
Ireton Swingers in Iowa

Ireton Swingers

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Swingers gone bad?? - - Just a thought here... Compare this to another post about women being drugged at parties... In both situations you are giving another human being a substance to reduce or remove any ability to say no to unwanted sexual advances. Rape is rape no matter if it is an adult/adult rape or adult/child rape. And if someone is too drunk/high/drugged to consent and the person continues, it's rape. To those thinking it's kind of cool, wrong. For an adult who is by their age, in a position of power to abuse that power and sexually assault another is not cool. It's illegal, it's immoral and it's flat out disgusting.

On Premise Swingers Club - SLC - Is there any good swinger clubs in las vegas we are going there next month and would like to play ?

Any swingers advise for Spain? - Swing clubs in Madrid - And believe it or not, if some clown gives a girl a hard time, over ANYTHING, she can call the cops and the cops WILL deal with the jerk. In some places, like Amsterdam, the police even have the authority to ban someone from the red light district on pain of instant arrest, and they do do it. Only in places where it's illegal do there seem to be all the problems, crime, drugs, disease, that we have associated with it here in most of the U.S. Like I said, different laws, different social attitudes. ~ Terry

I'm a hater. Will you be a hater too? - Warning, the rats ass just ranted all over the floor! - Brent, I have to disagree with you to a cetain degree. I have seen many couples gravitate to other couples. Also as a single male, I have even been blessed enough to find the occasional couple or single lady looking for it. The best thing to do is to keep a positive attitude and keep trying. Eventually something should come your way. Instant, I am sorry you guys are having such a hard time finding playmates. All I can say is that it is their loss. As others have told you before, this is largely a numbers game. If you are in an area without a large proportion of swingers then it will be harder for you. I did like the way you found your fun though. I would have loved to be in that bar on that night.

Bryon - Text first - Old fashion wouldn't be on a swingers wedsite.

Swinger Friendly Businesses - Business or services friendly to swingers - I do garage door work, installs and repairs. I am also a licensed gunsmith, hit me up.

Thoughts about creampies - - I thought that's why swingers love hot tubs, it kills all STD's...

can we swing and still not be in sin ? - - YES WE CAN ! there is ways males and females may swing and thay will not be in sin I WILL BE BACK TO EXPLAIN......ok, I am back and will define the issue as much as i can and realy want to see your knowledge and views, so first let me say some major history that all people in the world know and should know Especially all people liveing in The United States Of America our beloved country witch its finding fathers inscribed in every coin and dollar " IN GOD WE TRUST " , I will start with the Presidential Recognition of Ancient code of Ethics House Joint Resolution 104, public Law 102-14 That reads : President George Bush signed an historic resolution of both congressional Houses , Recognizing The Noachide Laws as the " bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization " He urged the U.S. to take lead in " Returning The world to the Ethical Values contained in the seven Noahide Laws " . so we the people know what is right and wrong ,we the swingers want to know what we may or may not , YES INDEED we most of us in swinging are not stupid and fear God's award and punshment and this is the point of this thread i am asking all who fallow a religion what does your religion permit in swinging and is not called SIN for example , such as all singles may swing and it is not a SIN all males can fuck up any female including your wifey provided your are not fucking a wifey married according to your religion or soft swap laws pent. laws the diff. laws that apply only to males or only females , there are so many diff. laws lets talk about it and sort it out , we all know the basic laws of Noachide and i found most swingers go by it , some had said to me 'with you or in this case or this couple we can go only soft swap' it was amazing to me to hear this from a swinger... let me put it this way" we swingers are Religius waste up on top of the belt... but very liberal waste or belt down" i would like to add to the people who claim "atheism" you people are Equivalent to cannibals if you are not afraid of god you can kill ,steal , rape, do anything a big animal does to a small one or as a big fish does to a small fish and that is scary you are willing to murder if you won't get caught !!! i would not play or even be with you behind closed doors......NOTE to readers all postings after i came back to define this issue starts after page 3 please reply to the "sex laws " of your religion only we are not here to debate or dispute any religion thanks;) ;)

CArnival Cruise December 17-24 - Carnival Miracle out of Tampa, 12/17-24 - FUCK!!!!!!! We would not have been able to go anyway...We both are in school, so our vacations have to coincide with time off of school...DAMMIT!!!! Almost done...THEN we can go to all these great swingers thigns... Anyone going on THIS Cruise?

KUTV News Story on Swingers - News - Sorry but that was hardly a balanced report. We will be the first to admit that we have met the least judgemental people of our lives through our experience in the lifestyle. Things don't always click but that should be expected. To give this woman the soapbox and state that people were pushy and basically force you into something was bullshit. Especially after stating that she was the 5th grader that never got picked for the team. She had a bad marriage period. Trying this out with an unstable relationship makes about as much sense as buying a new house and thinking that will make things better. A house does not make a home.

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