
Spragueville Swingers in Iowa

Spragueville Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Spragueville, IA, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Spragueville looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Spragueville, IA. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Spragueville, Iowa Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Spragueville, Iowa so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Spragueville Swingers right away!

Rock Hill or Close by!!!!!!!!! - Whats Up(2 Questions) - We are right outside of Columbia and we reviewed you profile. We found your pics to show you 2 to be an attractive couple and from that we would love to hook up with you, but the rest of your profile is why we haven't contacted you. We are non smokers and look for the same, we also enjoy full swap and enjoy the erotisism of kissing and that is a no go in your profile. We don't consider ourselves major swingers, we enjoy making friends first, enjoy full swap, like others to be shaved, respect my wife to the fullest, no cumming in her mouth, are the main rules we have. They are our preferences and you have yours. We agree there are alot of wanna bees and BS artists on all the sites, but with time you will find a few super cpls that you will become friends with and alot more. But remember you have rules and things that are turn offs to others just like us and well, as we always say "No wine will be served before its time".

Vanilla cruise finder - - We are going on the Harmony of the seas out of Fort Lauderdale on November 25th and was wondering the same thing.....Come on people lets make this a "swingers" cruise.

Burnt out from searching - - [quote=EVILDOERS][quote=ThroughTheVeil]Maybe the problem is that you're shooting too high? I mean, don't get me wrong, everyone has their preferences, and at the end of the day, you shouldn't do anything (or anyone) you don't want to, but were in a similar boat of having to reach out a lot and getting rejected, a lot... even after making quick contact (or even longer contact) with a couple. Now if we didn't care who we met up with, we'r would have a different couple every night we had free time and some to spare, so having standards is important for time management also. What I'm saying is, if you're frustrated with how little (quality) contact, maybe you should give more people the benefit of the doubt. I can think of couples that we initiated contact, 4 or 5 times before meeting, and then when we finally did, had a great time and became good friends, but that also meant reaching out to couples 6 or 7 times before realizing we were wasting our time swallowing our pride over them.[/quote] The Lord and Lady of the Veil (Vale?) make a very good point. We've found that MANY swingers (Ourselves included.) are somewhat predispositioned (Yes, I know that's not really a word.) to constantly be on the lookout for what we might consider the perfect or ideal couple/connection and thus ignore people we might actually end up having a fairly great connection with because they didn't check one of our boxes for things thought we were looking for. Far too often it's too easy to overlook a good or even great couple when searching for the perfect one (That might not actually exist!). How much great or even just good sex might we be passing up in the pursuit of perfect sex? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯[/quote] Very well said and obvious to many and acknowledged by few. We decided after the 1st couple of years the perfect couple may not look like the perfect couple but if we had a great connection it did not matter. Wildcouple88 we live in Houston and have never had a response from anyone in our area. We have met many great couples in SLC area when we cum in for about 8 weeks a year in the winter to ski.

KUTV News Story on Swingers - News - At the end she said this person experienced it over 5 years ago, so all of this was really Old News. She has since been remarried to a Vanilla. Basically this was all BS.

Swingers cars??? - What ya driving?? - Gremlin! Lucky! Those cars are awesome, but I guess you already know that!

Hosting a swingers Party - - Blk & White ~ There are many ways to go about this, but one of the better ways is to first arrange a "cocktail hour" in the Hotel lounge. Have the couples meet there. Before you give out the suite number, collect what their share of the cost is. If anyone refuses to kick in, don't be embarassed to ask them to please leave, and be sure never to invite them again.

Now that you're one of them there fancy swingers... - - It's very nice of you to bring ice cream to an event, FRIENDLY. There is always room for extra ice cream or maybe a casserole or a bundt cake.

