
Godfrey Swingers in Illinois

Godfrey Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Godfrey, IL, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Godfrey looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Godfrey, IL. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Godfrey, Illinois Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Godfrey, Illinois so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Godfrey Swingers right away!

Hot discussion - Hook up section? - Fascinating topic. I never really noticed until someone said something but now it all makes sense. As the male half of a couple, I created this profile to troll forums, gather info and meet friends... It never occurred to me that posting as a "single guy" would have such an impact. I can see now why. To piggy back on what was already said, I believe the "hook up culture" is in fact very real and has given a lot of single males the false belief that EVERY site is a hook up site, and there is some level of security hooking up with a married woman instead of a lonely single lady (they're not looking for a commitment, just sex). That said, there are a lot of male swingers (like Joe) who understand the lifestyle without having a current female partner.

courtesy - dates and communication - When we started swinging there was no internet....not like today where it takes a few seconds to find someone you want to fuck and shoot off an email or a friend request. We had to find a magazine with ads for swingers (at an adult book store), write a letter, probably include a Polaroid pic with the letter and mail it and wait for a reply...which didn't always come. So I guess we kind of were conditioned to not really worry about it too much especially once internet swinging happened and it didn't take so much work to reach out. Now it takes so little effort to contact potential playmates that many people often spam out large numbers of emails in a shotgun approach or do the same with friend requests. We've, sadly, gotten to the point in our swinging career where we DON'T respond to blind friend requests or emails that are obviously sent to multiple people (no mention specifically of us or our profile). We used to respond but found that at least half the time we then got no response in return so we assumed the senders got a BBD (bigger, better deal) and were no longer interested. We really don't get our panties in a wad over it. I kind of look at it like an unsolicited spam email from someone wanting to clean my carpets. I really don't feel a great need to respond even though it would be the POLITE thing to do. Although I am seriously considering writing back to that Nigerian prince who wants to give me a million bucks. [em]Emo_67[/em] That said, blowing someone off after making plans to meet is a douchecopter move and (barring a REALLY good excuse proffered in a timely manner) will quckly get someone on our permanent no fly list. Yup, we're assholes that way. [em]Emo_84[/em]

Looking to establish a group of safe swingers - - Sounds like a lot of fun. I met a couple on here a few years ago and we got together with others several times. Like to at least meet and go from there.

New Yorker Shutting down - - [quote=Back4Good][quote=summerlovin] Whatever. Enjoy your cesspool thread of bitching and moaning about Ross and the New Yorker. [/quote] World famous swingers here gracing us with their lovely words. Flying monkeys. We had several anonymous and fake accounts come after us both on FB and here when we brought up issues at the New Yorker. And heard they are still deleting and removing people for bringing anything up on the group about the article. [img]https://dfzses8qx79cf.cloudfront.net/C4cVIp1PtUVFA7LYirrZMi7MbOY=/780x0/smart/photos%2Fb%2FBACK4GOOD-211370515464e92f97b964c.jpg[/img] [/quote]What a surprise. Fraud exposed who is too scared to reveal who they really are. Everything he says must be true because you know his history (kind of like Ross’s). Everyone now can know the truth and judge for themselves. Bring on more titties!

Hot wives - Who else loves it? - - [quote=HYM4CYN]By experience, not by literature, where have been the best places you have either picked up a hotwife or been picked up? We have always done much better on vacations or outside of Utah. How have you let people know you are available or how can you tell she is available?[/quote] We have discovered that there is a better chance on a lifestyle cruise or a resort such as Hedo and Desire. Pre-covid, Vegas has a lot of hotel take over events where it happened a lot. But there are also some hotels and casinos here that are magnets for swingers. We love going to upscale casino bars and letting my dressed up wife go into alone while I stay close by. It never fails that a man will eventually approach her as she sips her martini at the bar.

Game ON....which sign is Hornier...(is that a word?) - zodiac signs of swingers? - She is a Taurus and He is a Gemini,,,weg

find a girl to join us - - BamBam; you are too comical! And say hi to Peblz for us. :) [quote=PEBLZ_N_BAMBAM][quote=007HOTTIE]Ok, are you effin' kidding me? I am so sick of ppl whining because they can't find a single woman. Does this website look like finda3sum.com? No, it's a site for swingers! Go to craigslist and come back when you're ready to play the game like it's supposed to be played![/quote] not that we have anything against MFF threesomes arising through this site (please oh please oh please), but to 007 we say: HERE! HERE! and AMEN! Recently came across a profile of a couple ONLY HERE to find a single female to move in and live with them as a standing 3rd, room and board and a new 4-wheeler provided (for incentive I guess).... are you kidding me? this isn't russianbrides.com (or wait, is it, nope, closed that tab... whew). I mean more power to them, but c'mon, the name of the site is SWINGular right? or am I missing something?[/quote]

Seems Pointless - Seems Pointless - [quote=FunKinkyDuo][quote=Defiantstranger]Great responses. But my point is, that IF users aren’t allowing single males to message… why does the site even show the users who won’t allow them to communicate? Why not limit the search results to users who are able to be communicated with?[/quote] Because it’s a Swinger site … not designed for single males. But who knows, that might change given the number of single guys trolling on Singular.[/quote] Interesting. Hadn’t thought about it in those terms. Decided to look up the literal term. Swingers: a person who takes part in group sex or exchanging sexual partners.

Fantasy Fest 2009 in Key West - Looking for others planning to go - we can post other thread later like where will you be at FF and when. The Garden of eden above the bull and whistle is clothing optional bar day & night. It is another good meet up spot for swingers.

How do we find a female for a threesome? - - Okay, okay, okay... The moment couples stop calling them "unicorns" and think of them as "ellusive" they will start popping up. Here's my hint: A SINGLE FEMALE SEEKING COUPLES DOES NOT HAVE A NEED TO BE ON A SWINGERS DATING SITE NOR AT A SWINGERS CLUB!! Use other alternatives, be creative, they are out there, many of them, they are not easy to find but I'll say they are not as impossible as most couples think they are. Most of you are looking in the wrong place. The good thing about finding a single girl is that there is a big chance she will become a steady girlfriend. Don't you cute couples think cute girls find you both attractive, interesting, sexy? They do! There are single girls everyday looking at you both at the mall and saying to themselves: "I'll eat them both!" Our experiences: we had play with single females often, not as much as couples. We also had 2 steady girfriends relationships lasting 1-2 yrs (we've been LS for 20 yrs) Hint requests to my inbox.

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