
Primghar Swingers in Iowa

Primghar Swingers

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Do your friends and family know about your lifestyle? - - Well... does our families know? 12 years ago Kelly and I went to our first swingers party. I was nervous and it was made worse by seeing my mothers boyfirend there with his wife. No my mother did not know he was married. Am I going to go tell on this asshole..... no. He told on me!! My mother came alll the way into to Salt Lake (which she has only done 3 times in the 13 years I have lived in Salt Lake) to give me a rash of shit over it and explained that was the reason her and my dad got a divorce (I assume he wanted to do it and she didn't). She said the Kelly and I were going to end up the same way. I of course told her it was a one time thing and we didn't plan on ever going to another party. I know how very small this world is, and it is very small, I like to think that I have kept it secret enough that the only people who knew were fellow swingers and the ones I have elected to tell. Do my friends know? Well I have a good friend who I have told yes.... but the operative word being GOOD friend... and her and her hubby have decided to give it a try. See if they like the extra spice. In a snese if I tell someone I end up promoting the lifestyle.... but it is very few that I have told. Do co-workers know? I say only the sexy guys at my job know.... and I mean the really sexy guys... with the brown eyes and brown hair and mustache and goatee and a dick that knows how to pleasure me.

Swingers In Uniform - Pay your memorial day respects here. - Juan probably watched Farenheit 911 and thinks himself and intellectual now. Facts, to this crowd, though interesting, are irrelevant. I believe the only rich white fat man to profit directly from 911 is Micheal Moore. Per Southpark and Team America: Go USA. Go Broncos. America, fuck yeah.

BD/SM- Why are there no groups? - - I'm fairly certain there are at least a couple of BDSM groups here. Have you tried searching in groups? Not sure why you think those interested in this type of play would necessarily want to keep it private. These days (especially with the whole "Fifty Shades" phenomena) it's practically main stream. But yes there are outside groups...many call it the "Kink Community" who pretty much do this type of play exclusively and aren't necessarily swingers. In all actuality swinging is becoming fairly watered down these days with all the different groups (I'm thinking of polys as well as many other fetishes and play styles) wanting to be included under the big umbrella of swinging. It's a wonder anyone really ends up hooking up these days. LOL

Crickets! - - [quote=Ucouple]Damn....The forum is as dead as the economy. Take heart swingers, don’t lose faith. Human kind will prevail, Sex will prevail.[/quote]We thought the forums and the chat would have more activity. Instead everyone is too busy making memes and shopping for toilet paper.

Game ON....which sign is Hornier...(is that a word?) - zodiac signs of swingers? - Uncle Pervy is a Gemini Pervette is a Capricorn

NO PIC Profile Poll...Do You Open/Search Them? - "YES" or "NO" answers ONLY please.... - I'm a professional I want to be discreet Sensitive reasons. You may be a great looking couple, but I'll never know..... If some one is on this site, more then likely they are swingers too. So who cares if they see your picture. Without a profile pic , you may be missing meeting some great people. Its the pic that catches my attention , then reading the profile to see if there is any match or interest is what I (female) look for.

Swingers In Uniform - Pay your memorial day respects here. - Don & Tami aka SGT and SPC Cole, We'll go in order here with the few things we have to say. 1. As an active duty career military family, our hearts go out to our fallen brothers/sisters and their families. 2. Your response could not have been worded any better. Kudos! 3. As for the Don Juan issue, this might take a minute. I've read a lot here about "protecting his rights to speak his opinion" and the like. I agree to an extent, but this dude rides so far out on the left wing that we might just be able to label him as a "domestic enemy." Myself and many other members of this site are sworn to protect this country from the like. I propose that Don Juan reveal his true identity and we deal with him accordingly. Not only for the shoving of his misguided opinions, but for using profanity in the direction of my wife in a forum and an email (yes, I remember and will not soon forget). V/R Chris & Dawn aka CW2 and the Mrs.

Can a Hotwife also be a Unicorn? - - [quote=FunKinkyDuo]Well, I met a woman whose husband doesn’t mind that she plays with me and has a naughty GF. She has a hall pass to play with just me or both of us. They really aren’t swingers, so I guess she’s a hotwife of sorts, and for us she’s a Unicorn 🦄[/quote] This is more of our thought process. We did not mean disrespect to anyone.

exspense of taking husband and boyfriend to party - - [quote=PITMOMMY]you know what i was originally think when i started this was that, iam masculine in my relationship with both guys, they both have more feminie than masculine qualities, then i read posts on here about homophobic guys who dont dp because they dont want to touch penises, its like wtf, then iam wondering where bi sexual men fit into this swingers community who are supposidly open mined, i would think that if this community were so open mined they would see a person as a masculine or femmine spirit, what if my bf like feminine guys, will there be any at a lifestyle party? what if a guy likes masculine women how many will be there? the closed minded nature of these parties sets the whole thing back to before the sixties, they might as well only allow straight wife swapping and no bisexual men allowed[/quote] I will admit my mind is not that open. I wouldn't enjoy seeing any bi men activities at a party we would leave. We or mostly I dont find those thoughts sexy. However I have seen bi couples and group all bi parties forming on Craigslist. However I doubt those parties are held someplace with a heated indoor pool and Spa. But for $12.50 each you should be able to cover the cost of a suites. But then you will need some liquid spirits but you wont have a bartender so you will still ave to mix them yourselves. Or I am sure you can task one of your escorts to tend bar all night long.

Know any Mormon swingers in SoCal? - Single girl in SoCal wants to know! - I live a bit north or San Diego and am Mormon.

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