
Kingston Swingers in Illinois

Kingston Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Kingston, IL, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Kingston looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Kingston, IL. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Kingston, Illinois Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Kingston, Illinois so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Kingston Swingers right away!

swingin - thought this site was a swingers site - No-one much on this site are even from our area anyway. Gumby up baby!

Please Share ;) How did you come up with your handle? - - we werent "swingers" when we attended our first party at the xchange club. Deb came up behind the misses and cupped her breast i though the misses was going to cum unglued. it was very erotic. later in the night deb came up and spoke to us again and had the misses play with her boobies and of course we were both turned on. we then kisses while deb held us both. so we thogh how simple the pleasure was that we received from that. so we decided we should be simplepleasures. sadly we had to add xxx to the front to get a yahoo account but it was close enough.

camping - - one thing i wish we had in florida swingers camp grounds because we love camping.

Who are you lol - - [quote=DIZZZZEREK]If your absolutely positive they are swinger parties.I'm with slcwanderlust on this. Crash the party. Nobody, I mean NOBODY, is gonna say no to you at the door to a swingers party. [/quote] i doubt my across the street neighbors are swingers, but we can go crash their party anyways and turn it into a sexy party eh? lmao.

KUTV News Story on Swingers - News - [quote=INTERESTED1TIME1]Come to the dark side of swinging! We have cookies![/quote] See now that's the attitude that pisses vanillas off...when they think we're having more fun (or ANY fun for that matter) than they are...and that we have cookies too. [em]Emo_25[/em]

Hollywood Swingers? - - We were wondering if any of you know what famous people are swingers...... we think Angelina Jolie could be, but has anyone confessed?

Habits Saturday night - Any couples or single ladies want to join us? - We hardly ever see any swingers when we go there but after about 10 it get so crowed in there it hard to see anyone.

Meeting couples at places other than lifestyle events/clubs - - We are opening up to more people in the work place and in general to some of our understanding friends. Which so far has been great, infact we've turned a few friends into swingers. We are always open about our sexuality and sex life in general so when people talk to us about stuff and they find out about our lifestyle. They tend to come back later asking more and more about it. Overall the searching through profiles does get old, but we do enjoy seeing new and old friends come on the site. For us the chats and private meets are exciting. its kinda fun to do a bit of searching.

Christain Swingers? - - We just wanted to add what we wrote was our personal feelings and yes it's a open wound in our lives. If you can have peace with the two that's a great thing, the last thing we want to do is take you away from it or plant doubts. Swinging and being In Christ just will not fit with our back ground and how we were taught. We both really wish we could let that go, but we can't as it's too ingrained. Despite the fact that we now know we were taught man twisted lies and distortions of scripture, the whole thing has left such a bad taste in our mouths that we could not even attend more "moderate" churches with out the wounds being opened. What mostly wanted to say is this is our expeirence and we didn't mean to offend any one. It's just how we feel. It is a very interesting topic and we have enjoyed reading all the posts. Thanks A&D

Exclusive FWB??? - - [quote=SwingNHit]Just as an observation, it seems to us that many (if not most) couples on this site are looking for exclusive friends with benefits. To us, that sounds like polyamorous dating, not swinging. No judgment whatsoever, hopefully everyone finds what they are looking for. We are simply surprised at how few couples actually want to swing - that is, have sex with lots of different couples. (Please spare the "labels" comments.) Again, no judgment, but I guess we are "swingers." Oh God, we finally said it! Hahaha! Everyone, we hope you each get what you are looking for![/quote] Well said. It is difficult to find good matches. Let alone four perfect ones. Often we are presently surprised when we meet new friends that we were skeptical about at first. In talking with others, the term exclusive seems to be a hurdle to jump as most want to be free to do who, what and went they want.

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