
Harlan Swingers in Indiana

Harlan Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Harlan, IN, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Harlan looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Harlan, IN. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Harlan, Indiana Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Harlan, Indiana so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Harlan Swingers right away!

Looking to establish a group of safe swingers - - We love too. We are clean and drug free.

Any Swingers out there? Golf swingers that is... - - Well sign me up for wet t-shirt golf! I think we could all have some fun out on the greens!

Swingers In Uniform - Pay your memorial day respects here. - I whole-heartedly agree with your statement...as I mentioned earlier in the thread...I spent 20 years (and two wars) of my life defending the country and it's constitution...and the constitution guarantees everyone the right to say just about anything (short of perjury) they want... As much as I dislike what was said, I have spent my life defending his right to say it... This whole thing brings back a memory...many years ago (please excuse some of the "wording" as it's not meant to offend, it's simply exact quotes of others)... When I was a young Second Lieutenant, my unit was sent to do "riot control" for a large march by Hosea Williams and his group...as you can guess, the Klan, skinheads and other distasteful groups planned to (and did) show up to "counter protest"...my unit was scheduled to be deployed between the two groups... The night before, I was talking to my platoon...talking about the possibilities of the next morning when the march/protest...hoping that I might prepare them for the verbal abuse they were sure to endure, we talked about it and how to react...my platoon sergeant (who happened to be black) asked me "So sir...are you saying they might call me Nigger?" Of course, it was said tongue in cheek...he KNEW that is what we were talking about...knew it was going to happen...and simply put us all at ease by just saying it and getting it out in the open...his response was so true: "Sir, those are just words and I really feel sorry for those people who have so much anger and hate in them that their only outlet is such an ignorant display - if they were really capable of expressing themselves intelligently they wouldn't have to resort to that - when I remember that, I realize just how much I feel sorry for them...and it's hard to get mad at someone you pity" - plus, I'm a soldier and I have sworn to protect their right to call me a Nigger"... At that, everyone in the room laughed quite loudly...my platoon sergeant was quite the philosopher if you ask me... SO, Don Juan...free free to make all the comments you want...no matter how ignorant, angry or uninformed they may be...I will continue to defend your right to do so...if you ever come to realize just why you are allowed to say those things without fear of persecution, maybe you'll change your mind...

How to identify yourself as a Swinger - - Yes, the black ring has been around for decades. Along with white rocks in your yard, flamingos, upside down pineapples, etc. I'm sure these things were helpful and even needed before the age of the internet. Nowadays, there are so many ways to contact and meet people, I can't imagine the need to randomly bump into to other swingers. In fact, the black ring is so well known, that that is the reason I DON'T wear one. I knew about it about 18 years ago, well before I ever considered swinging. So, it's useless for two reasons. 1. Not enough swingers use it to be of much use. 2. Too many non swingers know about it to be very practical. But with the sites and parties and events, there really isn't much need for it anyway. I'm glad I started all this recently with the internet to use. I really would have hated wearing black rings and putting white rocks and flamingos in my yard and upside down pineapples in my window. :p

Christain Swingers? - - COOL THREAD!

Vegas: Swingers circle or couples oasis? - Which do I prefer - If anyone's been to "Swinger's Circle Thursday" play and "Purrfect Play's Friday Penhouse", we would love to hear their opinion. We'll be in Vegas last week of April and have been getting emails from these groups on other sites about their events.

