
New Palestine Swingers in Indiana

New Palestine Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in New Palestine, IN, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over New Palestine looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of New Palestine, IN. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

New Palestine, Indiana Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from New Palestine, Indiana so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with New Palestine Swingers right away!

Interacial Sex - - agree [quote=SHAZAMER]I have played with guys and gals from every race, color, type of cultural upbringinging, etc. that can be found in Utah. The stereotypes are just silly and stupid. There are hot & not so hot men of every race. What I do find intriguing is that most guys of races other than white, keep themselves physically fit after marriage and take pride in their appearance. This seems to be much more rare in married white men. A shame! Also, seems like white swingers like to smoke. A lot. This is a turn off for me, so I tend to steer clear. xoxoxo Monika[/quote]

Speed swinging? Just a thought. - kinda like speed dating but speed swinging - I actually think it is a great idea. I am not sure any play would immediately come out of it, but it would certainly be a quick way to decide which couples you would want to contact further. Especially given busy lives, it may be just the think busy swingers need!

KUTV News Story on Swingers - News - Just watched the story on the news and was EXTREMELY relieved it wasn't aired on a Get Gephardt segment. LOL Yeah, so the lady in question said she decided to swing with her husband to save her marriage after she gained a lot of weight (guess swinging is easier than a diet or taking up jogging) and that they went to "orgies" all over Utah...naming several cities and "even Bountiful" (the story showed the Bountiful temple a few times during the piece- she said being a Mormon she felt very uncomfortable swinging in a home within view of the temple). She also claimed that she was at a house party and the hosts young kids walked in. She says she started drinking because going to parties she felt like she was in the 5th grade where you wouldn't be chosen for a team...her husband was chosen to play but she wasn't. She has to go to rehab for her drinking. Eventually she wanted to quit but her husband supposedly refused and started going out solo and gave her gonorrhea. They are now divorced. Heidi Hatch was the reporter and apparently she started a profile and was communicating with couples here on Singular (yes, they identified Swingular by name and showed numerous screen shots and even some profile names) who wanted to make sure swinging wasn't portrayed in a purely negative manner. They also had a totally Mormon marriage and family therapist who talked frequently throughout the story. Here is the link to the story on the KUTV website. Oh, and they mention Habits and Club 90. [url=http://kutv.com/news/local/dangerous-liaisons-the-popular-state-of-swinging-in-utah]Swinging Story[/url] There was a hyperlink to Swingular in the online story that now is inactive. Guess too many Elder's Quorum Presidents were logging in to get their jollies. [em]Emo_67[/em]

Swingers cars??? - What ya driving?? - Kia Optima, Dodge pickup and Softail Night train

If only you could tell in public who is and isnt in the LS - - [quote=fourplay][quote=DARINTRICIA]There are phone apps that can show when others are nearby. I use one for hunting with the people I hunt with. So someone just needs to develop an app.[/quote] Super good idea![/quote] Several apps like that HAVE been developed. One was actually offered to members of another swing site we're on. It failed miserably because people wouldn't, for various reasons, use it. We never used it personally. Some people apparently thought the potential for being outed as swingers was too great to risk using it. Another app was written by a friend of ours and it supposedly had some safeguards in it that he had designed but Apple wouldn't allow it in their app store...I guess because it's purpose was to help people swap spouses. \_(ツ)_/¯

A&E New show about swingers... - neighbors with benefits.... - [quote=SWINGAIRS][quote=KIDSATPLAY]Why would any industry sponsor shows about the positive side of Swinging? I doubt there is any big money in promoting the swing lifestyle any more than there is profit to singing the praises of plural marriage. The vice industry might even suffer financially should swinging really catch on. This is a lifestyle that must eat the crumbs that fall from the gay lesbian table to acquire any "me to" acceptance. It seems like social and financial suicide for the deep pockets.[/quote] They had a swinger pride parade in new Orleans this year. Maybe in 20 years we can have a table too.[/quote]Except that's a false equivalency; swinging is a choice people make. No one is born as a swinger. This is like comparing wearing contacts to having green eyes; one chooses to wear contacts, one doesn't choose to be born w/ green eyes.

NO PIC Profile Poll...Do You Open/Search Them? - "YES" or "NO" answers ONLY please.... - I'm a professional I want to be discreet Sensitive reasons. You may be a great looking couple, but I'll never know..... If some one is on this site, more then likely they are swingers too. So who cares if they see your picture. Without a profile pic , you may be missing meeting some great people. Its the pic that catches my attention , then reading the profile to see if there is any match or interest is what I (female) look for.

Another Swingers Show on TV - - That'll be something to be DVR'd.

Positive Media Attention - KUTV should have read this - A lot of metaphorical ink was spilled in recent weeks about how awful the KUTV piece on swingers is/was. Thought you all might all appreciate this Op-Ed in the news magazine The Week (one of the most prestigious mainstream news mags) ... sometimes the media does portray things in a positive light. Kudos to the Portland couple for their articulate defense of the lifestyle. http://theweek.com/articles/583977/journey-from-stayathome-mom-sexual-adventuress

Wishbones - - Since we joined the lifestyle we've thought the idea of a symbol of some sort was a great one. I've read about the apple, but not the wishbone before now. I think swingers are in a good place for this right now - the internet has made it possible for those with an interest to pursue it, but it's not mainstream enough so that people who are in it "stand out." Pretty much everybody knows about the rainbow now, but I think very few would know about a swingers symbol, for a while anyway. Whether it was the rainbow or what ear the earring went in as a sign for gays, or I believe at one time the BDSM community used bandanas to communicate preferences, it's great to have a way to be tipped off that others share the same interest. It'd be nice if this takes off.

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