
Worthington Swingers in Iowa

Worthington Swingers

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Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - WELL ,for me its the name you choosed,, ULUVBIGBLKDICK,, i have been with single men from here, and it's my first impression that i go with. I never like nicknames, to me it was something that just didn't fit right in my thinking. I'm sure i will get alot of lip for this as usual. But you wanted me to be honest so I am. The name you choosed is something i would find on a porno site, To me it's something that tells me something about your personality. I maybe wrong but that's the impression I get with your name. kristy

Swingers of Color - - Ever wonder why their are so few BLACkS, HISPAINICS, or ASIANS in the swinging life style?

tired of the B>S> - - The only chance we have of meeting fakes is if the couple at the club or party turns out to be transsexual dwarfs and were fooled by their elevator shoes making them look taller. We have been around this stuff a good while. Actually we have never tried to meet a couple on this website, we gave that approach to meeting long before this website came to be. (I know my ass doesn't look that old but it is trust me) Fakes have always plagued these boards, it was FAR WORSE when you didn't have the verification systems in place and while these are good they are still not a guantaree you are dealing with the real deal. The now infamous "Christylynn" was certified as a "real couple" and technically they were a "real couple" just not what you had planned on. You can e-mail someone back & forth till your fingers bleed but your will not truly know what's behind door number two until they walk through the door. The best way to try and eliminate fakes and flakes is obviously to meet them in person. The only way to hope to be successful is NOT to plan an evening out with ONE COUPLE. We are fortunate enough to have a variety of swingers clubs and organized lifestyle parties in our area to use as a place to meet where we can not only see the couple we can SEE the couples interaction. (This is the part that helps you avoid the flakes) This works great for people like the original poster who lives in West Palm Beach Florida and this is what I recommend. For those who live in Alta, Utah (Pop.304) this approach is not so good. You fine folks in Alta will probably have to do a little more on-line work to round up some party people. (Just start with real seal at MINIMUM and work it from there...good luck.

Single Men Meeting Couples - Are Single Men Treated Un Fairly In The Lifestyle - LuvBugs (Mr), well thought out and placed response. We see single men as swingers and/or as 1/2 of a swinging couple. As mentioned, swinging is NOT just about couples, its about a mindset, a lifestyle and a personal choice; a personal chouce they have to make for themselves, and not for each other, or together as a couple.

Non-paying Single Female requirement - Just an Idea - OK, I'm sticking with the Golden Unicorn at the end of the rainbow. I agree that single females should have to post a picture... of themselves... But it's to easy these days to go to some other swing site and find a good looking girl and poof, you have pictures so what does it really prove. It's like going to a swingers club and thinking that you are going to find hot single women waiting there for you. It isn't going to happen.

Here's something Ive been curious about - - I must say that I agree couples are the swingers and singles are enjoying the lifestyle because, one, I know plenty of technical vanilla singles that have had threesomes and they don't call themselves swingers. 2, I believe swinging is for those who do bring something to the table other than themselves.. because you're swinging to something new and different than your significant other. Singles are apart of the lifestyle community but what's the difference between meeting others that you already know want to do this compared to just stumbling upon it at a vanilla party.. there is nothing wrong with not being called a swinger. So no I dont think singles are "swingers" but if they want to call themselves that I have no frets about it. It's whatever to get the point across that you want some extra fun too!

Amusing Story about bad planning - Notice nobody asked the swinger\'s opinions - Swingers\' party at hotel angers soccer parents \'We thought we were coming to Orlando, not the Las Vegas Strip\' The Associated Press Updated: 1:13 p.m. ET Jan. 3, 2006 ORLANDO, Fla. - Some teenage soccer players and their parents saw more sights than they wanted when they stayed at a hotel where about 200 swingers were having a New Year

LDS Swingers Survey - Will any former/active LDS swingers take my survey? - I would be really interested in the answers from current, active, attending, members. I can imagine that once you've recognized the need to break your relationship with the church its a lot easier to swing. Those that still embrace the gospel, attend meetings, hold positions, etc., and want to be in the lifestyle as well would have to have a tough time resolving those conflicts, I would think.

What to wear to a swingers party??? - - We would really like to attend the Valentines Day party but we are new at this and we are wondering what to wear? What do men wear? What is appropriate and what is not? ;) XOXO

Cuming out of the Swinger closet - - We have to agree as well. If we are trying to convert or suspect that they are in the LS then we might hint, or make comments just to see where they may sit. But its part of OUR intimate life. Why would we want all to know? Not that its a bad thing, because it isnt. But I could only imagine what many would say, and blow out of proportion. The is a need to know basis...Sadly one of my step-sons knows... He was floored, but suspected. Come to find out one of his best friends parents are swingers and suspected that we were. Other than that it remains with our LS friends.

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