
Modoc Swingers in Illinois

Modoc Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Modoc, IL, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Modoc looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Modoc, IL. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Modoc, Illinois Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Modoc, Illinois so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Modoc Swingers right away!

BUSTED! Your Kids Found Out Your Swingers. Now What? - - We don`t have children together and my step children are grown and living very far away. They are very open minded and I would think if they found out it would be no big deal to them. My sister and her daughter are looking into moving to Florida and we have skirted the issue and feel that they both are in the lifestyle or at least very open to the ideas of it. My sister is very open minded and raised her daughter to be the same way. On their last visit to Florida they met some of our friends, all lifestylers and loved them. What is going to be interesting is if they move here and come to the parties we host. Not quite sure how we are going to handle that but we still have time to work it out.

Swingers In Uniform - Pay your memorial day respects here. - SALUTE!!!!!!!

Orchard Place - Event info - Ryan and Kara are top-notch hosts and the venue is by far the best in Utah for swingers. It's the closest thing we have in Utah to a swingers club -- but it's better because it's clean, comfortable, low-pressure, the music is not loud (so you can actually chat and get to know other couples), and it feels a lot like a low-key meet & greet with a little bit of a charged sexual atmosphere. The crowd trends towards the younger side (mid-40's and below) but there are a few older folks there. WAY better than habits.... but we hate loud music and dancing... so... ;)

What do you say? - I gasped in horror! - You know what, I posted this thread thinking we could all talk about how good we have it because we are in healthy sexual relationships, not why its selfish to want oral (come on give me a break, like being swingers isn't already selfish.). You people (and you know who you are) are whacked! its just a discussion on how bad it would suck to be this girl, not how holier than thou the fucking majority of the people in this site are, but once again you all proved that it doesn't matter what anyone says, you are all anti-fun. Thanks for ruining another fun thread. PLEASE do us all a favor, and pull the sticks from your asses. Enjoy your miserable fucking lives, cause I'm happy giving and receiving oral sex. Now I'm off to enjoy head, jealous much?

Do you think they're swingers? - - This really doesn't have ANYTHING to do with swinging but it's just SO FUCKED UP that I had to post it for anyone who missed it. [url=http://mirror.ninja/726i]Randy Quaid fucks his wife while she wears a Rupert Murdock mask[/url]

swingin - thought this site was a swingers site - LOL virgin cpl....what's wrong? you have a guilty concience about something? I don't recall mentioning your name in any post but if the shoe fits, please feel free to wear it. And what was it you spent 9 years doing? Your profile says that you've only been here since feb. Your math is about as bad as Dons......putting people in a minority.....Hasve you two looked at how many members there are here, and how many people like you and Don post the way you do just to start shit? Do the math.... NOW who's the minority? And Don is right. He didn't start this thread, but he sure turned it into another one of his court holding sessions. As far as me being some kind of forum cop.... I couldn't care less. I know how to avoid threads if I choose to, And if you do a little research you'll see that i seldom post here at all. Mainly when Don shows what a jerk he really is, and now it seems that your following in his footsteps. Goos luck with that.

Anyone else getting sick of clubs - - I think a house party would be awesome....never been to one though. I keep moving so I have few friends. I come from Oklahoma "bible belt" so friends that understand and accept the lifestyle my husband and I desire are hard to find. In Tucson,AZ now and I am trying to figure out where to move after here to be overwhelmed by the freedoms true "swingers" offer! Any suggestions?

Destiny's October 14th Halloween Motel Party at Quality Inn in K - Meet and Greet social party with On-premise, no pressures/obligations - Destiny's Private Parties Door Donation Gatherings Motel Halloween Party and Contest When: Oct. 14th, 2006 Where: Quality Inn on I-75 North 2nd Floor Meeting rooms Time: 8pm until 1:30/2am Party info: BYOB, On-premise with no pressures/obligations, fingerfoods and drink set-ups provided, coolers welcome, and NO DRESS CODE. More info on web-sites...... http://www.webspawner.com/users/destinyssocials/index.html http://www.webspawner.com/users/destinytw39/index.html Hostess: Tammy Williams Co-hosts: Samantha B. Jesse J. Rick and Sabrina R. Matt and Angie L. http://www.webspawner.com/users/destinyssocials/index.html http://www.webspawner.com/users/destinytw39/index.html http://www.swingular.com/JEFFANDTAMMY/ http://www.hometown.aol.com/tenaseestripper/myhomepage/profile.html http://adultfriendfinder.com/go/p49785c Ice on hand in a large cooler Black lights and disco ball in dance floor area, with 300 watt sound system. Private and open play areas, with air mattresses. Banquet tables with plenty of seating. Motel Rooms Are Available, for guests and members of Destiny's Private Party at a discounted rate, as long as you mention you're with the party group in the meeting room. I have 5 rooms on reserve, just let the front desk know you're with the party, so you can get one of the rooms for your overnight stay. You can also use AAA discounts. Just have my name removed and have yours put in it's place, if you decide to get a room. * * * * *You're not required to get a room to attend the party.* * * * * * Please DO NOT mention "swingers group" to any of the office staff. I rent the meeting rooms for a "Private Party", and that's all anyone needs to know there. We do not run around outside the meeting rooms naked, we are respectful and discreet in our playing, and we want to keep it this way, to have a place to meet at monthly, so please be dressed appropriately when you go to the restrooms, outside the meeting room, above the lobby. Take care and see ya'll soon. Have a great and wonderful day....your Hostess, Tammy Contact information: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Profiles? - - We had the same problem, but I titled my thread "how to get started" We received some good advice on how to change our profile. Some do's and don't's. Swinging wasteland! LOL! That's a good one, I like that. I've been through Elko and with the Casino's there, one would think there would be a lot of action, but I guess maybe not. Maybe it's where people go "to swing" but not where swingers "are?" Just a thought. And I thought Boise was a wasteland! We all have our ideas of what a wasteland is..... Nice profile changes!

Politics / Religion and the LS - - When you think about it, with all the major, minor, overt or unspoken, and even subconscious qualifiers and disqualifiers that people in the lifestyle use to determine who is 'fuck-worthy', it's amazing that ANYONE is having any kind of naughty swinger sex! HaHa We've often said (And yes, we've been guilty of this as well.) that many swingers often spend more time looking for reasons NOT to fuck rather than looking FOR reasons to fuck. That seems kinda like the antithesis of swinging when you really think about it. Judging by the tone and rhetoric (And, again, I have been just as guilty.) of recent threads, those in positions of power and influence who would seek to divide us for their personal gain have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. [em]Emo_79[/em]

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