
Bondurant Swingers in Iowa

Bondurant Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Bondurant, IA, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Bondurant looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Bondurant, IA. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Bondurant, Iowa Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Bondurant, Iowa so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Bondurant Swingers right away!

Help us out.. Take this Survey - For Utah Swingers - Not done. God I hate multiple choice tests. Is there a time limit? [em]Emo_8[/em] (pssst! what did you all get for question number seven?)

Swinger Friendly Businesses - Business or services friendly to swingers - Here is a business that will be friendly to you from the very beginning. We are always looking for ways to mix business with pleasure by conducting a valid business activity whenever and where ever we travel. This way we can write off, as a business expense, all or at least part of the activity. This process just got easier for us with a new Online Adult Business Club http://www.FunXClub.com . It cost us under $40US per month to start and run. It is designed to keep your identity CONFIDENTIAL. We recently made a 3oo mile round trip to a swing club and spent the night there. It cost us $40 for the party and $30 in gas for a total of $70. Our tax write off (mileage and per diem allowed) ended up being almost $400. - If we were just in a 20% tax bracket we would of created $80 in tax savings off the trip, a net gain of $10 for just that one trip. Maybe that doesn't sound like much but consider what it means over the course of a year or when we spend $3000 or more on a longer trip, cruise or lifestyle resort. (Talk to a qualified home based business accountant about how to conduct a valid business activity so you can legally write it off.) BTW: Yes we did end up meeting some wonderful people and didn't get any sleep that night. And, we didn't push our new business on anyone. We just told them what we did for a living when the asked and collected emails and phone #'s from those that wanted more info. - "Turn your horny habits into $$$ without "EXPOSING" yourself!" - Make $$ ON the adult industry without having the expense or overhead or risk of being IN the adult industry. Take a free tour, ask questions and join us, if it's a fit for you. http://www.FunXClub.com

Why we ORGY - Why we ORGY - [quote=SAMEROOMONLY][size=100]And now, a word from a noob... My wife and I have only been in the LS a few months, but I feel we have experienced quite a variety of experiences in that time, including house parties, LS clubs and basically an orgy party. We felt comfortable at all of them, but certainly the most pressure we have experienced came from the orgy-type party. It has been the only time when random men thought they could basically touch my wife, lift her skirt and ask to fuck her repeatedly, all without an invitation. We are pretty mellow and level-headed, so I think I did a pretty good job of turning them away without causing a scene, but had we been a little more sensitive I think it may have been a huge turnoff. So when I hear the word orgy, I think of a large party where basically everyone is there to just fuck, not socialize, and nobody really cares about who their dick is in or whose dick is in them. That is probably great for a lot of people, and I don't want this to sound flippant or elitist, but us as a couple we seem to have a higher standard than many swingers out there. In our short time we have already encountered non-clean people, irreverent people, very uneducated people, super creepy people and huge drama people. So to just show up at a party and hope that the plethora of couples we are playing with are clean, non-crazy and haven't been fucking everything from here to Texas, well... I just don't assume that to be true. Notice I didn't say much about looks. Yes, looks are important, but to us, we are looking for more just a hole and a pole. My point is, looks are secondary to many other things. And the only way to establish those "other" things, is to get to know the couple a little. Granted, we are super new to this and are moving slowly into the LS and we don't have that "notch on the belt" mentality yet, but so far, some of our best times have been getting to know the people, connecting, feeling that sexual energy between everyone, and then moving into the play room. We don't expect a couple to provide us any missing emotional support we are lacking in our marriage, as we have a great marriage. We also have a great sex life and this is just an adventure we are taking as a couple. It seems to me the orgy scene is more for people with open marriages, full swap different rooms, or people who otherwise don't care who their spouse if fucking. I trust my wife completely, but I don't trust others, and my need to protect her seems natural enough. Oh,maybe in a huge orgy you can both experience things together, but it does seem like you just jump in a pile and fuck whoever is in front of you. If not, then it is more a social, where you all talk first, enjoy each other's company, tell some jokes and get know the couple, then, if interested, you can all go fuck. So to me, that scenario is a social, not an orgy, which is the topic at hand. An orgy is more of a situation where you show up, who cares if you talk, drop your pants and start fucking. It seems more dangerous to me on an STD level as I don't imagine if you fuck 10 girls in a night you are changing condoms every time, or even wearing one, though I realize my assumption may be completely off, just giving you my opinion here as to why I wouldn't be AS interested in an orgy (it still would be fun to watch). Also, questions like "how many people have you fucked this week" and "do you wear protection" are much easier over a glass of bourbon than while sucking on a cock or pussy. Probably a little awkward. So... to finalize this huge monstrosity, different strokes for different folks. We like meeting new couples, we like to make new friends and we feel there is a greater reward with friends with benefits. Just as in our marriage where our sex is great because we know the other person so well, so we think playing with others may be enhanced by our understanding of the other couples needs and desires. Do we ever think it is fun just to meet somebody and play immediately? Probably. But do we think that our long term goals, our health and our mutual respect for each other is better served by meeting a couple, having the time to discuss how we feel about the couple in the privacy of our marriage and then moving forward as we both agree upon is the best way for us? Most definitely. And the small amount of wasted time we may experience trying to arrange meetings is a small price to pay for that piece of mind. We have made great friends, that if we never played with again, would still be our friends, so that is just icing on the cake. And maybe we have been lucky but we haven't experienced a lot of flakes, just a lot of busy, cool people with jobs and families, just like ourselves. So say we all!![/size][/quote] Another well said opinion that we completely agree with.

