
Roxana Swingers in Illinois

Roxana Swingers

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Roxana, Illinois Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Roxana, Illinois so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Roxana Swingers right away!

Monogamy in marriage - An interesting article on the subject - I think the number one reason that a marriage goes off track is the lack of communication. It could show up in fights over money, one or the other cheating because their needs are not taken care of in the marriage, or just about any of the rocks that so many couples run into along the path of married life. One reason I think that swingers tend to be happier and more secure is because without good, open communication swinging can be a minefield. Most that stay in the lifestyle for any amount of time learn to communicate better with each other than many others that do not have the experience of sharing. This summer we'll have been married 35 years so I guess it works :-) Diane & Max

geting in LOVE while swinging - - HELLO ,everybody now i am here with serious bussiness what happens when you get in love with the other spouse while fuck...swinging may you , or may you not ?;) lets see your views , and has it happend to you... :! i will voice my opinion after yours......:) :l Hi everyone and so i decided to give my view here so you don't have to read all pages if you don't want to FIRST: "YES go ahead and get in love ,you may , you should ,it is proper , don't be afraid ,and good luck with your new true loving solemate" and now in detail why is this my opinion and how did i come to this conclution ,well the truth starts with me why did i brake my commitment to my wifey by' marriage ' and became a swinger over 10 years ago ? lets never forget and not fool ourselfs the true definition of marriage is full commitment NO FOUL PLAY under no cercomstence may you go on a fucking rampge and Exchange sex with other spouse doing just that invalids your marriage and you become 2 persons living together like students in a dorm shering rent etc. this in return opens up the old couple to the hot "swinging dateing " for the new 2 singles {secure and loving .lol.} and so now the ultimate answear to all swingers was and still is 'closure' i was and we all are missing that true love and spark that only a true solemate has to offer, i had and still have more sex then you can imagine and more goodies a marriage can give but when you are missing that spark you will be insearch of that and become a swinger to find your solemate ! when and if you will find it get it and lock it in ...it was well said in the reply here by AKLIM69 and i commend her for it ,now all swingers don't get pissed off if your spouse gave you away puting you on the used spouse market it does not mean other swingers will take you ! i personly am takeing on "virgin only" .lol. thank you all :n

C- A - Any swingers clubs around Salt lake? - Haha, it is in salt lake.

swingin - thought this site was a swingers site - Why is it whenever someone is unhappy about the way things work on this site someone tells them to "go the fuck away"? is that your idea of tolerance? Its not mine, public means unhappy people too, maybe YOU need to "get over it." People are allowed to be unhappy with the results of this site, I have always been unhappy with it, and NO I will not go away, and Fuck You if you don't like my complaining. Have any of you ever passed by a forum? Maybe you need to practice what you preach. I also believe a lot more interesting people would post more interesting topics if not for the "Forum Police" snapping everyone's heads off for saying anything they disagree with. Just my 2 cents!!

Risque Soriee Erotic Halloween Ball - The Wildest Halloween Party in the West! - As far as swingers parties go... it's pretty tame. There are no play spaces in the room where the party is held. People usually go to their hotel rooms after. They usually host at a hotel ball room so you can't even leave the room to use the rest room unless u cover up. It's fun, safe, tame. The naughtiest stuff you will see at the we ball is boobs.

Swingers on a Cruise - - There are few places we have found. Cruiseswingers.com. sls.com has a forum for cruises and cruisecritic.com has a forum under theme cruises. Hope this helps. Cruises are great for swing fun!

Wife sharing - Let’s see some fun adventures - [quote=Halfandhalf]Is swingers cove real?[/quote] Of course it's real! You saw the picture, right? Now, whether or not anyone outside of our small circle of friends actually CALLED it "Swinger's Cove" is another thing altogether. [em]Emo_49[/em]

Some Food For Thought - - #1. if this is a one time or even a few times thing, then no. if after words you feel it is not for you, then again no. however you decided to add it even on a nonregular basis, or seek it out then yes you have crossed that line. #2. same goes to men #3. after you have done it a few times and seem to enjoy it then that is the line ive been blown by a few guys and didnt enjoy it as with a lady. #4. as the judge once said I cant define it but i know it when i see it. what a crock. the difference is how willing you are to accept it for instance woman on woman love during victorian era was preverted and punishable by law. now its kinky. there are a few i hope never become kinky like child porn and beastialty. #5. depends on level of involment and acceptance. some people it is perverted and some it is kinky. if it happens dont ruin the fun just go. if you didnt like it take precausion it dont happen again #6. if you are in a realationship that is open to the fullist extent of the word, i feel if your other half doesnt know you are cheating. even if you tell them later they should know before hand. #7. if your other knew then no but they might be cheating. so why turn something fun and good into something ugly. #8. from the way people reacted with the city weekly not many. #9. most swingers love their partners so they make sure they are clean. while cheaters dont care. so std with in the circle i dont worry about #10. if god didnt want us to do it then it would not feel so damn good. and remember i live in utah

upside down pineapple? - - Upside-down pineapples (Or sometimes even right-side-up ones.). Black rings. Pink flamingos in the front yard. Ankle bracelets (Who knew how many Jr. High girls were hotwives! :-O). We always laugh a little when somebody "discovers" these supposedly surefire ways to tell if your neighbors or the cute couple sitting across the restaurant are swingers. It's even funnier when someone makes up their own and tries to make it a thing. When we first started in the lifestyle (Back around the time of Noah and his Magic Zoo Boat.) it was supposedly a necklace with a pendant of an apple with a bite out of it.

Extramarital Affairs and the Lifestyle - Where do you stand? - we find it rather interesting that man or woman feels the desire to be with others and would risk losing their family for extramarital sex . when all you have to do if realize that that open communication with your spouse is all you need . we do not play alone and that due to the fact we are spicing up our sex life, not mine or hers we do it together because it brings us closer in alot of ways. if the day comes when one or both of us are no longer turned on by seeing the other with someone else , or playing just doesnt feel right , we will stop! lets face it people will always be attracted to others no matter how perfect your marrige seems so why not explore that together and when you look back on it years from now youll be able to say man we had alot of fun and wouldnt change a thing . p.s. the divorce rate for swingers is about 3/4 less than that of vanilla couples! woder why? Hobie n Amy

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