
Granville Swingers in Illinois

Granville Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Granville, IL, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Granville looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Granville, IL. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Granville, Illinois Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Granville, Illinois so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Granville Swingers right away!

Goblin Valley Swingers? - - [quote=RedHedandHusband]I have camped at the state facility at Goblin Valley. GV is amazing to see! The campground was very nice. Ideally there are two sites for tents only that are isolated from the others because they have a whole canyon to themselves! I think it's a great place[/quote] Good feedback. It looked like where the group was camping was not in a designated campsite, but more dispersed camping. Sounds like it would be fun and secluded enough for good times.

Do your friends and family know about your lifestyle? - - Our very FIRST experience ever with this lifestyle was down in Vegas. We figured we were out and away from our home town, which mind you at the time, was a small small town where everyone new everyone, and everyone's business. Anyway, we went to Vegas for a night on the town and thought we might go to the Red Rooster and ck it out. I was extremely nervous anyhow because we had never done anything of the sort, and we didn't know what to expect when we went inside. We mustard up the nerve to go in, and went on upstairs to the couples lounge. Just as I was getting comfortable with being there I look up only to see a girl and her husband from none only then our own home town. She new all my family, and to make it worse she lived right by my husband's brother, and I worked at the same store she did just in different departments. I was mortified the whole night long.....I just kept thinking....OMG, here we are, never done this b4, 400 miles from home, at the Red Rooster, and we run into someone that we freaken know. What are the odds??!! The worst part of it, she has the LOUDEST mouth in the whole valley so I just knew she was gonna tell everyone she seen me there at a swingers club. lol Thats just our luck! Needless to say, we got home, I seen her at work, and she said nothing at all. Our family didn't find out, no one we knew found out, and from then on....I just really didn't care that much. Bsides, they were there too....so, I had something on them as well!

What really defines a TRUE swinger? - - [quote=SHAZAMER]Other people may or may not define you as a swinger. But in your heart, you define yourself as a swinger. And really, who gives a fuck what anyone else thinks? I love single swingers. I love married swingers. I love hot sexy snooty swingers. I just want you to love me too...... with your sex parts. ;) Nibbles & Licks, Monika [/quote] Suddenly I'm a little turned on. :D xox Tammy

Messages - why don't people want to message back - 1. All the sites are crawling with fake couple profiles that are pic collectors or guys trying to cheat. 2. People here have the idea of dabbling but are not serious about it. 3. People have their ideal encounter in their head and are only looking for that exact situation. 4. People are simply lazy. They wanna push a button (like the FR one) and let you do all the work. 5. People totally content with swinging are already in an established party or meet group and have people come to them now. They are tons of fun, experienced swingers that know how to balance normal life and swinging life. So we always tell newbs there is a huge learning curve to this lifestyle. No, it’s not the sex part, we all already do that, it’s the ability to sort through the mess and find connections. Living where you do makes it even harder. Try some other sites to see if they fit better. AFF usually has a good listing in your area. Try posting up something when you have free time and see what comes your way. Don’t jump at every friend request. Our experience over 4 years is the blind ones with no message lead no where. We use the sites for first contact, then k!k (you can live pic verify there) and chat to see if it’s a match. Remember it’s a frustrating road ahead. Even after getting to full chat and meeting time, we really only meet 5% of the people we talk to, and we are super flexible and drive many miles to meet and play. Just keep at it. We are to the point now we can spot most flakes, cheaters and collectors quickly and we block and move on. When you do finally meet just be open. Network, be friends, that can lead to parties or new friends. Start looking to just meet cool fucking people and learn from there.

Sexy Swinger Dinner - Sexy Dinner Party every saturday at The New Southern X Posure - not quite sure if it is appropriate to advertise in a forum, but would like to let you all know that the New Southern X Posure ShowClub at 3420 South State Street will be hosting a sexy swingers dinner party every saturday from 7pm-10pm. visit MySouthernX.com for more info..... should be a nice time! This Dinner is intended to be prelude any late night plans you may have for a Saturday Night. It is a low pressure, sexy, and satisfying Dinner Party!

