
Council Grove Swingers in Kansas

Council Grove Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Council Grove, KS, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Council Grove looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Council Grove, KS. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Council Grove, Kansas Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Council Grove, Kansas so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Council Grove Swingers right away!

Curious where did you meet? - - We met at the bar basically had a one night stand. She got pregant I moved in a month later and has been rockin for the last 13 years. Wouldnt change a thing. I introduced it to her bed about 2 years into our relationship about another woman joining us. then start telling her how hot it would be for her to bring a guy home from work and let me watch them fuck each other in her car in front of the house. Then it became a reality when she became friends with a couple she worked with that were swingers. It was so dam hot woooo hoooooo

What's the universal swinger signal? - How can you spot a swinger?? - [quote=ORALLYBI4CPL]I always tell people I like girl juice and sausage for breakfast... real swingers know what I mean :) [/quote] Or do you like "girl juice" on your "sausage?" ;)

Disabled Swingers - - The guy I moved to Vegas with had MD. In a wheelchair loss use of legs, now he couldn't walk......but the motha could fuck. Just saying, look for people who have your same qualities or interests and just start and friendship and go from there. Once they meet you and you guys hit it off, they should be able to look past that. If they can't you don't want em anyway. I've dated 3 guys in wheelchairs and I liked them because they never let me think they needed me for anything.Strong, independent and could pop wheelies. All pretty hot. :) Hope your search goes well.

I Have A Question - Poly vs. Open - Mr. and I have been in a committed poly relationship with another couple for 3 1/2 yrs. Both we and the other couple had been in the LS for 3-4 years before this. Our trajectories were different - Mr. and I were pretty bored with swinging. We had lots of fun adventures, but we both tend to crave more intimacy and I, in particular, don't find myself attracted to many men until I am intellectually attracted to them, and that generally takes more time and effort than the average swinger wants to put in. We had tried only dating unicorns for a year, and then went to more of an open style marriage (infrequent, but occasional hall passes. Sometimes with both members of the same couple, sometimes not). But even that wasn't as satisfying as I wanted and my interest in the LS was waning. That's when we stumbled upon our Others. We were at a vanilla swirl party (a few LS, mostly vanilla) and immediately picked them out as LS. What do you know, we clicked. I immediately was drawn to the husband, he to me, and our spouses soon felt the same. We began spending time together as a foursome pretty much from that day forward. Their trajectory was different than ours. They were classic swingers--meet at a party, click, arrange sex or fuck then and there. Sometimes these people became friends over time, sometimes not. They didn't crave the intimacy we did; they enjoyed the spontaneity, excitement and variety. Their relationship was never open. No hall passes, almost always straight partner swap with another couple, but occasionally they would mix that up at a party situation. So it's kind of surprising that they ended up down this road of polyamory. We just clicked and loved every minute with each other and really never have wanted to be apart. HOWEVER, we are all four still swingers in some way or another. It has become more apparent after the honeymoon phase has settled into a deeper, more real relationship. They occasionally still want that exciting fling. We do too, only less often as the stars REALLY have to align for me. Mr and I still occasionally like sex with a deeper connection. There have been moments when we resented their desire for casual sex. There have been moments when they resented our need for deeper connection. But in the end, like any LS couple, we were able to talk it through. And we were able to realize how all of us can be fulfilled and have our needs met. We just had to drop the jealousy and insecurity and really want to please the people we love.

Favorite bars in utah - - Sweet! But be careful! [url=http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/las-vegas-doc-hosted-drug-fueled-swingers-sex-parties-cops-article-1.2151475]Swinger Doctor Arrested for hosting drug fueled sex parties[/url]

Search abilities for international swingers. - Just a suggestion. - Hi. When searching you can only search for a US state. How can we find international couples??? Bea and Alex from The Netherlands

