
Danville Swingers in Illinois

Danville Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Danville, IL, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Danville looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Danville, IL. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Danville, Illinois Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Danville, Illinois so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Danville Swingers right away!

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - Posted By: XXXTASYX2 Reply posted on: Jan 8, 2008 - 9:11 am For couples that are not looking for a single male, yet are constantly contacted by single men with an email that says something like, "Does your hot fuckin' wife want my big cock tonight?" they begin stereo typing. Once that happens, less and less of them will try to discover who ANY single male is. Suz If they are not looking for a single male, single female, hobo on the corner of 5th and Main, etc, etc, why would they bother to discover who the individual is? I'm not turned on by blonds (for example). If you are blond, why would I bother to even look any further?

Swinger & 🦄 Bait - An experiment to attract swingers and unicorns. - Same here mtnplay, had ours for years....no comments

Why Be In Utah? - - [quote=EVILDOERS]Actually I've always wondered the same thing about Florida. Substitute the crazy Mormons for the Bibile thumpers from Orlando north into the panhandle, add in the hurricanes, torrential rains, gaters, snakes and mosquitos...besides, I've heard the snow skiing is HORRIBLE there. But I'll bite. 1) No porn. You can buy dirty magazines but (unless you know where to go) hard core x-rate movies are technically illegal to sell. A non-issue in the internet age. If you're still buying dvd's at the local porn emporium you need to maybe update your computer or your media server or something. 2) No real beer. Again a myth. You can only buy 4% (by volume) beer in grocery stores but you can get full strength beer at state liquor stores, restaurants and places like brewery stores. Try getting ANYTHING to drink in some dry towns/counties in the Bible Belt. 3) True to some extent, although Salt Lake City itself is VERY eclectic and quite liberal politically. But at least our LDS lawmakers know basic female anatomy and have somewhat of a grasp of proven basic science. No kooky evangelicals freaking out every time someone mentions birth control or evolution. 4) Most people are afraid of Mormons? Really? I've heard they have horns and the missionaries CAN be a little annoying when you're fucking and they're ringing the doorbell but I don't think people are truly afraid. Besides, contrary to popular belief the swing scene here is alive, active and vibrant. I'd wager that per capita we have more, and more active, swingers than just about any place you can name. All that repressed Mormon sexuality eventually bubbles to the surface and until you've fucked a formerly repressed little Mormon girl who's discovering her sexuality you, my friend, haven't fucked! :-) [/quote] EVILDOERS summed it up nicely. I would also add that the cost of living is lower than most "cool" places in the country. Also, the people here seem to be much more attractive than in most states(it probably has something to do with the water). No matter where you live there will be good and bad qualities, but overall the good outweighs the bad in Utah. It's just what you make of it.

Swinging and the Mormon Church - - [quote=SHADOWINGWHISPERS]Well the natural man is an enemy to God... so honestly I agree with the whole double life thing, people are who they are, put on a facade to the majority. With Organized religion there is always a level of hypocrisy. Be discrete and let people be who they want to be. Whether you're Atheist, apart of Scientology , Lds, Catholic or most anything in society other than our awesome little group of swingers, you put on a face with everyone and let go here, so who is to say what is right or wrong? You're all on some kind of level of pervert so really there is no, "he is more of one than I." You are being promiscuous, or sleeping with a married person or being married and sexually not limited to your significant other. Sinners are everywhere, some justify their actions and are more comfortable with "letting go". Everyone's right or wrong varies and for those who decide to give in to their "wrong" all the sudden see the light and it's okay to do now, WOOPI!! I guess what I mean to say is: WHO CARES WHAT OTHERS ARE DOING WITH THEIR LIFE AND THEIR CHOICES! [/quote] Totally agree. Key is being open and honest with your spouse.

Lifestyle vacations - Best place for a lifestyle vacation? - We just went on our first lifestyle vacation to hedonism 2 in Jamaica. We went with a group called young swingers week (OP just meets the criteria) and it was amazing. The resort itself is fantastic, the staff is friendly, the entertainers are very good, and there's always plenty to do even if you decide not to interact with others. And, of course, there's always the other guests. Contrary to the previous post, only half the resort requires nudity; the other half is clothing optional and the dining areas and front desk require some covering. If you're going in March I'd definitely suggest going swingers week if there's still spots available. They buy out the whole resort (minus a couple legacy rooms) and get to add an extra layer of events for the group. The hosts are amazing. Basically, there's a reason they get something like a 70 or 80% return rate year after year.

Swingers at work... - - We ran into one of my co-workers in the hot tub of a local swing club. We never mentioned it outside of the club and didnt mention we did anything at work. We each managed it quite well, no one ever knew. I no longer work in that office and they no longer come to the club, so its not an issue any longer. But we quickly realized that its actually not too bad (depending on the people) because they dont want to have to answer questions from the nonlifestyle people

Why are there so many swingers from Utah? - - WELL whatever the reason it was great idea for swinging fantics.........WV jON.....LOL

Drinks - adult beverage? - Seriously no one said fireball? Who are you people? Fireball is like he official shot of swingers! Lol

Christain Swingers? - - HEY... got a great idea... Lets start the Church of the Christian Swingers. Oh come on now.... you all know I was just kidding... and I take it back, (especially since that bolt of lightning split the tree out front). Guess now I need to be concerned about someone burning the male/female symbols in my front yard? On a more serious note, and Dr. Phil could never explain this.... Some of the most Christian like people we have met have been in lifestyles. We wont try to explain why, we really dont know ourselves... but we believe the comments so far in this forum bare it out. We dont feel the hostility here.

swingin - thought this site was a swingers site - FLCPL4FUN; was there a misspelling there.... at the end... "...... Soon Cumming" ???? remember this is a swinger's site and even the young adults have to understanding coming and cumming..... :l I took my whack at the STUFF.... (remember George Carlin; "my stuff is stuff and everyone else's stuff is shit" routine.... Wasn't my stuff, therefore someone else's.....S#*&) Need a bit of humor when a pissing contest takes 9 pages......well 8 if you consider those that have said enough is enough..... Sad sad situation.... Someone mentioned the age of 12 or 13 as being the way people were treating others... I say, if the foo shits :v

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