
Dunlap Swingers in Iowa

Dunlap Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Dunlap, IA, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Dunlap looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Dunlap, IA. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Dunlap, Iowa Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Dunlap, Iowa so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Dunlap Swingers right away!

Swingers cars??? - What ya driving?? - [quote=SPICEISNICE698][quote=LUSTINSALTLAKE]2011 Victory Red... Don't Touch or Don't Ouch...[em]Emo_25[/em] [/quote] I didn't know you could rent hot cars out of Redbox! [/quote] Yup! You just don't want to return it late, the late fee is about 40 grand....

network swingers - - can't wait to see forum after this show starts.

Sexy swingers closer to our age - 20-30 year old sexy swingers - 30/38. We have chatted a little in the past. We are active.

Adulter or Swinger? - - Well, I struggled in the begininng of our journey into this lifestyle with my values and whether this was right or not. I grew up in such a staunch religious family as most ppl in Utah do (GRIN). I didnt feel as though I was a "cheater" because my husband obviously knows and participates, I also didnt consider myself an "adulter" for the same reasons....we just consider ourselves to be "swingers" hehe straight up, bottom line, we are swingers. Is it right to do so when you are married or single for that matter?? I dont know, I think it is an individual decision and how you feel about it or about yourself. I know ppl outside of this circle of swingers would most likely turn their nose up to how we live or rather how we spend some of our spare time. Especially living here in Utah, and in a very tight nit, religious town where there is a church on every corner, and a bishop on every street it seems. However, this is how Mr. Stitch and I feel about it. We are not cheaters, or adulters (maybe by definition but not in our personal dictionary) we are occasional SWINGERS. Some call it a lifestyle....for some it may be. For us we dont consider it a lifestyle only because it isnt a way of life for us. We dont make it something that we live to do by planning our lives around the LIfestyle Conventions, or other parties, or vacation sites (not saying that any of you do make it your whole life, cuz I know most do not). We dont do it every weekend. This swinging stuff is something we do occassionally. We are more in this type of thing to meet open minded awesome couples that we can hang out with and things of a sexual nature are welcome, but it isnt something that we expect everytime we get together. This is why we dont consider it our lifestyle rather just a recreational hobby that we SOMETIMES do. We dont feel that it is a moral issue/problem because we do it together, we have a great time, it has made our relationship tighter. We have discovered a better appreciation for each other, and our love for one another has grown. We are more confident in our sexual desires (especially me, Mrs Stitch) and it has made us better lovers. We communicate more openly, and as odd as it may seem it just overall has made our relationship improve. Now that may bring up a whole other arguement upon some of you, but I know that we are not the only couple that has experienced this new found love,appreciation, and confidence in your relationships. Back to my point......we feel that unless or until all this recreational swinging that we do ...makes a negative impact on our love/relationship or until it causes problems between the two of us then we will rethink our decision to do such things. Some of the outside ppl may ask...."well, why would you put your relationship out there for there to be problems....doesnt this open up the door for problems" My answer to that is....."Absolutely!, it does open up that door for inviting feelings, problems, desires...etc, but only if you let the door open" You have to communicate every feeling, desire, problems...etc. we make this about EACH OTHER...he doesnt make it just about him, or I dont make it just about me. We always do things together it is decisions we make together with what we do, and how we do it and until it does cause problems that we cant handle then we are going to keep on swingen without remorse or guilt of whether or not we are adulters/cheaters.... How dare the neighbors down the street or the single female friend who sleeps with everyone judge us for having openness in our relationship....it is something we do together, and when we decide to quit we will quit together. Lets be honest, we are all humans with sexual needs/desires and married or not you still have them. At least we can share those desires and needs together and experience those things together....therefore never leading us to cheat, or be an adulter.....not that we ever would anyways, but we may have thought about it ,which in my mind is just as bad!!!!!

Real Swingers Nasty Play Party Saturday the 14th - Cum meet couples that like to play in Draper - mail ya like party info please

This one time at Swingers Camp... - N By N Camp out - Absolutely on our calenders every year! What a great weekend to meet new friends, and enjoy seeing old ones! We had a great time!

Why are single guys being band from all the upcoming parties? - Did some clown out there mess it up for all single males? - First off, let me introduce ourselves, My name is Dan and My darker half is Tasha, one hot chocolate martini :) We have yet to make it out to many parties, as a couple but did manage to do so the other night with tbl and had a blast. Great people, relaxed, no "you gotta go home with me because I showed up" complexes were evident. Having been on both sides of the fence, I actually wrote an article a few years ago called "being swingle", kind of ironic? no? lol. Playing as a single male comes down to at least for me at the time to enjoying threesomes, group, and the stress free situation of "dating". It was easier to hang out with couples who were friends, but in reality, the third wheel complex eventually sets in. There is an etiquette to it. Always add to the party, never look to "loot it", or "steal the cookie" as Tasha puts it. Kinda like showing up at your friends house when moms got food cooking, you know your gonna eat, but don't dare reach for the big piece of chicken lmao. Unfortunately, like all of us at some point in their lives there was that one time at band camp...oops wait, that's another story... back to the point, sometime in our lives we run into the one alpha male super stud God's gift to women who all should bow down and adore...*(pause to hurl)* who just doesn't understand that not every woman at the party wants to, needs to, or even remotely desires to be on his menu. Tasha said it much less kind :) these guys do make an impact, cause issues, and otherwise can ruin the hours of planning and expense that the hosts have put in to see that the party is a great one! Rules should be as simple as an RSVP Invitation, with a Plus one if a couple wishes to bring a single male who they can personally vouch for. It also let's the plus one have someone they can play with and not feel the need to bunny hop the honey pots ;) But I digress, Single guys, its as simple as coming out to the less "house party" type events and let people get to know you, then you may be invited to the more intimate parties. There are REAL stamps on this site, earn em. Problem solved. As for how the rest of us that I know of feel about the whole thing? Swinging is like the intelligent gentleman said before, swinging is for swingers, swingers are couples, wanna add party favors, bring your own...and share them if you like. Personally, and realistically, the couples who play and enjoy this lifestyle together at least have some semblance of security knowing the general family of people who are playing are committed to being safe for their playmates and their spouses/selves. Stepping off 3am soapbox and curling up with a chocolate bunny, think i'm gonna nibble her ear...if I can keep the dog from ear blocking me :) lmao

