
New Albin Swingers in Iowa

New Albin Swingers

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Here's something Ive been curious about - - [quote=DELICIOUSLYWET][quote=EVILDOERS]You can't be a "real" swinger unless you're official. We answered an ad in the back of a Spiderman comic book, sent in a quiz and a drawing (boobs and a penis) and they told us we would be AWESOME swingers and to send them 19.95 plus P&H. Now we're card carrying swingers. If our certification ever expires we're just gonna be plain old wife swappers.[/quote] Did you also buy the x-ray glasses and the Sea Monkeys? Their advertisements are usually on the next page. I did and what a rip-off.[quote=PEBBLEROCK][quote=NAUGHTYELFS]we have discussed this and we feel it is possible for the ever elusive unicorn to be a swinger. however, for our money a single male cannot be a swinger he is just another horny male who is often single for a reason lol[/quote]That's the dumbest fuckin thing I ever heard!! A single (unicorn) female can be a swinger, but a single male is "just another horny male who is often single for a reason"??? What about a single female that's single for a reason? Whatever that reason might be...it's no different. Just different parts. That was such a huge chauvinistic statement from some fucker that's probably sittin home on his couch covered in potato chip droppings, wackin his fuckin pud as he picture-surfs everyone on here!!! It's people just like you that make it so hard for some of these really decent guys to get a dialogue going with a couple at least, or a friendship at best. There's no damn difference in a single male or a single female being considered a "swinger". The COUPLE is the "swinging" part of the equation, not the single...they're just wanting to get they're "fuck" on, male or female, for whatever reasons they might have. So do me a favor...hurry up and get your nut, wipe the chip grease off your fingers so you don't fuck up your keys too bad when your wife needs to check her email, and go hang yourself!!! I have no patience for fucktards like you that have no idea what this really is!!! Play your own game, but don't ruin it for other's that are trying like hell to play within the rules!!! Wanna borrow a rope???[/quote] Are the two of you, perhaps, being a bit reactionary about this thread? Pebbles I would agree that many if not most everyone involved in someway with the swing scene is mostly trying "to get their fuck on" and I appreciate you honesty, but to offer the guy a rope? Either he or she or both made a reductionist statement about single men. Their opinion really only spoils a single males chances with them and only them. Remember guys with the big sabers don't need to rattle them and the ladies also read these forums and the ladies usually prefer a gentleman. Peace people, peace. [/quote]You're right, I was a bit reactionary and over the top. I guess I get a bit defensive for the truly respectful single males out there. And YES we have them blocked, but only because Pebbles is into girls and very close relationships right now. Thanks for reminding me to tone it down a bit. Peace babies!

Seeking mormon swingers - - Your comments are ignorant.

Discussion brought about by the marajuana topic - - **YAWN** I'm with Highway on this one...there are plenty of ways to kill oneself. There are plenty of things the general "law-abiding" public does in their cars and homes that put themselves and others in danger. Have to wonder which demographic group will be next after having ridded our communities of the dregs of society by outlawing tobacco and alcohol (the insidious pot-heads have already been dealt with after all)? How about the fat people? They live an unhealthy lifestyle, and certainly provide a burden on society with obesity related issues. Attribute the rise in Type 2 Diabetes, heart disease, increase in cancer (yes cancer...in individuals who have never smoked and have otherwise lived a good "christian" life) to the convenient and unhealthy lifestyles full of decadence and complacency we lead (Hmm...I know there was a reference to the Roman empire somewhere earlier in this thread). Once the fat peeps are incarcerated...who shall shoulder the burden and blame for many of the ills in our society? There are always going to be special interest target groups in our society, whether they be pot-heads, crack-heads, fatties, adrenaline junkies, speeders, cell-phoning-while-driving idiots, swingers...well you get the point. We may forget to look at WHY things are made illegal, maybe that's on purpose...because when you think about it...the reasons for WHY they are do not make sense. It couldn't be merely for personal safety and health reasons...because if that were the case, then certainly excessive food, and cell phones would be made illegal. I'm with TR on the too much government intrusion scene; We are the so-called "most free" country on the planet...yet we have the most laws and government intrusion and incarcerated percentage of the population. Period. Merry Christmas...haha

Safe Sex - How do you (or don't you) protect yourselves? - Condoms? Yes, please. However...I can think of quite a few reasons why some people are opposed to using them; Intimacy, sensation, alergies, penis size, etc. None of them seems compelling enough to me to make an acception though... As \"swingers\" there is very very very little possibility that we (despite the fact that mRs. Luvbugs is \"fixed\") would allow anyone to be with either of us unless there was protection involved. In 12 years we have seen unwanted pregnancys, a paternity suit that became very nasty, STD\'s passed from one couple to another, and complete dishonesty about the sexual history of the person in question. What cracks us both up is when we get these letters that say \"Vasectomy SAFE.\" Get the f**k outta here! Are you serious? Safe from what? Pregnancy? A condom will do that nicely buddy, and as long as you arent trying to fuck a hole in someones back, they shouldnt really break all that often. Everyone believes that they have led a good life and have avoided the contraction of an STD. I would like to be able to accept that fact in good faith, but there is no way I can allow myself to think in such a naiive manner. There are even those in this world who would KNOWINGLY pass a deadly disease such as AIDS to another person out of pure spite that they themselves have contracted it. There are risks with oral sex as well, but the probability of contracting anything serious is atleast somewhat less then through vaginal intercourse. I just cant see it. It amazes me. A person would have to be plain stupid to take that risk. Just our .02 cents. Luvbugs! (mR.) ;)

