
Marion Swingers in Iowa

Marion Swingers

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really appreciate the "lifestyle" - wanted to reflect - i wanted to repost pretty much a reply i wrote in another forum... it started out about our thoughts on the first time with someone new... was trying to convey our feelings that getting to know people over time made the exp better... and well it seems like more than that in re-reading it... or it could be the painkillers... so if the typing is bad thats why... thxs please enjoy... "1st time is never the best, that is why we like 2nd, 3rd, 4th and so times, making friends,(does not have to be buddys, or move in with you) people you can talk to more than about sex... is what really makes the life great... our continuing story.... rich has a severly broken leg right now... the people that are making life work for us for the most part are swing friends, some are on the site... we had just contracted on a house befor rich's leg, closed from the hospital, a couple we have known for a while got a truck and moved us in our new home... the wife of a couple (on this site) has been taking rich to his appointents, which until recently were every day, her husband fix and painted one of the rooms in the new place just befor the move in... rich's best friend, a single male (on this site)has been there, and a single female friend has been too... many other couples have come by and done a little even if it was a ride to get lunch or dinner... and rich really appreciates the sympathy blow jobs... not everyone you play with will make a connection, but trying for that connection is the best part... and for us, right now, if not for the swingers in our lives, we would be lost in trying to works things out. "

The Demise of the Political Forum (PF) - By Jock U. Larity - No free we're tired of all the bullshit fearmongering propaganda from the same wingnut gun-toting (most can't shoot a gun to save their life) morons on the right. The same morons that torture, murder and kill, to including their own sons and daughters to get a fuckin redneck cowboy and his corporate pigs more oil, more power all while trying to jam their fucking bible down everyone's throat and rape the part of the constitution, especially that which disallows this shit and twisting the part that allows them to arm themselves to the teeth should anyone have anything to say about it. No lies there buddy. Do me a favor and keep following your fuckin redneck retard shepherds off the fuckin cliff, sing jesus loves all the children, cept the colored, all you want and I will continue pointing and laughing. As for this forum. This secluded section just proves that like our country enough "Conservative Swingers" (oxymoron) cried about individuality, free progressive thinking and freedoms of expression and speech that we had to be locked away hidden. You conservatives like to ignore anything that challenges your position. You said so yourself in another thread. The truth is, we're all drum banging here and no one wants to hear anyone else's opinion. What's the point?

Male Chastity - - [quote=WEBERCOUNTYCPL]Any couples looked into this or involved with male chastity?[/quote]Yes, I regularly [b]chastise[/b] my husband. "HEY BUSTER, we've only been at it for an hour, and I expect some stamina here--if you can't get it up for the 3rd go-round then I expect some good oral, damn-it!" But nothing ever cums of it. Oh. "chastity is different from "chastise?" My bad. [em]Emo_90[/em] Ahem. On a more serious note, I doubt this one will draw any affirmative answers. This is kinda like the "Hey GUYS, Who likes Bi?" question. This is a 100% straight buncha swingers, unless you're female, then yer damn well expected to get yer tongue busy on the misses or you're a freak. I make this claim in a very "tongue-in-cheek" fashion. [em]Emo_17[/em] And to the OP: I literally cracked up reading your profile -- the comment on the "elderly" illicited the outburst. If you were nearby, I'd snatch-up my walker and beat you with it. [em]Emo_49[/em]

Have you ever... - - Saw this on myspace and thought it was interesting enough to post here and see what everyone's answers might be. Enjoy! Fess up about your sexual history. Are you a flirt? A prude? A slut? A nympho? Please be as descriptive as you like. (For the purposes of the quiz, 'sex' counts as genital contact with insertion. ) Had sex outside? Y or N Had sex in public? (movie theater, concert, theme park) Y or N Had sex in an unusual location? Y or N Had a threesome? Y or N A foursome? Y or N More than a foursome? Y or N Had a happy ending? Y or N Been tied up? Y or N Tied someone up Y or N Been to a sex club / swingers club? Y or N Watched a porno? Y or N Been in a porno? Y or N Wore a costume / role played during sex? Y or N Recieved a spanking? Y or N Given a spanking? Y or N Paid for sex? Y or N Had sex with someone you weren't attracted to / didn't like? Y or N Had sex with someone you didn't know / just met? Y or N Traveled more than 50 miles to have sex? Y or N How many States / Countries have you had sex in? Favorite position? Had a 'nooner'? (skipped out of work / school to go have sex and then returned) Y or N Had sex at work? Y or N With a co-worker? Y or N Slept your way to the top? Y or N Preferred location of "money shot"? Women - sexiest outfit / lingerie you own? describe in detail Men - best pickup line? Preferred hairstyle? (on you and on others) Shaved bare? Landing strip? 70's fro? Other style? Underwear choice? Ganny panties / tightie whiteys? Thong? G-string? Commando? Easiest way to get you turned on? Worst mood killer? Preferred style? Soft and romantic? Wham Bam Thank You Ma'am? Hard and fast? Hair pulling, ass spanking deep and rough? Piercings? Tattoos? Shoes / socks on or off? Do you fantasize about other people when having sex with your spouce / usual partner? Y or N Who is your fantasy partner? Describe the perfect sexual encounter... Willing to give me your answers in person? Naked?

swingtown - a new show on cbs - we liked it and record it on DVR. It all looks pretty much "period" for the times. My only thought is: I wonder how many people will watch that and think they can be swingers?

Does Penis Enlargement Exist? - Help us cut through some penis BS - I've wondered since my double hernia surgery in March of 2004, my size got smaller. What use to be 8x5.5 prior to surgery, is now 6x5.5 two inches less in length. Do I have grounds for a law suit? I use to be the hit of the few house parties I went to, and among the few couples who enjoyed their time with me. But now I'm just the average joe looking to get laid. Also in 2005 I suffered a groin injury lifting furniture while moving a friend. Between the hernia surgery and the groin injury I have also gotten to the point that an orgasm is delayed. I read a muscle magazine once, and it dicussed delayed (retarded) ejaculation, due to steroid use, and straining of the groin while body building. Enzyte claims to be giving out free one month samples. Who would be a better testing ground than a group of over sexed swingers? Iron

South Florida Mar.23-Apr.5 - - John (Tech). Platos has been out of business as a swingers club for about 6 or 7 years. Trapeze is the biggest and best club in the Ft. Lauderdale area.

Original humans as swingers? - Provocative theories based on Bonobo sexual behavior - [quote=LOGANLOVERS]I'm happy evolution took away our hair and did a lot of other cool stuff to us, but it's too bad we couldn't have latched onto that method of conflict resoultion.[/quote] If you read the article in the link above the video, the author postulates that 10,000 years ago a shift in our way of life (agricultural revolution) also shifted the sexual paradigm. And that is why that method of conflict resolution was abandoned, not because of evolutionary pressures, but because of social pressures. Being that it only occurred 10,000 years ago that is why the basic instinct has not changed, and why humans still seek sexual variety, even multiple partners. That theory is so radically different from most other evolution theories it is akin to Copernicus suggesting that the earth was not the center of the universe. History and science have proven Copernicus right, what about this theory?

female AGE turn on-off - - SPERM, You are a class A jackass. Pleae take your cheating ass elsewhere. Your words spit on everything that real swingers believe in. You make me sick. Mrs Classy

Swingers In Uniform - Pay your memorial day respects here. - As a retired soldier - 20 years and two wars (in various Special Forces and Infantry units) it's always nice to hear appreciative comments...it wasn't always that way...

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