
Dennison Swingers in Illinois

Dennison Swingers

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Children's Book 🤣 - Tim and Kate are Swingers - https://sellout.woot.com/offers/reach-around-books-come-swing-with-us

International Swingers Day - How are you celebrating? - [quote=EVILDOERS]Pretty normal evening then I take it.[/quote]

Post up your public flashes :) - - hope you like this one. :D [img]http://farm1.static.flickr.com/210/466090871_45e74ce5bc.jpg[/img] [url=http://www.cafepress.com/SC24FUN]CHECK OUT SWINGERS SYMBOL T-SHIRTS, STICKERS AND STUFF[/url] [url=http://www.zazzle.com/SC24FUN*]OR MORE SWINGERS SYMBOL ON ZAZZLE[/url]:D

Who is going to Younge swingers week HEDO? - anyone going? - Oh, to be young again.

Disabled Swingers - - [quote=TWOBEARS]We don't post in the forum often but we feel this is a good time. Me being the male half of the couple and the wife being in a chair have been through this at the beginning. Sure there are people out there that for some reason have a problem, but you will find more people that are open to the experience. We have met cuntrybumpkins at parties and they are great people. We have met alot of great people from swingular that look at her as a person and dont even notice the chair and for that there have been many memorable times. Majesticwolf also very cool Naughty and Lucky the list goes on and we hope not to ofend the others by not mentioning them. We have even met Rob several years back and he is also an awesome person. The point is don't be discouraged, keep on getting out to meet people. One thing she would like to see is for people to just come right out and ask, to her that is the most polite way to get to know her and find out what her limitations are. Which are very few. twobears[/quote] Awww, thank you!!! You guys are awesome, very cool people and we are the ones who are lucky to know you guys!! Kisses...Naugh-Ty

When does interest become pushy??? - - I've been thinking of this topic a lot since it first came out. I appreciate all of the comments made. EVILDOERS said, "Confidence is sexy", and I agree. I see a coupe of things here worthy of comment. First, in this game, women are totally in control. Sex is probably the strongest power position they have. All men want it, women control it. When they say no, or not interested, it's the end of the line for a man. HOW they say it is different. And how a man receives the rejection is different. Anybody who knows me social or professionally would never characterize me as shy. I'm outspoken and engaged most of the time. Because I've been rejected less than politely for advances in the swingers scene before, and after a lot of retrospection didn't deserve the rudeness of the rebukes, I'm a little more reserved, maybe even gun shy. The fact is, in this lifestyle, no matter how good you are, sooner or later you're going to get rejected. The person doing the rejecting may have had a bad day and be less than polite, but it also could be that you're not handling rejection well. Recently at a meet and greet I made an advance that seemed more than just welcomed, almost asked for, but was politely refused. I misread the signals, obviously. That happens to all of us at some time or another. The lady was polite in her refusal, and I think that's the key. I think at some time or another we all will give signals that welcome an advance, but do so in error. When an advance comes that we don't want we can reject it, but doing so politely is key. It's simple common courtesy. If the person making the advance persist, then something stronger may be necessary. Again, common courtesy would be to desist when told to do so. It's all about treating people with respect. We're in this lifestyle to be sexually connected with others. Advances are generally, but not always, welcome and expected. We need to be polite and respectful in both our advances and rejections, whichever side we're on. Mr. Sexperimentors

what the f#%@ was he thinking? - swingers still deserve respect - We always get those kind of Jokers emailing us...9 times out of 10 the guy is just spanking his monkey in front of his computer because he's a social misfit..Just delete and laugh it off

The New Yorker - An LS Friendly Club in SLC - We are new to the lifestyle and looking to find a monthly or weekly meet and greet or private themed events for swingers in Salt Lake. We live in Herriman not sure if there is anything in South of the valley. We are a mixed Latin White couple 51 years old and looking to make some long term relationships with like minded individuals. I see there is some type private group but not sure how that works.

Spitroast - Mfm - [quote=COUPLE4_U]Single male swingers,,,, Really doesn’t make any sense to me[/quote] So if you’re single and a cpl is looking for a single female, works for you?whats the difference in between a single m or f? Is basically what the cpl needs…

Logan - Vasa gyms - [quote=Utahldscouple][quote=EVILDOERS]As to the second part of your question, we haven't actually played AT the gym since the old Sports Forum in Woods Cross was open. We used to occasionally sneak into the spin room when the gym wasn't crowded and do naughty stuff. Only once with another couple tho. [em]Emo_82[/em] [/quote]Thats hot. We should create a swingers only gym 😀![/quote] YAAAS! With hardcore porn in the Cardio Cinema! [em]Emo_12[/em]

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