
Fort Madison Swingers in Iowa

Fort Madison Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Fort Madison, IA, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Fort Madison looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Fort Madison, IA. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Fort Madison, Iowa Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Fort Madison, Iowa so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Fort Madison Swingers right away!

New Forum Rules - No Censorship, No Moderation, Just a Few Rules -

Rob, The Don

Very good move. Most popular public forums on the web have moderators that keep it above the belt. I am a "levels of force" kinda person. I usually keep it in the "smack talk" region until someone pulls out the big guns and says something that totally insults me, my service to the country, my way of life etc. Then I think it's fair to defend myself. I was never one to tolerate bullies Forum moderation is a good think as long as you are not dinged on everything you say. If done in moderation itself, I think it's key in a happy community. After all, not all of us will agree all of the time. Any good community has a police system in place. Some of us do not hold themselves to a moral believe system (dogma). What it "proper etiquette" to some, may not be to others. We are a culturally & sexually diverse, multi-faceted, large gamut of unique individuals. Each of us even differ from our spouses/significant others (if that applies). Can you you say you never argue with your spouse? Can you say you have never said anything brash to anyone? Were you apologetic to those you did not like? I think most reasonable individuals would say yes to most of those and no to the last one. What is more likely, is that they chose to avoid contact with that person. Everyone here has a choice to involve themselves in the conversations that happen here. For instance, if you were to post in a "GAY MARRIAGE" thread and post your opinion as to why an adult of clear mind and total consent, should not be allowed to enter into legal marriage with another adult of any sex, they so chose because of your own personal moral system. You are then adamant about holding to you view no matter how many time you are told that there is a seperation of church and state and that the "sanctity of marriage, between a man and a woman" is that of religious code and does not apply to the legal system, as it is unconstitutional. Yet you still wish to force your law on the rest of society because your upbringing told you that homosexuality is wrong and that marriage is not meant for gays. If this applies to you, then you are not reasonable and the only way I wish to deal with unreasonable people is to tell them to fuck off. I am saying you don't have the right to avoid homosexual marriage for youself? NO! I am saying you don't have the right to choose for others. I guess what I am saying is that many of you don't want to hear anyone say anything that differs from your own little world, yet you are swingers. Many of you think one -way and don't want to hear something that turns your belief system on it's head. If you can not respect or tolerate diversity I have no respect for you. I will not respect your beliefs, rights or opinions if you will not afford everyone else the same. YOU REAP WHAT YOU SEW. I vow, from hence forth, to do my best to be civil to everyone here. I expect the same from all of you. I can play nice with you, if you play nice with me. Remember, if you disrespect me, I will definetly return the courtesy :-) Thanks Rob. Thank you for proving that forum moderation can be a good thing.

-Don- "Ich habe einen kleinen Vogel in meinem Kopf."

Note: Best if viewed with Microsoft Internet Explorer version 7

Gym Fantasy - anyone else get turned on while working out? - Any swingers go to the anytime fitness in bountiful? Would love to work out with some couples in the lifestyle

A&E New show about swingers... - neighbors with benefits.... - I just hope they show some pictures of the men. If it is all women we just as well watch the bachelor.

Looking for Las Vegas fun - Looking for other swingers in Las Vegas - We are headed to Vegas Thursday and looking to meet some fun new friends!😊

Just in case it mysteriously disappears - - A cut and paste from another forum "Posted By: GOODSKICOUPLE Posted on: Oct 24, 2007 - 5:16 pm Update for the Swingular Membership: Excuse the long post. Good Evening Swingers, NTAKTAGF legal counsel has informed us today that no communication has been heard from Swingular management by 1400 EST, Wednesday, Oct 24, 2007. Sadly, the speech of a few Swingular members (and some suspected computer shenanigans), as well as the support of that speech by Swingular management has changed Swingular forever. The innocuous place on the internet that Swingular has enjoyed since its inception is now altered. The authorities are being notified. If the legal action by the State of Florida materializes, it will have to be documented in every annual report that the parent company files. These reports are public documents available to anyone that desires to examine them. This will likely hinder the ability of Swingular to obtain capital, since such jeopardy must be disclosed. It remains to be seen if the possibility of investigation by the Florida Secretary of State, the Florida U.S. Attorney, or the Internet Task Group will affect the numbers of current members that wish to remain or the inflow of new subscribers. Today VanCott, Bagley, Cornwall and McCarthy began the process to officially request assistance from the Florida Secretary of State. This will take a little time. The gears of large institutions turn slowly . To give the members an idea how serious this matter is, VBCM will encourage the Florida General Counsel to pierce the corporate veil. If successful, the executive officers of the company will be held PERSONALY liable for the conduct of the members that decided it would be good business to take the company on its present course. It will be dark times if this occurs. In a sense, without the knowledge of the membership or maybe even management, the ship has been pointed toward the rocks by a mere handful of people. If you are curious about these things, VBCM confidently predicted that no communication would be heard from Swingular management. They simply waited, sharpening their tools until they could be used. While we believe this matter can still be resolved, we are positive that some of it is now irrevocable. How much further it goes, is now up to the general membership and the management. We encourage management to give VBCM a call. 2 hours ago preliminary official correspondence departed Utah via overnight courier to Lynn Hearn, Florida Secretary of State, Chief General Counsel. "

New Swingers Club in Utah - Gauging interest in new club - would love the idea. I am single. Looking to meet a couple for a long term relationship and I'd love to have a space to get to know a larger group verses the chatting online

Swingers In Uniform - Pay your memorial day respects here. - WOOHOO, that was FUCKING well said tequila Good job and keep it up! We'll see you soon.;)

Was it all our fault that... - - ...Moroni got hit by lightning yesterday? [img]http://img.ksl.com/slc/2591/259143/25914376.JPG[/img] [img]http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjGSq3UUoAAINev.jpg[/img] 1) Yup. We were VERY naughty at the party Sat. night. Sorry, Moroni. 2) It's not us swingers who are evil, it's all that gay marriage and war on Christmas stuff. 3) OMG, that's the funniest thing I've seen all day. 4) That does it. We're confessing and going back to church...just as soon as we have the gang bang we're planning for our birthdays. 5) Actually I'm 100% shocked I haven't been struck by lightning yet! 6) (Insert apocalyptic end of the world scripture here) 7) Why couldn't it have hit the capital rotunda...while the legislature was in session? 8) I KNEW I should have given up masturbating for Lent. 9) Oh well, they'll likely put up a statue of Donald Trump there now anyway.

International Swingers Day - How are you celebrating? - DP!!

Young Swingers Night - - We will be there! First event. New to the lifestyle.... Cant wait to see how it goes down!

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