
Carpentersville Swingers in Illinois

Carpentersville Swingers

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Vegan lifestyle - Plant based playmates - [quote=Yummycpl]Now we are debating on a swingers website? Lame! 🤣[/quote] Seriously ? You make a false negative comment against other’s lifestyle choice and you don’t expect a debate ? I’d like to know the source of your information as well ! It’s not even logical much less fact !

Yolo Cruise - Who had fun? - I just watched the TV story and thought they did ok with it. I hope there will be another swingers cruise so I can go on it.

Swingers Vacation Spots - Help us - I have to agree with a couple responses above...HEDONISM ROCKS. Hedo is in Jamaicca. They have 2 spots. Hedonism II and Hedonism III. They are an all inclusive vacation that you would buy. Depending on the time of year you go, you and your spouse could get an ALL inclusive (yes this includes drinks too) for probably under $2,000. We have intentions of going for our first trip to Hedonism in October 2004 (this will be our 10th anniversary). Good luck on your search, you might try typing it into your search engine, because there are lots of places that are out there. Good luck! :h :p ;) :D

Public or Private party venues - What's the definition - We agree completely! One thing we remind our self is that these are public events. They are advertised not solely to swingers or lifestyle groups. They can be found on facebook and other public sites. We love these big events and will still attend some of them, however if you are looking for private we would suggest you stick to house parties.

CArnival Cruise December 17-24 - Carnival Miracle out of Tampa, 12/17-24 - FUCK!!!!!!! We would not have been able to go anyway...We both are in school, so our vacations have to coincide with time off of school...DAMMIT!!!! Almost done...THEN we can go to all these great swingers thigns... Anyone going on THIS Cruise?

Mansion Massage Mixer reviews/info? - - Their ad. states "Single males must bring a date or be accompanied by a hosting couple". We've only been to one so we're going back tonite & see if our 1st impression was correct. #1 The Mansion is a super cool place, well worth visiting. #2 - seemed to be couples in the 30's - 40's. Not many of us "more mature" swingers there. #3 Didn't see much playing, a little in the hot tub, but the massages looked awesome! #4 We left about 12:00 so the party may have warmed up after we left.

RECOGNIZING OTHER SWINGERS - Outside of clubs & parties. - The wrist bands are for swingers at resorts and parties to know what each person or couple is into at a glance.. They use to do it at HEDO and I've heard of a few cruises that did it as well... We have talked about doing this for parties at a nudist resort so all swingers will know who the other swingers are. Some nudists get pissed if you chat swing with them... I have googled it and see it both ways... I have also heard that LOWES and DEPOT sell flags with Pineapples on them and some swingers use these as markers for house parties.... I somehow, cannot see walking up to someone at the grocery store and asking if they swing!! The pineapple I think is a very good idea...

Kik group for UT swingers. - Contact me if your interested in joining a KIK group for Swingers - We have been on many kik chat groups in the past. But, we have never been on one as good as this one. There are lots of funny conversations and sexy things going on. There is even talk of setting up parties.

What is up with Utah?! - Swingers in Utah and nowhere else? - The owner lives here and once lived in FL. The presence from both places is strong. It also helps to have ton of sexually repressed (religiously oppressed) people here. -D-

PurfectLV party this weekend - - We know in some circles it is considered bad form to reply to your own post, but we thought an update on PurrfectLV would be useful for some. We went to the party last Friday night and we really enjoyed it. The venue at the top of the Mandalay Bay is fantastic. The swinger group has a separate room with a bar and with music at a low volume so conversation is easy. You can also go mingle in the main club/bar if you want to dance. There is also a great outdoor patio/balcony with a view of the Strip. The crowd (at least those we talked to) were mostly out of towners - for example, there was a whole party from Alaska who had only arrived in Vegas that night. There did also seem to be some regulars. Everyone seemed very easygoing and friendly - like most swingers. You can buy the admission ticket online before hand (we did) - it is more expensive to pay at the door. Online cost was $40 (plus a fee) for a couple with no additional charge for our third (a single female). Adding a single guy would ramp this up significantly. We are not sure how this compares to the regular admission to the club but it seemed reasonable given the private room. Bar prices were a bit steep by SLC standards - $14 for a glass of wine. Iman is a gracious and efficient hostess. She does this every week and has obviously streamlined the process. One really nice touch is that PurrfectLV guests don't have to stand in the regular line and are given a wristband. This gets you into the private room and means that you can also recognize other swingers even in the main bar. The main party runs from 10.30pm. At 1.30pm many people moved on to the after party which is in a hotel suite. This party is effectively a private house party and is BYOB. We didn't go so can't comment but it is definitely a full swing party. Iman circulates at the main party and distributes a second wristband for those interested. There is an additional contribution for this ($20/couple, single female again free).

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