
Ayrshire Swingers in Iowa

Ayrshire Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Ayrshire, IA, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Ayrshire looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Ayrshire, IA. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Ayrshire, Iowa Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Ayrshire, Iowa so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Ayrshire Swingers right away!

Alternate Semi Swinging Site? - FInding the right connections - [quote=SIMONEMARKS]Do any of you know of alternative sites for partial swingers. We have struggled to find couples who like to enjoy their own partner while allowing the ladies to play. It seems, here, that it offends when I, the lady, don’t share my guy. It works for us, but oddly is offsetting to many others. For me, if a woman doesn’t want to share her man but wants to play girl on girl…I’m perfectly happy with that. It’s her man, her limits. I’ve been told that means not everyone gets to play? I don’t understand that since everyone is playing. It’s a partial swap. Please let me know if you know of somewhere to find that.[/quote] Unfortunately website can be quite anti-semitic, they do not like semis here. Try the not-so-naughty sister site: wwww.semiswingular.com.

Orgy Party by Swingers Circle in Las Vegas - - The Red Rooster. Especially if you like kickin' it old school. The orgy pit is a must do. Just lube yourself up and dive in. [em]Emo_67[/em]

Windows Tablet vs Ipad? - - [quote=IN2LOVE]The features we like about apple products is if I make a spread sheet on my Mac when I get to my iPad its there same thing with pictures we take on our iPhones they are on my Mac when I get home. No need for USB ports or flash drives there is this thing called the cloud stores everything we need. If you need a keyboard they have accessories like the airbridge. Updates are great and easy done in the background. For us we would pay extra for the quality and ease of apple products before ever going back to a windows platform. Just our 2 cents worth.[/quote] Tell me more about this "cloud". Sounds like the perfect place to store all of our dirty pictures and videos as well as our correspondence with other naughty swingers that we never ever want the vanilla world to discover. Maybe I should put all my passwords, SS numbers and bank account info there as well. [em]Emo_67[/em]

Looking to establish a group of safe swingers - - [list] [/list]We are super careful and this is exactly what we are looking for. Would love to be involved! We are tons of fun :)

Having a Swingres day at lagoon - Swingers at lagoon - Just wear a T-Shirt that says WANNA FUCK ME..? That would work. It

Moab lifestyle - looking for what lies under the covers in Moab - Sadly Evildoers is right, at least in our experience. Sure, plenty of swingers travel to Moab, but if there is a notable population of local swingers interested in meeting outsiders, they keep themselves incredibly well-hidden. In fact, you'd be very hard-pressed to even find a single-male to join you, and that's even if you completely toss out any expectations and standards. The reality is that the bulk of Utah's population is on the sexually conservative end of the spectrum.

Secret Swingers Club Ogden, UT - Clubs - The FB group is hidden, so you won't be able to search it. But if you're in other lifestyle groups, just post asking if any of your friends are in the unspoken group and one of them can invite you

Swingers gone bad?? - -


MORALITY is irrelevant. Statutory law is what reigns supreme. If they are breaking the law, then they should accept the consequences. Many European countries allow 14 year olds the right to consent to sex and marriage at 16. These decisions were made by the majority of the people in the country. Here the age of consent varies from state to state in regard to consent with other minors and 18 for most with regard to adults. Whether you are male or female, the law applies. If it is illegal to consent before 18, then it is illegal, regardless of your dogma. I seem to recall seeing a story on television about a russian (I think that was the nationality) couple that immigrated here with their two children. The country (eludes my recollection), they were from it is customary for parents to "pat" the gentinal area of the child as a means of reassurance or some such bullshit. According to the story it was a non-sexual gesture and a common custom in their country. The father was seen at a local school sporting event do this to the daughter, by another child's parent, and the man and his wife had their children taken away. This is a perfect example of what I mean. While to them, the contact was liken to a football player smackin another player on the ass as a way of saying "good game", it is not tolerated as such here. Anyway, I can't remember all of the details, but you can see what I mean. If 18 is the age of consent, 18 is the fuckin age. Laws and customs of the land are what matter. When in Rome....

-Don- "Sic vis pacem, para bellum"

Note: Best if viewed with Microsoft Internet Explorer version 7

Nuendo - Battle of the bands - ok fellow swingers, we need your votes! It seems a band came outta no where and is no leading by 40 votes! Please if you wouldnt mind, go to http://www.klzxfm.com/greatunsigned and vote for N-U-endo ! Thanks, Mike & Denise

Swingers cars??? - What ya driving?? - 05- Chrysler 300

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