
Albany Swingers in Indiana

Albany Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Albany, IN, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Albany looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Albany, IN. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Albany, Indiana Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Albany, Indiana so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Albany Swingers right away!

Why the male side of Couples are here...? - I will admit I am hoping to spark some heated debate on this.... - [quote=EVILDOERS][quote=CPL4SOFT]Because every time the female half gets on all she gets is here's a pic of my cock, want to fuck? [/quote] At the risk of further pizzing off a few of the single dudes around here... That's because a fair number of guys assume that since you're swingers (i.e. you "allow" your partner to fuck other men) you must by default be a cuckold. It's bullshit and it unfairly affects the single guys who DON'T assume that married male swingers are all cucks (or won't openly admit it-lol). To be fair, we've run into more than a few married guys who feel this way too. They're easy to pick out because they say up front their lady doesn't fuck other guys or they try to bait and switch you after you meet. Exactly... Bty EvilDoers, you guys are awesome! We laughed so hard reading your profile! Xoxo!

What really defines a TRUE swinger? - - [quote=CHUCKSTOE]to us swingers are people who want have fun some want to be friends and have fun, and the single males need to know there place and not be pushy or circle like a vultures. [/quote] Tell me you just did NOT insinuate that single males are not people who want to have fun and want to be friends...did I really misread that? And quite frankly the majority of pushy vultures *I* have experienced on Swingular are MARRIED. And not just men either. Being a pushy vulture is not related to marital status or gender. Just the lack of class and manners.

Newbies looking for swingers club - - We are new to the lifestyle and want to try it out. We are planning on going to either Sapphire Lounge in Jupiter, FL or Trapeze Club in Ft. Lauderdale, FL on Saturday Sept. 5, 2009 We are looking to hook up with single ladies, so we were wondering which club would be better. Any suggestions? Thanks so much in advance for any responses! Happy Couple

Women with hall passes - Ever get with other couples - We've been known to do that but only if it's quid pro quo. Unfortunately there are quite a few people out there trying to game the system, claiming they're swingers when really all they want is another female to join them. They use various tactics to try to separate the female from her partner and will, of course, never reciprocate. Now we'll only consider ii if we've known the couple for a little while and at very least played together with them. Yeah we're assholes that way. [em]Emo_84[/em]

Freedom of the Seas Swinger Cruise Nov 2012 - - [quote=JONJOY17]Is it really that much? We were looking into it but only on the website. Never made any calls... [/quote] Yeah, go here https://secureregistrationonline.com/freedom_nov_2012/decks.php?affiliateId=6 In retrospec, that isn't too bad. Desire costs $400 a day per couple so this is right in line. Mav PS. Anyone want to open a Swingers resort and make some good money? ;)

Boston area swinger clubs or h spots - - Going to the greater Boston area for the weekend. Anyone know swinger clubs or places where swingers hangout?

What is up with Utah?! - Swingers in Utah and nowhere else? - Stand Up and let them here from all the Hotties in Florida..........WE ARE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Any Swingers out there? Golf swingers that is... - - Whos up for foolin around... for 9 or 18 holes? Oh the possible twists to this subject line are endless! lol... Golf Pro Arnold Palmers wife, once said to Johny Carson on his show, that "before a tournement, She'd kiss Arnies balls" for good luck... to which Johnny replied, " Ill bet that makes his putter flutter! " Any other couples out there aflicted with Pasture Pool Fool disorder? wanna play? Is there, such a thing as a local swingers tournement?

You know you are in the Lifestyle when.... - - haha. Good shit. If you haven't watched it, look up "Shit Swingers Say" on YouTube. Funny stuff.

Yet Another Cheater - - [quote=WYOFUNLUV]Isn't the reason everyone is here is to have wild different sexual experiences? If a male or female is married and chooses not let that be known then isn't that their business? I agree that if your not comfortable with it then its your right to ask and say no if you find it out. Either way if someone gets caught its not your problem its theirs. I know people on here that play and their spouses do not know many travel and/or dont have great sex at home whether it is due to medication or age or anything else. In the long run I dont think this is as much of a dating site as it is a site of like minded people looking to satisfy adult needs and fantasies. So Have fun and do what your standards and morals let you do. And don't chastise people who dont think like you. Ok I said my two cents. Now lets have some fun.[/quote] On a certain level, you're correct. It's nobody else's business. However, one could also use that argument to justify/excuse literally any behavior. What if a guy is abusive to his wife? Is it still nobody else's business since that's between him and her and he's just here to fuck other people? I know that I would want to know about something like that if I was going to be okay on ANY level with him being intimate with my wife. The same goes for a person who is, say, abusive to his kids or kicks his dog and leaves it chained up outside no matter the weather. I could go on and on about bad behavior that we'd want to know about, if possible, before we decided to invite that person into our relationship because, in a very real sense, that's what a couple is doing when they swing with someone else. That's also why many people don't feel like singles have as much 'skin in the game' (i.e. they aren't RISKING as much) and why many feel like so many single guys just don't 'get it'. Personally, Ms. Evil and I can't simply separate a person's sex organs from who and what they are as a person. So yeah, we're not really keen on playing with cheaters as that says something important, at least to us, about their character...or lack thereof. But don't worry. There are still people here who it doesn't bother in the least if the person they're fucking is doing so behind the back of someone they made promises and a commitment to. That's MY two cents. Oh, and when you say "...it's not their problem." well, it actually COULD be their problem. We knew a guy about 10 years ago who ended up in the hospital after a woman's husband (who the guy had been told was aware of and okay with her meeting swingers) caught him in bed with his wife.

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