Hedonism 2 Young Swinger's Week - March 19-27 - Speaking strictly in the context of swingers cruise versus swingers resort... this comparison may help... -----[ Swingers Cruise Pros:]-------- - Lower Price (compared to resorts, it's USUALLY a little cheaper overall.. ) - TONS of activities to do. Non-Stop entertainment on the ship and on the excursions. (Not a lot going on at the resorts.. one or two games per day is all). - Many of the excursions are takeovers as well, so you can be naked if you want. (Many of the resorts of topless-only). - You can be completely naked on most parts of the ship, if you want. - Dedicated play-rooms. Lots of them. (Many resorts only have one smaller area dedicated for play... which makes sense... generally only 200 to 250 people at a resort at any given time). - MASSIVE crowd. 3,500+ people on a single ship. You'll never possibly get to know even 5% of the people on the ship. (In other words, you have a huge pool of people to choose from to find people you like!!). Unless you are into older people, this is a HUGE advantage, because on any expensive swingers vacation, less than 20% of the crowd is going to be under 50. (People under 50 generally can't afford vacations like this)....... 20% of 3,500 is MUCH better than 20% of 250 in terms of finding couples your own age. For us, this is the single most important factor. - Better / more types of food to choose from. - Higher-end facilities and nicer overall atmosphere. (Cruise-ships are equivalent to a 4-star or even 5-star hotel… swingers resorts are 3-star at best.. most are pretty worn down). -----[ Resort Pros:]-------- - Smaller, more intimate setting. You'll get to know everyone at the resort at the time you are there. - Much more laid back. If you like to do is lounge by the pool all day, every day, it's for you. - You can leave the resort any time you want and venture into town. - Typically you have better access to phones, internet, TV, etc. - Rooms are bigger If you look at the activity list on a typical resort, you'll find there's only one thing going on at any given time. Most people just lounge by the pool all day, every day -- and then they go to club-style events at night. The cruise is totally different... At any given time, you can choose from 3 or 4 different activities (or just lounge by the pool)... and you can still do the club-style stuff at night IF YOU WANT.. (but there's usually other alternatives to pick from). Honestly, the ONLY major downside to the cruise compared to the resorts is that they don't do the swingers takeover cruises very often. (Once or twice a year is all you've got to pick from). So if you're picky about WHEN you go... the resort is probably your only bet. If you're flexible, don't give it a second thought... the swingers cruise is where it's at. =) I agree, however, that if you're going to do the resorts, and age is a factor (it is definitely a factor for us), young swingers week is where it's at! Hope that helps!

Secret Swingers Club Ogden, UT - Clubs - Thanks! That might be a tall order to find a steampunk costume in late January.

Christain Swingers? - - We believe that being christian and being in the lifestyle go hand and hand the bible teaches to love everyone, be kind to everyone have you ever stopped to think that just maybe the reason you meet each and every person thoughtout life is not by accident? We have found since being in the lifestyle that there have been some profound reasons we have met certain people in this lifestyle here is a quick version of a actual event.While we were in europe working for a contractor a cpl contacted us on a swing site they were from Virgina. Once we met(M&S) they admitted that they never really thought we would meet face to face but after returning from europe we had to travel through Richmond Virgina and we figured what the hell lets look them up so we did and had one hell of a time with them now here is the "divine part". Another cpl (B&S) we had met who contacted us while in Germany (they were traveling through europe) and we manged to meet play and have some fun guess where they are from? Yep you guessed it ,Richmond Virgina! While spending time with the first cpl (M&S) we contacted the other cpl (B&S) they invited us to a party but said "our friends could not come along until they had met them first" so, we did not go to thier party but we did put these two cpls in contact with one another guess what they are now the best of friends and go to each others parties now! Go figure, they found each others through us thousands of miles away yet when they met each others they found out they only lived a block away from each other and they both belonged to the very same prestigeous BDSM society! in the D.C. area! We have many many facts that has happended since we have been in the lifestyle and to us we could not have planned that it had to be divine intervention! Does the lifestyle and christianity go hand and hand you bet and won't convince us otherwise we have had too many of those types of situations happen since we have been in the lifestyle. Some will say its the devil at work we beg to differ it all depends how you interpet what the teachings tell you and who is to say that the bible has not been manipulated since the days of christ? Norm&Sharon

Hello summer - Swingers couple party - [quote=Gitterdone]Why don't single females have to abide by those same rules? Seems discriminatory doesn't it?[/quote] If you don't know and understand the reason for these types of rules there is a good chance you're part of why they exist.

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