Guy and Gals - What do you think? - i like to get to know know people . so i always ask alot of questions about alot of stuff . and for the people that i would like to be playmates with . i like to watch them first do thier thing so i can see what all they are into and how they like it . everybody has a different style . and i love watching them and learning and also seeing if it turns me on . if it doesnt turn me on watching them then i wont play with them . and it gives u a chance to check them out . i know people laugh at me when i say this but i like to watch them play cause u can learn alot about them , as people aslo . some times u have never seen a person naked before . from our pics u can tell we both shave . i chatted with a couple for a while and then they wanted to meet us at the club so they sent some more pics to us . ... and i dont think the lady has ever shaved her private area . at all . i dont want to offend anyone by that comment . cause i dont care if u do or u dont as a person . but for my playmates . thats not something i want . and i think something like that they should be the ones to say something about it . but she didnt and i was honest with her . and told her that i would never want to play with her cause of that reason . but i would still love to be there friend if she wanted to . i guess she took what i said the wrong way . but that is totally different then us . and that matters to us . we shave all the time . so why would i want to play with someone that has never shaved . she had lots of black hair all in the front up and down and sideways . it look like bathing suit shorts . i think that she should have said something about that . to us . long before . idont like suprises . so i like to see people naked and watch them play first before i even think about really playing with them . i dont want to be caught in a room with someone and then change my mind for some reason and make them feel bad . cause something i might not like others would love . so i dont want to hurt anyones feelings . but something s bother me ...and iam not going to take one for the team or anything like that . so i think u should always be honest about yourself and what u need and want . and u should ask as many questions as u want or need to . one person said something like they talk to each other or watch the other couple to see what their mates want . thinking they are going to do everything the same . everybody is different . i love to be bitten but it is very hard to find someone to bit e me the way i like it . so if one person sees me getting bittten and then tries it i will tell him how i like it . and if that person can do it in a way that turns me on then ill ask for more . but if it isnt turning me on ill ask for them to do somethng else . when we get with out play mates it should be fun for all . and it s great to see when u really turn someone on .and everybody is getting into it really good . and we have been playing with a couple lately . where the lady makes us really weird faces . i have stop doing what i was doing to ask her if she was ok with what was going on . cause the looks are really weird . to my husband if that look was on my face it would mean get me the hell out of here . but she explain all is good and keep going . and i dont care how many times i have heard her saying iam ok .... the look always makes me aask . cause there might be one time that it isnt ok and i dont want to keep going . cause i always want to be invted back . i think it helps with stuff like this to get to know the people a bit before trying to play . i dont understand why swingers treat the life style sex different then dating . people are in a rush by what they see on the outside of the person before they know anything about them . and sometimes people have different ways that dont click with each other . and then they have regrets or hurt feelings or just a bad night with someone . i am sorry . i dont want to regret anything . and i try my damnest to find people that will make my night a blast and people that i can do that for them . i will always ask for what i need and how i need it . and ill always ask the other person what they are wanting and needing . but also go with the flow at the moment and kinda of use my own judgement on if i should ask for something s of just keep doing what iam doing .. its the quiet ones that worry me .... i have been told to shut up by others around . and i have also been told that i made and make the person feel special cause i let them know they can talk open with me and iam here to make them just as happy as they are trying to make me . have u ever tried to tell someone to stop doing something or change something and them not understand .one of my biggest problem is with the nipples . yes i like them to be bitten during sex when we are in the moment . but alot of guys bite them hard from the get go and then u can t start up the way u want . or when u are playing with someone and then they try for your ass without asking or u showing any signs that u want that . if i am light touching with a soft swap with someone i dont think they should go right for my ass .i tell people all the time get your finger out of my ass . maybe they were lost . maybe they were trying to move things along faster then what i wanted . hell i dont know what they were thinking but ill tell u this i put a stop to it from the get go . some took it in a bad way cause others have been in the room . and others have understood and made no big deal about it . but i think that is a thing that should be talked about first and not just thrown on someone like that in a group of people . but thats just me . and we all think and see things different .thats why people try to talk their way through things naughty dreams freaky kitty

Looking to establish a group of safe swingers - - We would be interested 🙋🏼‍♂️🙋🏻‍♀️. Our problem is that we are only available on weekdays.

Why are there so many swingers from Utah? - - Just check out the Swingers booth at the Utah Family Expo., which is going on right now! You'll find the answers to all of your questions.

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