Polyamory - Please share your thoughts.... - My wife and I have been poly for almost 4 years now. We've learned that poly is a REALLY broad topic, and there are as many ways to "do" poly as there are grains of sand on the beach. We've met some awesome people. We've met some folks whose relationships resemble train wrecks. It's not right for everyone, but it's a viable option for certain people. My perception is that there isn't always a big difference between poly and swinging. I've met swingers that talk bad about poly but REQUIRE some sort of commonality and friendship before sex, and I've found poly people that badmouth swingers but use "poly" as an excuse to fuck anyone they want to. That's my perception. Can I have sex with someone I don't know but feel attracted to? Yes! Do I prefer intimacy with someone I feel a deeper emotional connection to? Sure! But that's just me and my wants/needs/desires. We're all different.

Swingers In Uniform - Pay your memorial day respects here. - You have said enough Tequilarose. Well said I might add, I would love to see Juan standing there with a 9mm stuck in his mouth and try to cry for the police or anyone else to protect his lazy ASS...I have never served in the USA Military but have had family die for our country. and the rights we have. So Juan I guess you have that right to voice your opinion about this country, But you do not have the right to slam the men and women in uniforrm that includes the police officers who serve this great nation. So if you want to try to slam someone you got it email me ass wipe, I travel alot would love to stop by and discuss things with you after I got done removing my boot from your huge ass..So come on tell me something dip shit..like I said God and the men and women who serve gave you the right to complain, but not about good people Other wise shut the fuck up you waste of life..you see I have rights to and my right is to let you know you are a dick head. GOD BLESS AMERICA even the Dick Juan Heads...

Las Vegas Swingers club - - Do you have to make reservations or do you just show up?

Where are all the MEN - looking for men that arent afraid of furthering the aspect of sex - Where are all the couples with men that are looking to further SEX. Most women would agree that they would love to give a man the sensations that they (if they do) enjoy of anal sex and dont be fooled women all know that the male prostate is basically the same as a womans G-spot and you know how they are about that lil goody HIT IT RUB IT ABBBBUUUSE IT PLEEAAASE!. I do not believe that women enjoy watching men kiss however. You want your lady friend to enjoy anal dont you. And if she does I am sure that she would want to give you the same pleasure. If nothing else I am sure it is one of her dirty lil fantasies. Women have more and dirtier fantasies than we have ever tried to cum up with guys. I was told about 9 yrs ago by a regular swinger in the lifestyle for yrs. that all swingers are bisexual. Which made sense, swingers are people that enjoy the fullness of sex and wants to share the diversity of it with others. So where are all the men that are comfortable enough with their sexuality to at least be interested in what women are enjoying about sex. We cannot be the only couple in SE Mi that feel this way. Do we need to move to UT there seems to be lots of nice profiles there! Congratulations Utah!

People Who Try Too Hard - - Whoever could you mean??? LOL http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/forum http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/conversationalist If there is an ongoing debate in the forum (it's usually called a discussion... The very point of a forum), then wouldn't you agree that the likelihood of someone involved in a conversation, posting more than one time, is pretty damn good? Ask yourselves, how many one sentence or one statement conversations have you had in life? People who enjoy or seek this in forums are called "conversationalists". It's not wrong to get to know others. That is, after all, the reason we are all here. The poster puts their view out and the reader can decide whether they agree, disagree or desire to further discuss or elaborate on their side. It's like a dance of the minds. Some like the waltz, some like salsa, while others like a Mosh Pit. Just because you don't mosh doesn't mean that you should attempt to deny others of enjoying it. Tolerance is what I am getting at. I am a self-proclaimed asshole, but I still have the right to express myself. I have differing views from lots of people here. That's what I find to be beautiful about people. We are all unique in some form or another. It's uncovering those uniquities, I find to be the "buried treasures" among the vast diversity of people that post here. It's a small window into their being. You don't always like what you see, but it's still there no matter how much you complain. It's like those who had DJQ kicked off of here. I hated his views and all for which he stood, but in the end all he was guilty of was written expression of his view. Many wanted his head to roll and had him removed. Why? Because he didn't agree. Hell, he attacked my very service to this country. I hated his views. However, I still think he had the right to speak his heart. Admittedly, The forum became slightly less exciting after he left. The majority who read the forum remember what a prick he was, but they do remember him. He contributed to the conversation, no matter how skewed we felt his leftist position to be. I'll close my post with this... We are swingers... Don't you think people would disagree with our lifestyle choices, our views on marriage and the morale implications (if you are religious)? Furthermore, doesn't it all come down to personal choice. Just like you have the choice not to read this very post. :-) Just my thoughts, nothing more. Respectfully, -Mr TR- P.S. I whole-heartedly invite you to tell me to fuck off for my differing view. :-)

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