
Palos Hills Swingers in Illinois

Palos Hills Swingers

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Here's something Ive been curious about - - Congrats on 10 years in the lifestyle, SLOW. We're old timers as well and have been doing this off and on since shortly after we got married. Over 25 years now! So I guess I can sort of see both points of view and contrary to the current rather negative societal attitude towards political correctness I have no trouble being firmly on the side of being kind to people and not labeling or belittling anyone regarding their participation in the lifestyle. Having said that, however, I can also see the viewpoint of some couples since when we first started swinging there really were no singles (or at least so few that we never met any) actively participating in the lifestyle. A few years later we met a few singles who would, say, hire a hooker to gain access to parties and events or sometimes convince a friend to act as sort of a swinging "beard" if you will, again to gain entry to swinging events. This was all pre-internet so connecting was considerably more difficult than it is now. To say that the internet changed swinging (for better or worse) is a HUGE understatement. I was talking to a guy (formerly single but now in a couple) recently about his experiences as both a SM and a couple in the lifestyle. His attitude had actually changed dramatically. It reminded me of former smokers who now are militantly anti-smoking. His argument (now that he's no longer single) was to take the couples and the singles and put them on separate websites and what do you have? He said you have a swingers site and a hookup site. I told him that there are some couples who actually seek out singles over other couples but he wasn't easily dissuaded. One final point he made that I thought perhaps was a valid point...he said when he first started out as a SM in swinging he thought that all or most of the married guys who enjoyed seeing their wives getting fucked were basically cuckolds or at very least not real men. He said it took him many years and a lot of different experiences to lose that mindset. He also said that now that he's part of a couple who is frequently contacted by single guys he sees that attitude (because he recognizes it from when he had it) far more often than not. He stated that he would guess that the VAST majority of those single guys who don't "get it", the bad apples if you will, the ones who ruin it for the few good guys have that attitude and mindset. He said that's why there will probably always be somewhat of a schism between singles and couples. Whew, that was a long fucking post. Hope it made sense. No more herb before posting, Mr. Evil! LOL

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - Yeah, a lot of insecurity showing here and generalized statements. I like reading people's opinions and their own take on these discussions. But if you do it, please don't paint everyone with your brush. Really, we're adults and can speak for ourselves. :D There are those of us who really like to watch our partners pleasured. There are women who like more than one man at a time. And of course, there are women who want to play with another man, alone. Or, perhaps the single male can teach them something or offers something another man can't. The reasons some seek single males is the same as people seeking single females. They want something different. A new twist or perhaps fulfill a fantasy. Don't let a few bad cases of Overt Manliness taint the many single guys and women on here who are respectful, not crazy and won't throw bullshit at you. They are there and they're fun! And that's what we're all here for, right? -K_T

KUTV News Story on Swingers - News - we were kinda getting busy last night when the story aired, and just now watched it on the web. Wanted to add something useful to this thread, but see that it has taken a downward, spiraling turn into some geeky abyss.

Unanswered emails - Why do people not take the time to respond? - Well we have to agree with everything \"CHAMMY-FL\" wrote ..we too find ourselves busy in life with working out,working,running 2 of our own forum boards as well..so we only seem to answer e-mails from cpls that strike us right away...when we have time we will then go through cpls profiles and pictures. We are not hardcore swingers(which means we do not need to be in the lifestyle every weekend) Hope this helps everyone xoxoxox Jodi & Luke:)

Identifying Swingers! - Lots of talk and now some action! :) - ok thank you AS for no t getting mail Ill check it to it ive been getting mail so im not sure whats going on..... and ty

On Premise Swingers Club - SLC - we would join and come regular would love to see a place like this

The Run for the Roses... - It's a Horse race... - :h Ok, since there has been some complaint (crybabies) about the uses of the forum. That some members thought the forum is only for swingers. Well, I guess I

Nasty In The Nati Party 9/25/10 - - On September 25th Nasty In The 'Nati Interracial Parties is hosting G's Birthday Bash/Leather & Lace Party at a hotel in the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky area. If you are interested in attending you can send us a message and we will send you an invite ASAP. You can see some of the event details below. Thanks - C & G G's Birthday Bash/Leather & Lace Come join Nasty In The 'Nati Interracial Parties AT OUR NEW & IMPROVED LOCATION & see why our parties have become one of the best interracial swingers parties around, with guests from all over the country. This is a one day event, with afternoon events starting at 2:00PM on Saturday & the Saturday night party starting at 7:00PM. The party room Saturday all afternoon for people to meet & greet in & we will have a cornhole tournament for the ladies, play poker, dominoes, etc.... The party Saturday night will take place in the hotel ball room starting at 7:00PM, WE HAVE A NEW DJ!!! DJ Adam is awesome, he will be playing up to date music and taking your song requests, so get ready to dance!! There will also be connecting group hospitality rooms open both nights for party guests. Light snacks, pop, & water will be provided & Gary, The Nasty In The 'Nati Chef, will be serving food starting around 8:00. When checking in you must give your screen name and you will be given an armband that YOU MUST HAVE ON AT ALL TIMES in the main party room & the hospitality rooms. If you see anyone without an armband please let our event security or someone working the check in table know so they can be asked to leave. If you have any questions or need more information feel free to send us a message or give us a call at 513-442-9761 or 513-442-9201. Thanks C & G

What's the universal swinger signal? - How can you spot a swinger?? - [quote=FUN4MWF][quote=SOUTHERNFUN]FYI, If you see a man and woman grab their crotch and spit, they are probably redneck swingers

Selective Forum topics???? - - Thanks D for pointing our Florida Cracker friends in the right direction. "so we felt obligated"..... So what you're saying is you broke swingers rule 14-b? (Food coming out my snout)

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