uk/i/be-very-calm-because-i-m-creeping-up-behind-you.png[/img]

Just looking for other couples happy with super soft and no swap - There must be more of us out there? - UNICORN_CHASERS "real" swingers? posts like this is the kind that will drive others that aren't as "hardcore" away from the lifestyle forever! Look up swinging..Google, Yahoo..whatever..and read as many definitions as you can find..there are many facets to the lifestyle, not just yours. And just because something isnt "fun" to You doesnt mean it might not be fun to someone else. Maybe the idea of full swap isnt fun to this couple that posted this topic, ever thought of that? Unicorn I think u should read the 4 other pages of this post !!!! I said to each there own .... We tried soft swap wasnt for us and full swap isnt for them !!!! Who cares ...... 90% of the couples in swinging wont make it anyways this rips relationships apart .... In 3 years we have seen tons of couples get divorces from the lifestyle ..... But the soft swappers shouldnt say full swap is bad either till they have tried it !!!! Just sayin Badboy8p

How to identify yourself as a Swinger - - [quote=EVILDOERS]LOL, yeah this subject...or fantasy (and the black ring, or the ankle bracelet, or the...(insert urban legend here)) crops up every few months or so. Bottom line, no matter how hard people want to find a way to ID other swingers in public it won't happen. Let's say for a minute that all or even just most swingers DID agree somehow on some kind of article to wear or display. It would take about 24 hours (likely less) for someone to post it online and it would be pretty much common knowledge within a week. Ergo nobody would actually display it for fear of being outed. Sorry, just human nature on all counts. We identify other swingers the old fashioned way. Sheer irrational speculation. Either that of we consult the Psychic Network. Both ways work equally well. [em]Emo_67[/em] [/quote] Ah yes, i see you point there. Makes perfect sense. Sorry if this was brought up before, cant seem to find a way to search the forums? Is there a way?

C- A - Any swingers clubs around Salt lake? - Could be fun, I’m new to this tho

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