
Thayer Swingers in Illinois

Thayer Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Thayer, IL, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Thayer looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Thayer, IL. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Thayer, Illinois Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Thayer, Illinois so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Thayer Swingers right away!

find a girl to join us - - BamBam; you are too comical! And say hi to Peblz for us. :) [quote=PEBLZ_N_BAMBAM][quote=007HOTTIE]Ok, are you effin' kidding me? I am so sick of ppl whining because they can't find a single woman. Does this website look like finda3sum.com? No, it's a site for swingers! Go to craigslist and come back when you're ready to play the game like it's supposed to be played![/quote] not that we have anything against MFF threesomes arising through this site (please oh please oh please), but to 007 we say: HERE! HERE! and AMEN! Recently came across a profile of a couple ONLY HERE to find a single female to move in and live with them as a standing 3rd, room and board and a new 4-wheeler provided (for incentive I guess).... are you kidding me? this isn't russianbrides.com (or wait, is it, nope, closed that tab... whew). I mean more power to them, but c'mon, the name of the site is SWINGular right? or am I missing something?[/quote]

Secret Swingers Club Ogden, UT - Clubs - Do you need to be part of the unspoken group to attend?

NO PIC Profile Poll...Do You Open/Search Them? - "YES" or "NO" answers ONLY please.... - Anyone around Seattle looking for great pics hit us up, we do swingers specials in our Photography studio. And Yes but we would rather see their smiling faces!

Mormons - -


Before you do what a lot of individuals do on this site and make presumptuous comments, get to know the history of the website a little. The site was called something else when it started in FL. Rob, the founder of "Swingular" seperated from the co-founder of the original site. He moved to Utah and began marketing it here. That is why it is more prevelant in the two states. Polygamy in the local history has nothing to do with the amount of swingers on this site. It has everything to do with localized marketing efforts. The only people involved in polygamy in Utah are now mainly extreme minority offshoots of the LDS religion, like the FLDS or "Fundementalist Latter Day Saints" Church. They are shunned by the mainstream LDS church. They are the very reason many people today, still attach the word "polygamy" with mormons. I too, once presumed such things about them. After living amongst the mainstream members, I was quickly educated. I wasn't slamming you, it's just that we have a lot of individuals here that would rather presume or assume than take the time to research. It's kinda like people thinking most Texans are ignorant racist rednecks. While there will always be those that are true to the stereotype, it hardly means we should make such presumptions about the majority, when visiting. Hell they still hold KKK rallies in the south. There are lots of pitchforks and torches on swingular LOL!

Question for women - Bi sex - Sooo let me get this straight... your on a swingers site (since 2002) and your just now looking to hook up but yet your wife is afraid someone might find out about a F/F encounter?? We're confused... so its ok if someone knows or finds out that you are swingers as long as there's no F/F play?? What we're saying is, you state " We are both high profile types in our little pond and she is afraid that if she acted on her urges it would get out." so, do you not actively swing already? or have you been a member this long and never had an encounter? because if you have had a M/F encounter before then what would be the difference? Just our 1/2 cent Please don't take it the wrong way.. just inquirering minds... ;)

Denial - What is the proper way to turn someone down. - Your worrying about it too much. Hope this doesn't offend, but really you are over thinking it. I'd just do what you want to do and not worry about what everyone feels or thinks. The only thing you SHOULD do if you don't want to get a lot of emails telling you how stuck up you are, is just be NICE. Being NICE is actually pretty hard for some people and I still don't understand why. As for answering the mountains of board mails you will get on this site, Don't stress it. We used to think we should respond to every email and I'll tell you right now, it's impossible. We made a rule really early and that was that your friend request would only be approved if we did in fact know you personally, or if the one asking had made some effort to get to know us in a Chat room, or by email. One thing though that I would advise you as newbies on this site. If you allow your "sexual preferences" to dictate who and if you will meet someone in the lifestyle, then you are going to miss out on it's rich experience. Not everyone you meet that you may develop of friendship with is going to want to fuck you. So I'd not worry about meeting new people, even if they are asking to be your friend online. The key is always controlling how you'll meet people (which is easy) and then letting things take their course. As for the "old" factor. You both are going to be really disappointed then with the "No one over 35" rule. The average age for Swingers in the United States is 35-45. Your wife is fairly young, she feels funny about guys my age being her Dad's age, well the feeling is mutual. Contrary to what some women might think, it's not all about the tight ass and perky boobs. But as for a friendship (non-sexual) why the hell not? If your patient, friendly, and get out there and meet other swingers (like the parties), I think you'll find what you are looking for in sexual partners. I also think in some cases newbies are pretty "fixed" on what they think they want sexually. But after 4 years you may notice that what you "thought was ideal" is no longer the case. Keeping an open mind is pretty important in anything in life and it's not a bad idea in regards to swinging as well. Good luck to you guys Mr ABC

Are swingers moral? - Who determines what morals are? - I was raised to believe that morality and the law are the same thing. People, in LDS society anyway, seem to profess that being moral is obeying the law and that is what they teach their children in church. I have always assumed that other religions do the same thing. But what seems to be said here is that swingers feel that the law has little or nothing to do with morality and that we are perfectly willing to break the law for our own pleasure. Is that what we are saying here.

Best Swingers Club in Houston? - Going there in Sept - Just wondering if anyone can recommend one of the many clubs in Houston. The Mystery Zone gets good google reviews.

Concerned For A Friend In Utah - Help? - Fresh Home Baked bread and swingers finding something to do on a sunday morning, sounds like a good idea. Hope somebody can help.

International Swingers Day - How are you celebrating? - DP!!

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