
French Lick Swingers in Indiana

French Lick Swingers

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French Lick, Indiana Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from French Lick, Indiana so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with French Lick Swingers right away!

Can you be in love AND swing? If so, tell us how! - - Just what the hell is a life coach? Is that the new name people, without the proper education, training, and licensure, who counsel others are calling themselves today? I am a professional counselor, licensed and trained to do what I do. My Lady and I met on line at a swingers site and met over coffee at a local public pub. We ended back at her place for a great evening of sex....after an even better afternoon of intelligent conversation. That was two years ago and we have been together ever since. She has moved in with me, carries her own weight in all ways helping run "our" home. We swing, or would not be on this sight....lol, together and seperately. We are deeply in love and have decided to get married, because we do love, respect, cherish, honor and trust each other. Distrust and worry has nothing to do with playing with others, if you trust your partner, have done your own self examination and healed your own life wounds. Our sex life is absolutely GREAT!!!! Our swinging with other people is fun and an enhancement to our love making. I love to see the smile on her face, the spring in her step, and the gleem in her eye after she has been with one of her lovers...male or female. She loves to hear whether or not I had a good time and enjoyed myself with another lover. We may play seperately at times, but I know she is coming home to me...that is where her heart is! And I will always come home to her because that is where my heart and soul are! My professional discipline teaches to respect others and work with the client where they are. I am not to judge them or impose my values on them. When seeking guidance or help from a helping professional...and I mean licensed, trained professonal....do not ask their advise, nor follow their moral code. Each of us is a unique individual with different moral values, belief systems, and desires. As long as we are not harming another being or ourselves, then all is fair, fun, and healthy. Anything may be overindulged in...therefore, moderation is the key. If I drink too much I may be an alcoholic which is a problem, if I drink heavily I may just be a heavy drinker...the key is whether or not what I am doing harms others, my self or results in problems in my life or the life of people I love. You are correct in questioning whether or not swinging is for you, and if it results in any discomfort for either of you, talk openly and non-judgementally with each other. Love, as the saying goes, means never having to say your sorry. But love is open, trusting, non-threating, non-controlling, and is open to the opinions of each other. Because I deeply and honestly love my Lady and she me....her happiness and pleasure is more important than any thing to me. As one individual stated this will be my third marriage too. She completes me like no other person can. Best of hard work to get where you are comfortable looking at your mate and your self in the mirror....it well worth it what ever you decide.

MSNBC Article on Swingers - actually a positive one :) - now who thinks her and her hubby are at that club every friday? LOL

Swingers gone bad?? - - I can't or wwon't take the moral high ground here. I believe what was done was legally wrong. I was having sex by age 12 and knew what I was doing then. Was I legally competant??? According to statutes then and now, I was too young to make a good judgement. Did these boys or any others boys ever need alcohol to get into the mood to have sex??? Legally they did wrong.... If the boys were 10, 9 maybe even 11 maybe then they sould be too young to participate... Now people taking the moral high ground........ Is swinging morally right? The lifestyle is sometimes called a fringe thing. It's not illegal according to the law but there are those who say that morality says that sharing each other with someone outside of the marriage is wrong. For those of you in Utah.... Polygamy, polygyny and polyandry is wrong... Actually the state had to outlaw the practice of having more than one wife or they wouldn't have gotten statehood. So they used the term Polyegemy or having more than one wife or having more than one husband at the same time. Polygyny is having more than one wife at the same time. It is illegal in most states for either of these 3 states or conditions to exist or to participate in. I guess what I'm saying is, Are swingers morally upright or righteous enough to make the moral judgement on these people. Certainly, what they did was illegal but.... 50 years ago what we do today would have gotten us ousted from the community, church, loss of job (and that could still happen today) and maybe even jailed, under the right circumstances.. So, before we cast the first stone let us be certain that we are righteous or that we are well outside of our glass house.

Age - New to the swingers community - is age a factor in how a couple is viewed? - We tried different ages. The young ones just don't have a clue, too immature and scared. A lot of the older ones have erection difficulties. People do tend to pick those near their own age. The biggest factor is how picky the women are, including my own wife. As a couple we have been turned down a lot because my hair is grey and thinning causing me to look older. My wife doesn't like large over weight guys or guys with short cocks, or those who shave their heads. I don't think its age that is a factor so much as overall looks. If the attraction isn't there it doesn't matter what your age is. We like the 40 to 55 range.

Hall pass - - Cheaters don't tell there other half, where swingers go home and brag off the experience.

Poly-Swingers - Moving beyond FWB relationship - [quote=PRIDEJOY]We were in a poly relationship for over 7 years and was the greatest experience we have ever had. Unfortuately the male of the couple passed away a couple of years ago. We had a great relationship we went everywhere together and done everything together. We was actually very much in love with them and they with us. It is hard to find the right couple that you can get that close with but is possible. So now we are looking again. But the part of the ploy relationship was that we still love one another very much also.[/quote] PRIDEJOY, thank you so much for sharing. Sorry for your loss and your loved ones' loss. We are hoping for a long term relationship with our couple as well. Best of luck to you in your search for another couple.

Swingers In Uniform - Pay your memorial day respects here. - ohh boy! i see Don Juan has polluted this string as well. check out his heartfelt comments on the 911 string. sad.......

Getting Threesomes - - Secrets hide away in Orlando FL is a really good swingers private club there's crazy sex partying going on every where ..

Any thoughts on Pride? Going? Have been? - pride weekend - Just wondering if there are any swingers going to Pride this weekend? I have never been and was wondering if anyone had anything to share about it?

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - I think my profile says this,, not into (( Interacial ))) but i do have friends that are black so i guess im racist when i know who i will & will not sleep with.. so i guess i need to let my black friends know i will no longer be there friends because there black and im a racist.. i will get there opinion on this and get back with you. but im sure you know exactly what they will say lol.. kristy

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