
New Albany Swingers in Indiana

New Albany Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in New Albany, IN, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over New Albany looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of New Albany, IN. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

New Albany, Indiana Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from New Albany, Indiana so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with New Albany Swingers right away!

Hollywood Swingers? - - I heard peewee is a swinger lol

swinger ? or not. - - Gotta love semantics. What is your definition of a swinger? Merriam Webster defines a swinger thusly: a : a person who is lively, exciting, and up-to-date b : one who engages freely in sex There are those who would use the term in a variety of different ways. Some would vehemently deny that single people could be swingers and fall back on a previously used term of "wife swapping". Bottom line, a swinger, to you, is whatever YOU decide one is and if you consider yourself a swinger then you're a swinger. Someone else's definition is meaningless. JMHO

Who is going to Younge swingers week HEDO? - anyone going? - Oh, to be young again.

Single dudes - - It's the way it works. Generally you swingers want the hottest of the hot, to enrich the fantasy. Taller than 6' with a huge cock is usually what you shoot for. "In the U.S. population, about 14.5 percent of all men are six feet or over...3.9 percent of adult men are 6'2" or taller" So you are shooting for less than 15% of males. Throw in the other desirable traits you want, and they are going to be massively in demand wherever they go. If they have any sort of social skills they can easily get a night of sex outside of the swinger life, so they are less likely to jump on the wife, and much more likely to cancel at the last second when something they view as more desirable pops up.

Game ON....which sign is Hornier...(is that a word?) - zodiac signs of swingers? - TOTALS So far: Scorpio 10 Cancer 9 Sagittarius 5 Aries 6 Pisces 4 Gemini 7 Capricorn 4 Aquarius 3 Virgo 3 Libra 2 Taurus 4 Leo 2

Swinger friendly clubs in the Bay Area? - Places to meet up - We don’t get out much but we would like to find a place in the Bay Area of CA we’re swingers come go meet and relax and be ourselves. Anyone know of such an area?

What is up with Utah?! - Swingers in Utah and nowhere else? - SWINGERS??? In UTAH??? REALLY??? would someone kindly introduce us to a few so we can try swinging? We have met alot of really sexy people here... but swingers? NO WAY... Isnt it against the law?

I wonder if swings servers were taken over? - Banks get cyber attacked last 2 weeks . - [align=center]I doubt the hackers were muslim terrorists. And I doubt anybody was targeting swingers. *shrugs*[/align]

Swing Color Bands - Swing Color Bands - I agree the wristbands are a good idea but Having so many colors is ridiculous and confusing as this site is proving. What is everyone going to have to carry a cheat card in their pockets to remind them of what colors what. Why not stay to the basic's: One color which just signifies you are swingers and can be worn outside the club these also can have a universal Logo of choice. Have Two clors which shows Female is BI, multicolored, and Third, tri-colored, which shows Both are Bi. That's One band with NO more then 3 colors which u can wear anywear and maybe meet new people u wouldn't have been able to do before. Again, keep it simple and less confusing.

Help us out.. Take this Survey - For Utah Swingers - [quote=TIFFND]Appreciate what you are trying to do...it is admirable. Just finished the survey. I did leave it in the comments section, but will include our opinion here, as well. And we are NOT trying to flame anyone's efforts. Just putting our thoughts in. For us..the single most turn off of any event is limiting who may attend. Excluding the old or young ones, or the heavier ones, or..etc....you get it. We all have our preferences for play partners, but believe it or not, We are both a bit curvier, and me a bit older, but we still have younger, AND thinner friends who seem to enjoy our company both in, and out of the playroom. As we enjoy theirs. I must qualify this a bit, tho, in saying that what we have encountered in the events we have hosted. We have found that although some folks do enjoy the company of the single guys, attendance is often severely limited if you include too many single males without dates. Sorry guys..just the way it is. And..perhaps, as much as we disagree, it is the same. Just as with the single guys, too many of us, as an older/heavier couple may do the same in limiting the folks you are really trying to target. No butt hurt intended for anyone, as I said...just our two cents! There I said it so you don't have to...LOL[/quote] Hear, hear! But one disagreement, sort of. Or maybe it's just a more specific comment about the topic. While I can't argue with limiting single men, simply because of numbers if there was no limit many things would have a population of maybe as much as 75% single guys, and neither they or many of the other attendees would have a great chance of hooking up. But I don't think they should be strictly forbidden. If nothing else, because of my wife's night time working schedules, I often end up being one of those single guys, and I nearly ended up sitting home alone for both last Christmas and last New Years Eves. And it's a special aggravation when looking at the RSVPs for some "no single men" party or event that is happening on a night when my wife has to work, and I see in those RSVPs some lady who I know would be VERY happy to see me there. A better policy, I think would be to limit the number of single men on a sort of sliding scale. State in the event or party description, for instance, that single men can request to come, and will be kept on a list. Then, at some specific date before the party/event, the hosts will look at how many couples and/or single women are coming, and decide on allowing some appropriate number of single guys, who will be selected from that list based on first signed up, first invited. I also have a problem with selecting attendees based on some of the standard criteria, such as age and even weight. Like with the "no single men" thing, I do have a personal interest here. Even though I do just fine at parties/events, if the hosts were screening for age I'd probably never get in the door. Hell, I'm finally 65 now, and am all too aware of all the assumptions many people make about anyone that old. And I imagine that if they got past the age and looked at our profile pics, they'd probably be certain that my pics are like 20 years old, if not older. (Actually, I admit that one of them IS a bit over a year old now.) And if they notice that my wife's 24 years younger, they probably figure she must have been either crazy or desperate. And I've met some ladies in their early to mid 20s who are just as much fun to be with, and I don't mean just physically, as those in, say, their late 30s or older. So yeah, I have a big problem with eliminating prospective attendees based on what age group they're in. OK, you probably wouldn't want to end up with something like 85% people from 20 to 35 and 15% over 55 (or the reverse), but just plain ignoring all people in some certain age group, or level of fitness group, or whatever is, I think, just plain ridiculous. And BTW, we did do the survey. ~ Terry

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