Newbie "outdoorsy" couple interested in the softer side. - Wish to develop a friendship with another couple in S ID, N UT - [quote=Canvas][quote=LILMISSRIDINGHOOD]There are couples and singles in the lifestyle, who have been in the lifestyle for a while, who also like to take things slow. Some don't want to just jump into bed, but they are aware of the many ins and outs of the lifestyle. I've been in the LS for years, but prefer to make friends, first, then decide if I want to go further if they, too, want to go further. If you want a friendship with no sexual strings attached, I suggest you look for others who feel the same. Narrowing your search down to just newbies, or suggesting that's what you're looking for, limits your options. You might consider meeting people with the precondition that you don't swap, but you may reconsider at a later date. [/quote] Thanks for your input. It is appreciated! Our thinking with looking for newbies was that we could all be nervous together and learn together. However, it's not like we know our way around these waters. All this has actually been very humbling to me (male half). I'm used to diving into things and doing well from the start. Here though.... it all feels so foreign, intimidating. Maybe it's due to my wife and I marrying right out of HS. We dated others in HS but that was so long ago with entirely different maturity levels. At any rate, your point is well taken. We welcome any advice and constructive criticism we can get. Thanks again! [/quote] What, specifically, feels intimidating? Or perhaps a better question would be what do you fear? Are you afraid that one of you will fall in love with a playmate and leave the marriage? Or that one or both of you will like swinging too much and become big ole sluts? LOL Or maybe you're afraid of contracting a horrific sexually transmitted disease and your junk will fall off? *grin* Most of us are TERRIBLY bad at risk assessment and more often than not we fear things that are statistically FAR less likely to happen than things we don't seem to fear all that much. Some people won't fly in planes even though they are FAR less likely to die in a plane crash than driving their car to Walmart. And many swingers are deathly afraid of getting AIDS even though it's really quite hard to contract compared to, say, HSV, which most adults have actually already been exposed to. Identifying why you're intimidated might be a better use of your time than trying to find a needle in a haystack. But in the end, do what you're comfortable doing. If you think finding another newbie couple is the least intimidating way to dip your toes in then, by all means, do that. Those of us who have been around the scene for a while, however, could tell you some of the drawbacks to meeting people who are newbies. Personally, we would seek out a more experienced couple, albeit one who is NOT pushy and is willing to go at your pace and is looking for friendship more than sex. The reason I say that is if things DO turn sexual, a more experienced couple is less likely to freak out or have other issues that they haven't already dealt with. Either way, good luck.

ADMIN: Survey Says - Site Updates for Priority - We completely agree about the mobile experience. Everything is mobile now. It would be nice if the groups on Swingular were more useful as it is a bit intimidating to try to replicate somewhere like FB. We would like to be able to message, view profiles, get notifications, etc. via a mobile app and not have to log in to the main swingular (not mobile page) to do much at all. Swingular is definitely the best gathering option for swingers in Utah, but I agree that the experience could drive users to other apps. J&H

Game for Swingers - Has anyone heard of a new game for lifestyle couples called Titillation? - Yes, we've bought the game ourselves. It's good for a first time with new swingers, good for groups too, but it's admittedly not the best. I'd say average.

What is better? - hard body or curves - that is the question - [quote=IndecentDuo][quote=TJ69NAZ]Curves are awesome! As long as the curves don't turn into rolls I think that is the sexiest body type. Hubby asked me to "relax" my workouts years back when I was getting a little too toned in his opinion. He said he missed the softness I had before when we cuddled. Now that I'm 48 it's not an issue anymore.[/quote] Really? Rolls are a cardinal sin nowadays huh? Just FYI, everyone has rolls. Thin people, fit people, fat and in between people. It's skin. Just bc we've all been brainwashed by the western media to believe that thin is the ONLY form a beautiful body should take, doesn't mean that is truth. I am a bbw and a lot of swingers look down their noses at me in theory...yet I have met, played with and been pursued by thin, attractive people at various points in our swinging experience. It's not JUST about fitness. I find beauty in most forms of the human body, as many of us do. So for the OP, you are beautiful whichever way you feel most confident, regardless of your breast or butt size. Tho I will agree, squats are where it's at! ;) [/quote] Really? Opinions are a cardinal sin nowadays huh? Just FYI, everyone has opinions. I answered the OP's question in MY OPINION so unwad your panties. MrsTj

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