
Mechanicsville Swingers in Iowa

Mechanicsville Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Mechanicsville, IA, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Mechanicsville looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Mechanicsville, IA. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Mechanicsville, Iowa Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Mechanicsville, Iowa so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Mechanicsville Swingers right away!

Safe Sex - How do you (or don't you) protect yourselves? - We now have the rule that we always use condoms. And we are still shopping around for the best ones that work for hubby. He would prefer not having to use them but not enough that he is going to stop. (Side Note: red condoms can have a BAD visual connotation for some guys) I admit that when we started out we didn\'t use them the first couple of times we played. We then discovered that the first couple we played with doesn\'t use them at all. They had some of the same arguments I\'ve seen posted here. The fact that STD\'s can be transmitted via oral sex, condoms don\'t feel right, etc. I can see those points. But then we found out that they don\'t get tested at all and he picks up random chicks while traveling (with wife\'s knowledge and permision) I think that is the point that makes me the most uncomfortable. Most of the swingers we have met so far are very aware of STD\'s and take some precautions such as getting tested, condoms, etc. But I have seen the statistics on STD\'s in single sexually active people and it\'s like 1 in 4 and most don\'t know they are infected. So he is playing russian roulette in my opinion. We didn\'t know all this before we played with them. So I guess the moral of the story is to talk with potential partners and ask questions!! For us newbies, it may be awkward and feel like you are being crass, nosy, or killing the spark, but the other couple should be willing to at least discuss it or maybe they aren\'t right for you!! Carrie V.

swing parties information - Meet and Greet - Looking for a swingers club or private swingers party in the Chattanooga area whenever one will be happening. Any information would be greatly appreciated. You can leave me information on here or my own e-mail address at destinytw at hotmail dot com. Thanks, Tammy

What is up with Swingular and Drama? - - Drama is on every swinger forum because, just like every other social group out there, some swingers never really graduated from junior high. There will always be the people that thrive on drama or have to build themselves up by causing others grief. Also : Anonymity on the internet empowers douche bags. These two factors combined explain away a lot.

Swingers cars??? - What ya driving?? - 95 Jeep Wrangler, 08 Chevy Uplander

LDS Swingers Survey - Will any former/active LDS swingers take my survey? - GOT IT DONE

Joe - Swingers parties - I'm looking for any swingers in. The Northwest area of Chicago that are interseted in meeting

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - ULUV, HAHAHA!!! Never had it. Is it any good? Oh and dude, if you change your fuckin' name, I won't respect you anymore. Fuck 'em, if they don't like it. I think it suits you and to tell you the truth man, I think it's a fuckin pimp assed name. You are who you are. That I do respect. I've read a lot of your posts and I have to say, you are a smart and funny dude, built like a brick shithouse and got pics to prove the ladies like ya. I think you never even needed this thread. You are one of the cool ones dude. I don't know if that means anything, but I would recommend you to our friends seeking the single gents. Guys like you T4REAL69, VALANCEPARADIGM (forgive me if I left any of you guys out) and a few others, proved to me that not all of you single guys are cocky, pushy, selfish fucks. You ever get this way, let's have a beer. Bring one though because the beer here sucks. Only state in the union that has 3.2 percent by weight beer (about 4% by volume). It's weak as fuck. That's a whole new Utah-based thread. -D-

Alaska Swingers - - Wife swappers in Alaska? That's crazy talk. Everyone knows that little old Mormon Utah is where all the swingers are. I'm sure there are plenty of swingers in Alaska. Just a matter of finding them. Check out other swing sites. Most are geographically biased. You can also try Craigslist as many peeps go there to find like minded people to swap with. Good luck.

hosting parties - would love to hear from everyone - [quote=SLCWANDERLUST]I have to echo Sara. People don't know how to RSVP. Put that in your invite. If it is a small house party RSVPing is mandatory. If you plan to fill your house to the rafters with drunken swingers a few couples more or less isn't a problem. One way to force RSVP's is to not give out address until you get an RSVP. There is a book called "Loving More" I don't know if it is available any more. It is a little dated. tells you how to find couples through personal ads! but the info on throwing a party is good. [/quote] Good points....We had planned on using the address thing to help solidify the rsvps...We have room for quite a few...as long as they all play nice..LOL But not sure we want to fill the place to the rafters...LOL Knowing at least approximately how many are coming is pretty vital info..we think. Sorta reminds me of that old song.."Four and Twenty Virgins"...LOL

Couple seeking couple - Where the reals at...? - [quote=Candyrocks69]Hi super sexy horny peeps... We’ve been on this site for a while now and it’s been fun meeting new people but we have issues with a few things. 1.) People send us friendship requests without even saying hi first, which is super weird in our opinion. Send us a message first and tell us why you even give a fuck about talking to us. 2.) Ummm.... what are we supposed to think when we see a profile and all the pics are of the gal. Hello... red flag... does that mean the guys is super ugo? Not cool! 3.) We are veterans in this lifestyle so we know what we’re looking for and we make it very clear in our bio as to what we’re looking for so sending us a message and then us seeing from your bio that we are clearly not looking for the same thing is so weird to us. WTF? Ok, we know we are the exception to the rule when it comes to “swingers” because we don’t consider ourselves as swingers. We want a fun couple to be best friends with in and outside of the bedroom. Call us crazy but that’s how you form genuine friendships in this type of situation. We aren’t looking to put a bunch of notches on our belt or going to parties to just fuck whoever. That being said, please read our bio and if you think we’re a good fit, please drop us a line. This isn’t just about sex sex sex for us... although, we LOVE sex! We are looking for genuine human connection and friendship with this couple. We know we aren’t alone in our quest for a fun couple to hang with because we’ve dated 3 couples in the past 6 years and have had a blast! Just gotta fine a good fit for us. [/quote] spot on,,,hey were always looking to meet and make new friends

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