
Herscher Swingers in Illinois

Herscher Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Herscher, IL, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Herscher looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Herscher, IL. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Herscher, Illinois Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Herscher, Illinois so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Herscher Swingers right away!

Club Zu Key West Rant - - Here's our take on Club Zu or as the locals call it Club Pu. It's the worst bar on the island and it's only a matter of time before it closes. The only reason they've been open as long as they have is because they try to high pressure sell you into paying the $200 so you can go into the back room which never has any people. We've been in there 4 times and will NEVER go back. The owner is the rudest person we've ever met and it trickles down to his bartenders. No smiles, no hellos, no nothing, just give us your fucking money. He wouldn't know what a swingers club was if it smacked him on the back of the head. Don't believe the bullshit about not wanting customers to get to drunk so they don't have premium liquor. The truth is they don't have a full liquor license and don't have ANY liquor (the owner didn't want to spend the extra money to buy one) so they serve you beer or "wine based liquor" what the fuck is wine based liquor???? And they over charge you for it, how about $40, not including tip for 2 glasses of house wine and 2 of their fake margaritas which were nothing but sour mix. Nowhere in Key West do drinks cost that much and taste so shitty. And the reason they have ESPN on the television screens is simple, the owner is clueless about what he's doing. They used to have porn on the screens, but they like to keep the front door open... so people walking past the bar could see the TVs and someone complained. So the genius that owns the bar... instead of just "closing the front door" he decided to put on ESPN in his so called "swingers bar". Brilliant move, that will sure set the right mood. Also, nothing like rap crap playing to loud coming out of the speakers to set the mood for swinging. This place is so bad it's laughable. The final straw for us was the last time we were in there we ordered a beer (couldn't handle anymore $10 glasses of sour mix) and went to sit down on one of the lounge chairs... I sat down and the chair was wet, put my finger in it to see what it was and it was urine!! Someone had pissed all over the chair!! That explains why the club always smells bad and everyone calls it Club Pu!!!! All we can say is, buyer beware!

Friend collectors or swingers - - We love to meet new people! That said though......the way we tend to meet them is either at a Meet and Greet or at a house party. If they happen to send us a friend request, and it is someone we think we would like to get to know, we invite them to one of our own frequent house parties. Unfortunately, neither of those avenues are happening right now for us. We have accepted a number of friend requests this year with hopes of inviting them to a small house party soon.....but not until we feel pretty confident it is safe for all involved. A fact I know some want to ignore, but we have personally known two friends in the lifestyle that didn't survive the virus. We don't want to know anymore. So we wait a bit longer.

Comic Con San Diego - - Still looking for fellow Comic Con Swingers or San Diego Swingers to party tonight downtown in the Gas Lamp!! Anyone want to show us a good time?? Message us if you're interested in joining us!! xoxoxo

International Swingers Day - How are you celebrating? - Love the family thang!!!!

Age - New to the swingers community - is age a factor in how a couple is viewed? - I know

Vegas: Swingers circle or couples oasis? - Which do I prefer - If anyone's been to "Swinger's Circle Thursday" play and "Purrfect Play's Friday Penhouse", we would love to hear their opinion. We'll be in Vegas last week of April and have been getting emails from these groups on other sites about their events.

Tooele swingers party 2 - Doing our second party - Ok so were moving the party to august the 3rd and we will go with around 630-7 start time

Curious Devil - Political Science Project - Jared, I'm only arguing because his post was directed at me. I am obliging them. LOL! It passes the time. LOL! The spokesman for Florida Swingers is saying swingular doesn't put out in Florida, even though the forum participation from the area doesn't agree. Just calling bullshit. LOL! -D- http://www.swingular.com/post.php?action=view&PID=2060&TID=4

Disabled Swingers - - We have actually encountered a somewhat local couple who we really like, and she is in a wheelchair. I'm ashamed to say that we have not become very close, other than being friendly at parties as we're unsure of what is expected and what her "disability" is. Personally, I think it would be much easier to "approach" an obviously "disabled" person/couple if there was some sort of specified background on the disability and its limitations and requirements for that person- sexually speaking.... (Perhaps a basic run-thru in your profile?) I know that several people suffer from different "ailments" that can sometimes be frustrating to potential sex partners. I myself (female half) have rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia and severe colitis - none of which have responded well (if at all) to treatment. These seemingly small (compared to being in a wheelchair) ailments can have a big impact on my sex life! I cannot always be trusted to show up at a party, and when I CAN, I'm often hurting so bad that "playing" is out of the question. When I DO play, I tire more quickly than I'd like, and certain positions are out of the question. Often, meeting for dinner is uncomfortable with the digestive "issues" that follow eating... etc. etc. So when we become friendly enough with people we might be interested in playing with, I have to be up-front and let them know what they're dealing with... even tho my problems may sound trivial, they're not to me, and they can and DO end up affecting my sexual performance and my social life, or lack thereof! I don't like to say much, because to me it sounds like "whining" and the last thing I want to be is a whiner! However, we all need to realize that everyone has their own problems, obstacles, issues, etc and when we know what we're looking at, we can decide if it's going to be worth the effort to try and establish a sexual relationship. If people are aware of what you CAN do, they may be more willing to become involved. And if they're not willing to work with you and understand that you've got some limitations, but that you've still got alot going for you.. then you're probably better off without them. I hope that helps... And the very best of luck to you both! Hugz!

WHERE'S THE FUN IN PARADISE - Where are all the fun swingers in Hawaii - I've been back in Honolulu now for almost a month, and hardly see any forum postings about parties or get togethers here in paradise. What gives people? Isn't Hawaii supposed to be paradise? Fun in the tropical sun? If there are any parties or get togethers I sure would like to know. I'm respectable and very respectfull of others. I know the proper etiquet in a party situation. Just hoping that people who are swingers that might travel here know where to go for fun.

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