Meeting new swingers? - Where to meet them? - A few months ago we got together with 2 couples we had met on-line. We met in the parking lot of a mall local to us- we happened to live just about mid-way between the two other couples. After hugging and shaking hands and chatting a bit we agreed to have drinks and something to eat at a nearby restaurant where we all got to know each other. Things proceeded from there to another location where friskiness was the order of the evening;)

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - AKLIM, Saying pitbulls are a dangerous breed would be as inaccurate as saying all mexicans are illegal and are on welfare, all blacks like fried chicken and listen to rap music or all whites live in a trailer park and fuck their sister. There are dangerous Pitbulls, just as there are dangerous German Shepards and Golden Retrievers. It does not make it right to assume all are just because some are. Pitbulls are not the "most dangerous" breed by nature. The have a higher risk of attack, because many people mistreat them because of how they fight. Mis/Disinformation, ignorance and insecurity is what perpetuates intolerance -D-

A&E New show about swingers... - neighbors with benefits.... - [quote=KIDSATPLAY]Why would any industry sponsor shows about the positive side of Swinging? I doubt there is any big money in promoting the swing lifestyle any more than there is profit to singing the praises of plural marriage. The vice industry might even suffer financially should swinging really catch on. This is a lifestyle that must eat the crumbs that fall from the gay lesbian table to acquire any "me to" acceptance. It seems like social and financial suicide for the deep pockets.[/quote] Why would they? They probably wouldn't. I strongly suspect it will show only really fit, conventionally sexy, couples on some kind of a bedroom merry-go-round. Along with, if they find it, some couple or couples whose relationship gets screwed up by swinging. And I wouldn't be a bit surprised if they created a situation like that for the show if they didn't just find one. But a REAL reality show about swinging, showing people from 18 through their 60s or 70s, with the biggest single group in their 40s, with bodies ranging from incredibly skinny through obese? People who are, except for having rejected society's "you only have sex with your significant other" commandment, are absolutely and completely normal people? No, THAT show they'd never sponsor. I expect that this show, if it has any effect at all on society's view of swinging, will have a negative one, reinforcing the idea that swingers will jump into bed with anyone, and leading to even more people "signing up" in the expectation of getting laid whenever they feel like it.

Question - do you talk about other swingers? - NEVER NEVER NEVER NEFER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER, and did I mention NEVER !

Couple looking for wifeswapping, swinging, lifestyling and or org - - My wife and I would like to fuck some people and/or have sex with them. We are experienced swingers but haven't had sexual intercourse with anyone else for a long long time. In fact, our swinger hymens have almost assuredly grown back and our genitalia is as tight and unused as that of a first semester freshman BYU coed (full disclaimer-there also may or may not be cobwebs present from disuse). If you like Pina Coladas and gettin' lost in the rain...if you're not into STD's and you have half a brain please HUU. Alternatively we would like to orgybang a bunch of hot nasty slutty people. Costumes and/or real personalities are optional. We're not looking for one night stands. We're looking for 1 hour (maybe 30 minutes) stands. We are dead ringers for Dennis Quaid and Meg Ryan (if both of them went on a 3 month bender of drugs, alcohol and Fight Club-esque beatings). We don't expect you to be Ken and Barbie but we want you to at least be Skipper and Todd or maybe Chuckie and a Cabbage Patch Kid. If you don't know any of these references you're WAY too young for us and you should go fuck some really hot Beliebers while discussing the pros and cons of Call of Duty WWII. No offense. We don't Kick or Instachat or Snapgram or Twit. In fact our cell phones only hold half a dozen contacts each, voice dial is spotty, and our virtual/digital assistant is Ask Jeeves' alcoholic second cousin from Plumpton, East Sussex, Nigel. So you'll have to contact us through email, smoke signals, or Miss Cleo. We prefer Miss Cleo. NO SNAIL MAIL! We're not old, irrelevant geezers! Check out our profile and pics and if you don't experience severe projectile vomiting we might just be your next right swipe (No idea what that means but it sounded edgy and hip and not entirely 100% desperate). THE (accept no substitutes) Evildoers

fantasy football league free trying to get only swingers in leag - free autodraft fantasy football league - We had trouble signing up as well yesterday. First after you have a profile click on the fantasy tab. On the next page click the fantasy 11 tab. then under the the 3 main buttons to create/join /activate buttons there is a link that says received an invite? click on that then put in the league number and password.

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