
Grand Mound Swingers in Iowa

Grand Mound Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Grand Mound, IA, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Grand Mound looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Grand Mound, IA. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Grand Mound, Iowa Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Grand Mound, Iowa so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Grand Mound Swingers right away!

Wife with other men - who's got pictures of the wife with another man or 2 or 3 or....? - My husband and I have been married to each other for 43 years and we are both nudists and swingers here in the Tampa Bay area of Florida. We both enjoy taking pictures of each other in action with our many swinger friends at the various parties and clubs we attend throughout the area. We are totally unbiased and unihibited when it comes to a persons size, race, etc. I am a squirter and really enjoy sex with both the guys and gals alike, plus I also enjoy the occassional gangbang now and then. We both love to take on more than one guy/gal at a time. We have photos to show you all on here, however we can't figure how to upload them so if anyone can tell us how we would be glad to do it. Thanks. D & L

Pineapple Stickers - pineapple sticker = swingers? - [quote=DIRTYCPLUT]I read a recent post on whisper that a pineapple sticker on your car means you're a swinger. Any truth to this?[/quote]The pineapple is one along with pink flamingos etc. Secretly have wanted to order a bunch and place the on cars in the church parking lot 😀!

Pineapple Stickers - pineapple sticker = swingers? - Interesting. I have not heard of this, but this is definitely going to have me on the lookout. 😁

Single Men Meeting Couples - Are Single Men Treated Un Fairly In The Lifestyle - LuvBugs (Mr), well thought out and placed response. We see single men as swingers and/or as 1/2 of a swinging couple. As mentioned, swinging is NOT just about couples, its about a mindset, a lifestyle and a personal choice; a personal chouce they have to make for themselves, and not for each other, or together as a couple.

Pineapple Stickers - pineapple sticker = swingers? - We have friends with pineapple tattoos signifying they are in the lifestyle.

Damn Utah couples! :) - - (This should start a little debate and raise the hair on a few people's necks) There are many hotties in Utah. Sexy, fun, people who are great to hang with (and play with). Well.... If you think you want to go to Utah to meet these sexy people, we suggest a visit NOT a permanent relocation. We lived in Florida for 10 years and then moved our family to Utah for 5 years. Its hard to describe how difficult it is to live a "normal" life in Utah because the Mormons control so much of the total "consciousness" in the state. Especially if your wife and kids are Catholic. Utah is beautiful and the people are nice. However you almost have to go "underground" in order to have real fun and enjoy things that elsewhere are commonplace. The government, liquor laws, and the social interactions are heavily controlled by the Moron church. The mainstream populace, as well as the non-mormon citizens, are heavily influenced by the Church and because its everywhere... it seems normal. Its hard to see what I'm talking about until you get out of there and look back. Utah is a great place to visit, a great place to ski and play, but its definitely not "The Place" for free-thinking swingers types. Disclaimer: I grew up LDS in Utah. Graduated from high school and a major University in Utah before moving out of state. Most of my family is still there. Growing up in Zion everything seems normal until you live elsewhere and move back.... then you realize how the Mormon church controls almost all aspects of life there. We return to go skiing and visiting family multiple times each year. Its a great place to be from. Now if you live in Utah, there is no need to get all pissed off and write a diatribe about how much you love your state. I love Utah too. I just hate the heavy-handedness and the hypocrisy of the faithful. There is also no need to try to explain how you get along just fine in the Beehive state... I'm sure you do. Unless you grew up as a Utah Mormon, moved away for an extended time (no, a mission, or a cruise to Mexico, doesn't count), and then moved back to experience the contrast, you don't have a real understanding what I'm talking about. :p BLUEDECEMBER... Rather than travel to Utah for fun.... why not travel to "full-swap land" for an even better adventure??

FANTASY FEST! - Whos going and do you want a body painter? - I am Jeff the Body Painter from FA in so cal and I am looking for a venue at Fantasy Fest in October, in Key West. Iwould like to do a swingers event, don't like painting vanillas, so let me know. You can contact me here or at my site, and look at my work as well, jeffthebodypainter.com Let me know! JTBP

Myrtle Beach Fall Bike Rally - - We are planning on going to Myrtle Beach during the fall bike Rally. Anyone else?? [url=http://www.cafepress.com/SC24FUN]CHECK OUT SWINGERS SYMBOL T-SHIRTS, STICKERS AND STUFF[/url] [url=http://www.zazzle.com/SC24FUN*]Or other stuff[/url]

exspense of taking husband and boyfriend to party - - you know what i was originally think when i started this was that, iam masculine in my relationship with both guys, they both have more feminie than masculine qualities, then i read posts on here about homophobic guys who dont dp because they dont want to touch penises, its like wtf, then iam wondering where bi sexual men fit into this swingers community who are supposidly open mined, i would think that if this community were so open mined they would see a person as a masculine or femmine spirit, what if my bf like feminine guys, will there be any at a lifestyle party? what if a guy likes masculine women how many will be there? the closed minded nature of these parties sets the whole thing back to before the sixties, they might as well only allow straight wife swapping and no bisexual men allowed

We have heard about it many times........... - Couples that are swingers - Thanks for all the great advice. We still would love to hear more. In this specific situation we had talked about boundries and thought we all understood them. The first time the guy came and then kinda got wierd as my husband was still with his wife. That should have been a huge red flag for us. The next night they still wanted to hang out and confirmed with us they were cool with everything and how he is just shy. So we decided to give it another try. We thought the way he handled it was very rude and immature. Granted when things get started your feelings may change after you have already started but you should never just walk out. We would have understood and if he would have told us how he felt. We will take this as a learning experience and hope it doesn't happen again. Again, still open to more advice.....

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