Lezonia - Fun - Any one down to please me in front my fiancé, r there any good swingers clubs

Breaking the 4th wall - meeting a swinger in a vanilla situation. - [quote=FUN4MWF]Rather than jump on the bandwagon and agree with everyone all teenie-bopper style, I'd need more info. Did you articulate in your email EXACTLY who you are, as in your real name and job and how you knew them and the specific circumstances that allowed you to recognize them?[/quote] Basically my e-mail was: "Hi, I'm James, the male half of Blueidkat, I work as a sales rep for a national beverage company and consequently call on a lot of retail locations along the Wasatch Front. The other day I was at Blah business in Blah City and noticed someone who looks a lot like you. I know with all the swingers in Utah I must bump into some, everyday, and not realize it. It was so cool to possibly recognize a lifestyler out there in the vanilla world and just wondered if I was right." I understand the whole fear of being stalked and the need for anonimity but are we that afraid? Do we need to be?

Swinging and Children Don't Mix With Me, What about You? - Unforgettable experience - I have to say, having children and trying to meet with couples can be very hard on your lifestlye. Family always comes first in my book, but it doesn't seem like every parent thinks that, which is why I'm letting you know why they should start thinking about it. We thought that maybe if we could meet with a couple that also have a child or has children, that we could have a better, lasting relationship and have other things to enjoy with these couples, besides just swinging. Well, one couple didn't work out with us and I don't know how to go about letting them know they were wrong in what happened. I'm the only one that even seemed to get upset about the situation and I wanted to get others opionion to make sure I don't owe an opology to them. Here's what happened..... Me and my husband met with a couple at a swingers club, which was off-premise, and we talked some and explained we had children and that we wanted to meet with couples, but it was hard with younsters and it was also hard to find a reliable and trusting babysitter to be able to enjoy the night out. They the told us they had a child and that if we wanted to talk more and get to know each other better, that we could come to their home for a dinner, with our kids. Now...we explained up front that we don't play seperate and we definitely did not play if we had our children with us. They said that it wouldn't be a problem, no hank-panky with kids around, because they too had a small one. This sounded really great to us, because we thought we found a good couple to be friends with and have some extra benefits too, if we wanted. Well, things started out okay. We were greeted at the door by the family, and our kids was introduced to their child, and was showed some computer games and such to play. That gave us time to talk a little to the couple and was shown the outside of their home and such before dinner. After dinner is when everything went WRONG. First, I had to go to the bathroom. Well, while I was gone to the bathroom, the Mrs. decide to give my hubby a tour of the rest of the house, mainly the extra bedroom....and when I asked the hubby where my hubby was, he said.."Don't worry about them, they'll be okay for awhile"...well, that really ticked me off, especially knowing our children were now mixed up in this...and our oldest asking where his daddy went with that lady.....that was about the last straw for me....but I was in these peoples home, not mine, and I respect others homes, but in this situation, I was ready to leave, and without my other half....because he too knew our rules of playing. Well, when the Mrs. and mine came back up, my other half knew I was mad, but for some strange reason, he felt like he had to still play around with her, and in the same room all the children were in!!!! Not to mention, she couldn't keep her hands off him, which was not making my situation of trying to calm down any easier. When I finally got my hubby alone, I "very persistantly" told him me and the kids were leaving...NOW..and if he was smart he had better be out the front door before me or I would leave him there, and I truely meant it. I was so angry and hurt by all of the happenings around me, I thought that if this is what it's like to try and swing...FORGET IT...my nerves or marriage weren't going to stay together if this is what I had to look forward to everytime. My hubby didn't get out the door before me..he was too busy kissing the Mrs good-bye....and I mean french-kissing..... but, thank Goodness I got the kids out the door before me....and that didn't help out any on his part, believe me. We stopped swinging for many years after that because of trust with one another and with other couples saying one thing and then doing another. This particular couple apparently feels that nothing was wrong with what happened, and actually contacted us again after many, many, many years after this incident happened. I'm not one either to "shun" anyone, but this expereince really bothered me then, and still does, and after them contacting us again, through an e-mail, not by phone, it makes me wonder about my feelings on the matter. Am I wrong to feel this way, even after all these years? I do trust my husband NOW, after the bad expereinces, because there was one more after that, but it took alot of talking, yelling, and regaining a trust that is hard to achieve after something that drastic that involved your kids in the process. I e-mailed them back, but I know it was short and blunt, nothing mean, I don't do things like that, but what if they try again to contact us...what do I say? Any help/advice/opinions is appreciated. Hope no one ever has to expereince something like this...most marriages would never have lasted unless you really had a great understanding with your mate, and we put ours to the test and passed.......barely.

