
North Henderson Swingers in Illinois

North Henderson Swingers

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North Henderson, Illinois Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from North Henderson, Illinois so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with North Henderson Swingers right away!

Vegas: Swingers circle or couples oasis? - Which do I prefer - Never been to swinger circle. We were told about couples oasis when we lived in Vegas by other locals. WD have been to the green door , red rooster and couples oasis. And out of all three couples oasis was the one I liked the best. It is the only one that does not allow single guys. Nothing against them but in that kind of setting they tend to give off that creepy feeling. Anyways it kinda like the manor there is a cover and it would is BYOB. There's a bar with a dance floor. Pool tables with a snack area. A group play area and some private play areas also a outdoor pool. During the summer I think they have pool parties on Sunday. Out of the 3 it is the only one I would go back to.

Swingers dying out? - Is the utah swinger community dying or becoming to needy? - We feel quite the opposite. We've been on swingular for 15 days now. We've been to 2 meet n greets, met two couples otherwise, and enjoyed a MMF experience for hubby`s birthday. We are hoping to meet another couple tomorrow. We spent 6 weeks on AFF and we think Evil`s cross stitching is probably more real than most of the profiles there.

Just for shits and giggles? - Why are you in the lifestyle? - To be honest, I used to be one of those narrow-minded people who thought those in open marriages, swingers, etc. were just people who didn't really love their partner or couldn't "handle" a committed relationship/marriage. Wife and I then discussed the possibility a few years back, my reasoning being that before her, I really hadn't been with many women, and the ones I had been with was more a one time or several times thing, so my experiences were limited, and now that I had "learned what I was doing" a little, my mind was curious on if it was just that my wife loves me and was attracted to me, or if I could please other women. We decided after discussions to try it out. We met up with a couple that was more experienced, thrilling, and the whole experience was a roller coaster ride. Years later, while watching a particular episode of "House, M.D." that deals with a couple who is either in an open marriage or swingers (can't recall), listening to the medical staff characters assassinate the idea of nonmonogamy the way I used to with short-sighted, unfair logic, it made me reflect on how much our views on something can do a 180 when we give it a fair shot. From this, I started wondering things, one of them being whether I actually "knew" if I was straight or not, or just assumed through society and toxic masculinity. I decided that the only way to know would be to open myself up to the idea of trying it and seeing what happened. Through that, I found out that I am at least bi-curious. I've had one sexual experience with another man, and it was both pleasurable and memorable. Haven't had much opportunity outside of that yet to expand and explore further. I guess what I'm saying is we started this wanting to push our perceptions of things and find out what the reality beneath them was, and through that I have enjoyed becoming open to all sorts of new possibilities I never would've imagined. I can't wait to see what the world throws me next to test what I think I know. Thanks all who made it through the novel, I know I rambled a bit. Not a lot of safe spaces to discuss things of this nature out there.

swingin - thought this site was a swingers site - As always, we need ballast to make the world go round.

Children's Book 🤣 - Tim and Kate are Swingers - Hilarious! I'll take Lucy Licatopolous! 😋

Hostile pricks in the lifestyle - - sorry...Male here... Whoever said something about your wife being grown in alaska...I would like to have one grown...Can you tell me which garden? COme on...Do not be greedy with the info...We could use one...I would have taken it as a compliment....but I like whales and think your wife is a fox... As to the to old to fat comment...A lot of people are "fantasy swingers" and as soon as they have some sort of real contact, they have to quickly find an excuse to turn you off...and what woman, no matter how big she is, would NOT be turned off by that comment? So to all your swinging people...I have a motto I live by...and I will share oit with you... FUCK THEM ALL BUT ONE...NEED SOMEONE TO LIGHT THE FIRE...AND I HOPE THAT ASSHOLE LIGHTS HIS SHIRT ON FIRE DOING IT!!!! Not that everyone is an asshole, but a lot are, and thusly the fuck them all attitude...BUt then again..I am an asshole to...I just hide it better than some others ;)

Go turn on Oprah - re:swingers - Yes I agree, it was a very positive interview.

Vaccine - Do you take vaccine status into account when deciding who to play with. - [quote=Farkeltwins]Wow, we were under the impression that swingers were smart progressive people but this thread has educated us. It appears that some swingers are racists, knuckle draggers, selfish and just plain stupid. Please keep posting comments as it has been very helpful to us on what we want and don't want![/quote] In our experience, most swingers ARE "smart progressive people" but, alas, we're not a homogenous group. Think of this thread as a sort of 'canary in the coal mine' in that it is not only giving you a heads up but saving you a LOT of time sorting thru a somewhat large group of people to point the way towards those you are most likely to get along with and possibly even eventually want to see naked. [em]Emo_12[/em]

Swingers dying out? - Is the utah swinger community dying or becoming to needy? - Oh, I didn't know the OP meant this literally. Yes, we've actually seen quite a few dead and dying swingers by the side of the road especially up around Lava Hot Springs. I think it's probably something in their environment. Maybe ingesting too much nonoxynol-9 or those weird little meatballs in Crockpots you see at most swing parties. Next time we see one we're gonna take it home and try to wash some of the spooge off it's coat with some Dawn dishwashing liquid and nurse it back to health with copious amounts of Red Bull and Jager shots. [em]Emo_67[/em]

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - Posted By: KRISTYLYNN2002 Reply posted on: Jan 8, 2008 - 1:23 pm ok fuck it just line up at my door and i will fuck everyone that cums through it.. oh don't forget to bring your livestock,, then you can call me a slut..lol kristy Next time we are in FL, we might. :D No livestock though. Is that a deal breaker?:l

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