
New Windsor Swingers in Illinois

New Windsor Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in New Windsor, IL, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over New Windsor looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of New Windsor, IL. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

New Windsor, Illinois Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from New Windsor, Illinois so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with New Windsor Swingers right away!

Swingers Kickball Society - - This sounds like it would be a blast!! Count us in

Not a swingers joke but still worth sharing - Email ** upgrade from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0 - When you change your password make sure it is long enough. http://www.makeuseof.com/tech-fun/sorry-your-password-is-not-long-enough-pic/

Single male in this lifestyle.. - I have questions for couples and single females. - [quote=STARTERPUP]Other states' swinging communities tend to be a little more open minded and accepting than here (I know I'll get slammed for that comment but the truth is the truth). With that said you've just got to be genuine, nice, outspoken, open minded and always eager to please. Some genuinely open minded and cool couples will enjoy your good attitude and become your friends :-)[/quote] Don't worry. Not gonna slam ya. Just curious what state(s) you're talking about. We've lived and 'swung' :-) in a number of different states. Additionally we're on another, older swing site that is FAR larger than this one and people on that site often complain about how closed, cliquish and inhospitable swinging is in their particular area (most notably Minnesota where the site originated and especially in California where there is ostensibly a much larger population of swingers than in most areas). Personally we've found the swinging community here to be much more open than many areas we've visited. Of course openness is relative when it comes to an activity that most people tend to hide, like swinging.

Swingers dying out? - Is the utah swinger community dying or becoming to needy? - seems like if your not ken and barbi couples want the whole dating thing :( only met 2 couples now that we were ok with ... most wanted to much or were to fukered up No name mentioning. One was abusive to his wife forcing her to this alll.. That one alone took us a year to try again... one single girl and a couple didnt get out inside jokes... Jike brat = britt HS nickname or shes gonna get it = shes in for a good fucking to make her scream for more... or couple just finished to early and left a few of us still going trying to ignore sideline conversations... hence seperate rooms now lol ... or someone that finishes so fast they get all wierd on completion and end it... Our angle its all innuendo and pleasing eachother as a couple others are there for us as learning and to keep our own grass green and fertilized not ever looking at the other lawns...

Curious Question - - Actually POOHBEAR... its a major secret society, (swingers), that have been practicing underground in this area, away from public opinion ever since the pioneers came west. Recently it was exposed by the 20/20 news show and now everyone wants to get in on the action. Seriously... most of the western area of Nev, Utah, Ariz. etc is desert and the cities grow where ever water is available. That means alot of empty space in between cities. As for the number of people in lifestyles... I think alot of us just got bored and had to find something better to do than go bowling at night. You are right however, there are alot of very wonderful people out here.. Best of luck to you on your move and relocation. Cyndi

Ways to point out Swingers in public - - [quote=BOOBERRIESJ]How about black silicone ring on the pinkie finger - both male and female- match them and you have a swinger couple !! New code for all of us ??? Or 2 stacked rings on the pinkie meaning shared ?[/quote] Again, how long do you think it would take...weeks, days, HOURS, before this spread via social media? If there was a surefire way to ID other swingers without outing yourself or them, believe me, some swinger would have figured it out by now. LOL Besides, why is it such a big deal being able to find other swingers out in the vanilla world? For all the uncertainty and the very REAL possibility of misidentifying some vanilla as a swinger isn't it just easier to, say, go to a website where you KNOW everyone there is a swinger and, like, perv a bunch of profiles and shoot off a few emails and friend requests? [em]Emo_28[/em] Now, if you like to "hunt" vanillas and try to seduce/corrupt/convert them then that's an altogether different thing. LOL

Drink of choice - - Thanks you sexy swingers! Love the advice and the information.

Wife's bday on 5th, suggestions? - What do you think or want to do - Not sure if this is something you would want to do, but this is what I did for my wife (ex-wife now) back in Calif. in the late 80's for our first year anniversary. I had it all planned out, keeping in mind that we had been swingers for a few years and had made a few friends...though we didn't get together with them as much as we/I wanted. Anyway, we lived about a 2 hour drive to Reno NV.. I had told my wife I wanted to take her to Reno for our 1 year anniversary and she was excited to go. Other stories of our playtimes in Reno will not be told at this time..lol. I had, behind her back talked to members of this group we were in...AFF group....and when all was said and done, 3 single guys and 2 couples(not counting us) ended up there. It was an incredible night to say the least...and obviously you would be substituting Wendover for Reno...lol.

Question about Friend Requests? - - First -- Bracelets! We so need one! Second -- I believe if you have no face pics, you either think it would be embarrassing for you to have someone see you on here but BLUEEYESINUTAH put it best, why are you worried, they are swingers too, or you feel that your life may be to public for a picture, then if that is so you must have met some bad people who would use that to their advantage and for that I am sorry. The corner stone of the swinger lifestyle is discretion, if I ran into you in public I may say hi or just keep walking. I have made some great friends here and even had a few of them come to my non-lifestyle events. I have ran across people I know from work/school/family friends here and I just pass up their profile, really we are all adults and I know I won't even email you without a face pic, or if you email me I usually won't respond. To each their own, but put on your big girl panties, we are all adults. [quote=BLUEEYESINUTAH][quote=HFUN] Altho I find it ironic you call it being shallow for not giving those with face pics accessible a chance in the same breath that you boast that you are "high profile". Really? I mean, I can understand using discretion and not yelling "yo, great party! Your pussy rocked last night!" in the middle of the grocery store should we happen to run into you, but lets not overthink it. I don't care if you are a janitor, the govenor, or a celebrity...you still fuck and you still take your clothes off the same way I do. Trust me...nobody is gonna string you up or put you on trial for being a swinger. We may blush as we walk past you and smile warmly at the nice memory, but the neon swinger sign over your head is in only in your imagination. Personally I would love one. Hot pink preferably. Oh wait. That's why we have the bracelets. [/quote]

This lifestyle - What are we really? - Great thought out comments to this posting ThoughtGarden, and we have to agree with you 100%. We love (but don't ever think that would be romantically- LOL), and miss you guys. A good topic to discuss. As for us, we count ourselves as "Fantasyers" that have things we want to experience and do so with the people that we enjoy (and or love) spending time with. Swingers (hard core) may be at one end on one leg, and Poly may be at the other end and on another leg, but we like being at the "Y" and in the middle, whatever that is labeled. :p

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