Lake Powell Trip June 11-14 (Last Topic got deleted somehow) - - OK,, not sure where the Announcement went but lets do this again.... Every year, we put on a Lake Powell trip. In previous years, it has been a mixed crowd,, swingers and vanillas. This year we are going to change it up and add a trip in June that is Lifestylers only. Dates for this are June 11-14. We are still doing the August trip as well, but it will be a bit tamer than the June trip. Houseboats will be availible for those that want to go. The cost last year for the houseboats worked out to be around $800 for the 4 days per couple. This included fuel. With decreased fuel prices this year, it should be a bit less. If we get enough people to warrant it, and if I can talk the pig supplier to provide pigs twice in one year (Yes, Buttabing, this is directed towards you) we will do a luau pig on Saturday night. Last year, some people tent camped as well so staying on a houseboat is not a requirement. As a courtesy though to those that are renting the houseboats, if you do use the amenities of the houseboat such as bathrooms, showers, cooking and kitchen stuff, etc... you donate to whoever rented the boat. Having a boat is not a requirement. Those that do have them don't seem to have a problem "adopting" those that don't. A bunch of peeps from this site went last year and from what we hear, everyone had a good time. I will need commitments from those that want to go no later than March 29th so I can ensure that I tie up enough houseboats for those that want them.

Yet Another Cheater - - [quote=WYOFUNLUV]Isn't the reason everyone is here is to have wild different sexual experiences? If a male or female is married and chooses not let that be known then isn't that their business? I agree that if your not comfortable with it then its your right to ask and say no if you find it out. Either way if someone gets caught its not your problem its theirs. I know people on here that play and their spouses do not know many travel and/or dont have great sex at home whether it is due to medication or age or anything else. In the long run I dont think this is as much of a dating site as it is a site of like minded people looking to satisfy adult needs and fantasies. So Have fun and do what your standards and morals let you do. And don't chastise people who dont think like you. Ok I said my two cents. Now lets have some fun.[/quote] On a certain level, you're correct. It's nobody else's business. However, one could also use that argument to justify/excuse literally any behavior. What if a guy is abusive to his wife? Is it still nobody else's business since that's between him and her and he's just here to fuck other people? I know that I would want to know about something like that if I was going to be okay on ANY level with him being intimate with my wife. The same goes for a person who is, say, abusive to his kids or kicks his dog and leaves it chained up outside no matter the weather. I could go on and on about bad behavior that we'd want to know about, if possible, before we decided to invite that person into our relationship because, in a very real sense, that's what a couple is doing when they swing with someone else. That's also why many people don't feel like singles have as much 'skin in the game' (i.e. they aren't RISKING as much) and why many feel like so many single guys just don't 'get it'. Personally, Ms. Evil and I can't simply separate a person's sex organs from who and what they are as a person. So yeah, we're not really keen on playing with cheaters as that says something important, at least to us, about their character...or lack thereof. But don't worry. There are still people here who it doesn't bother in the least if the person they're fucking is doing so behind the back of someone they made promises and a commitment to. That's MY two cents. Oh, and when you say "...it's not their problem." well, it actually COULD be their problem. We knew a guy about 10 years ago who ended up in the hospital after a woman's husband (who the guy had been told was aware of and okay with her meeting swingers) caught him in bed with his wife.

Fantasy Friday - Share them! - I know it's only Thursday (or Thorsday, if you prefer) but Friday can NOT get here fucking soon enough so I'm going to start this a little early and see if it can get some traction that will carry this thread into the weekend. We thought it might be fun to share some of our naughtiest sexual fantasies with each other. Let's either share some written fantasies or, maybe, even some pics or gifs (or videos!) of any fantasies that are rolling around in your brain right now, or that HAVE rolled around in there in the past, or that might pop up based on something you read about someone else's fantasy. This is the place to post your deepest, darkest, wildest sex thoughts even if it might be something you don't necessarily ever want to act out. Oh, and just for fun, please post a "Yes", "No", or "Maybe" about each fantasy depending on whether it's something you def would like to happen, def DON'T ever want to happen IRL, or MAYBE would like to happen given the right circumstances and/or people involved. And PLEASE, no judgments about someone else's fantasy...unless it like involves kids or something illegal or really disgusting. Who knows, maybe it will strike a chord with other swingers and it might start a dialog or something that could lead to meeting people IRL who share your fantasy and want to help you fulfill it. I'll start it off with a fairly mainstream one of Ms. Evil's and this is a 'maybe' but most likely closer to a 'yes'! :-) [img]https://images.sex.com/images/pinporn/2016/07/21/620/16187171.gif[/img]

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