Swingers of Color - - We're here too AND sent you an email awhile back...never got a response from you...Oh well...So maybe you just arent looking?

Looking for Advice - Recently coming back into the LS - [quote=Kinkycouple123]Hello! So I just have a question. We were in the LS about two years ago.. and since getting back into it, it seems like what we want is not as accepting ( or that we aren't actual swingers). We aren't a full swap couple and I feel like that hinders us from meeting new people and just getting out there. While I enjoy watching my husband with other women, I have no desire to be with anyone other than my husband. Is this weird? We have talked to a few couples who just question why were are in the LS at all. They have said that what we are looking for is a "tall order" or that "we aren't actual swingers" which I can understand to a point.. but isn't this site for people also looking to explore their sexuality in a safe place with no judgements? I would love some feedback or advice if anyone else in a similar situation because at this point I don't feel welcome. Thank You![/quote] I think what you are "looking for" is not a surprise... you want a Unicorn... now, asking a couple to "loan" you their female half ( with nothing in return to the other male ) ... yeah, long shot on that for sure. Good Luck in your search.

How Old Is Old - - My two cents is....Why should I open myself up like a flower and let every bee take some of my pollen dust....No that is never going to happen lol. I don't care about age nor does the hubby. We are not the oldest or the youngest....Probably right in the middle. Being in the middle you get pulled from both ends....One will win while the other might not. However, if I open my mind I like to take my time and enjoy the splender in all of it. Mostly having the right connection is KEY to everything and everyone! We have been lied to a time or two about ages and been suddenly surprised but, we still had a great time and may not and usually does not end in sex on the first time. Takes us a while to find a couple that we like and who likes us for who we are too! I personally do not like to be told I do not have an open mind from people way older or way younger. As we are SWINGERS which to some means you are EASY...Which is not true in any way and why some bottom feeders make it hard for other then cry out for the unjustice.....Ummm Sex is about feeling alive and if you make us not feel that way, no matter the age. Then we shall pass by and keep looking.

who starts? - - You would think, as much as the phrase [i]communication is key[/i], gets bandied about people would really want to actively engage in communication. It would seem natural that the more experienced parties would take the lead in discussing how things get done much like flight instructors explaining that when the oxygen masks drop from the overhead compartment, you place it over your head, secure the elastic strap and breathe. However in this lifestyle that couldn't be further from the truth. The problem is that if there is too much chit chat then someone is always in danger of being dumbfounded by the use of a big word. It's hard to be sexy when all the blood is now rushing to your head in a desperate attempt to draw upon a vocabulary that just isn't there in the first place. How do you get around this? Well, I certainly don't need to explain the folly of having a dictionary next to the hot tub. This is why it is strongly encouraged that swingers incorporate healthy role-play. When trying to get that new couple to first base it's best to stick with the basics. A good old fashion game of Neanderthals...ahem, excuse me, I mean cave people. Then the fun can proceed upon simple phrases like, "You look good" or "Me touch you now?" When becoming aroused you might say, "Oooh, this is how make fire," or "I look in hole for water," to facilitate cunnilingus. This role-play is especially helpful to those who don't have hot tubs, or who may have suggested strip Uno because they thought a

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