
West Bend Swingers in Iowa

West Bend Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in West Bend, IA, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over West Bend looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of West Bend, IA. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

West Bend, Iowa Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from West Bend, Iowa so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with West Bend Swingers right away!

New Here - - first off... I admit I Fucked up setting this account in the first place by not setting it up rite. But second... What a bunch of paranoid assholes. Your acting like I came on here using a lie to get in to some body's bed room. If you would have bother reading my post you would have known that we are not currently swingers and that we are learning about the life style and deciding if this is for us. Hell the only reason I posted this post is out of curdasy...

Swingers cars??? - What ya driving?? - 70 cuda. 67 gto. 2009 challamger

Swingers Party - Doesnt mean who ever is there is open to everyone elsa - The Actions of Drunks can put anyone off of going to Parties. That having been said! If that guy would have tried that with the Little Woman she would have Knocked his clumsy, Drunk Ass, into the next County. And then told his Wife, Were the Bear went to Shit in the Forest. One way to enjoy parties is get in early, then get out before "Final Call for Alcohol" This works well for us because we are just too damn tired by the time closing time rolls around. It must be Age Related for us? Just keep going till you find the place and the people that work well for you. Then Just Shoot The Rest Of The Worthless Bastards! "The Dodging Lead" Tool Man

A paradigm shift - polyamory - Your thoughts? Here are mine... - This is a big big topic... good one. It is true to say that an amazing thing about being human (thank any God figure you'de like :)) is that we have an INFINITE capacity to love. It is most obvious in women but exists in us all. I understand all of the comments about walking a path together, finding the one and only, etc and that is a great way to live but the fact is, we can love more than we do. We can choose to want to be with a certain person more than any other but we can love many. The easiest way to show this is that when a child is born they make the parents feel as if they could never love like they do this first beautiful child but when others come along what we experience is an expansion of our capacity to love. It is limitless. As mothers and parents can love many children so can we all love many others. We dont need to, some dont want to, but some feel it is a natural and Godly way to live. The biggest obstacle to it is jealousy or feelings of ownership which Swingers have largely learned are "lower thinking" attributes and, at least as far as the physical goes, they are beyond jealousy etc (of course I mean the healthy ones). Big Love is a real deal. It scares many people, even swingers but it is the next and logical progression in the more enlightened thinkers out there, which many swingers are. We swingers have at least tackled the threat that comes from "physical" sharing but many are scared to death to hear their loving sharing spouse express feelings of love for another man or woman. A great book on this topic is "The Future of Love" by Daphne Rose Kingma. It's excellent. Im sure this idea (polyamory) is not for everybody but it is natural and can be as rewarding and freeing as swinging is I'm told...(Jealousy, guilt and ownership are unnatural 'learned' behaviors). I already know I cant be 'everything' to my loving partner but am I strong enough to allow her "love" someong else? Oh wait... is that really my decision? Thats my 2 cents... Dave

New Swingers Club in Utah - Gauging interest in new club - Come on people---let's get this going.

Ways to point out Swingers in public - - Tungsten makes some quality rings for the lifestyle. .

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - Ali, He's just frustrated with me. LOL! I am a mouthy prick a few people would probably like to punch. LOL! I know this guy is a vet, because he talks like one. LOL! I do not take offense to what he said. I think, in reality, by reading him, he'd probably save a life before he'd take one. Let us boys bask in our bantor. -D- P.S. Thanks Ali, you're such the mother spirit.

Orlando freaks - Orlando swingers - Let’s get something going

KUTV News Story on Swingers - News - The world will never get how our brains work my true lifestylers; there's always going to be a warped view of what and how we enjoy it. They could only dream of experiencing the type of erotica we get to feel. Let's continue to set our expectations of the world and Utah's view, very low, as to not get caught up in judgement, hate or disillusionment. Play on and may we all continue to successfully manage our relationships so we may always enjoy the tantalizing and rich tasting fruit of the lifestyle erotica.

Professionals - - FL4FUN, I'm just stating the socio-political realities of OUR area. It's a bizarre place. My point is that nobody really cares what working class folks do around here. But 90% of folks do seem to care what you do in your spare time if you have some sort of prominence in the community professionally speaking. I don't make the rules. I just have to live by them. A lot of swingers are looking for people they actually share non-sexual interests with as well. I see nothing wrong with talking about hobbies, taste in recreational activities, etc. in a profile. It just puts more meat on the bones...helps you get a bit better idea of who a couple is. As club owners, we are keenly aware of the fact that there are a LOT of different types of folks coming at the lifestyle from a LOT of different angles and hoping to find a LOT of different things. And it's all OK so long as nobody is getting hurt. I just recalled one profile I saw from a couple out of New Port Richey, FL, I believe. They talk quite a bit about the fact that he is a professional fishing charter captain. I found their profile very interesting. It was pretty detailed, well constructed, and enticing. You see, we travel to that area about once/year on vacation and I love to fish. I figured he and I might have some things in common. Another couple talks about the fact that he is a sky-diving instructor and she is an avid sport shooter. My wife wants to jump out of an airplane BADLY and we love sport shooting. So we have set up a meeting with them as well. The more detailed a profile is, the more we appreciate them.

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